La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

We had a suprise International History test today. It was ... SURPRISING! haha.. whaddaya expect? it's a surprise test u idiot. Maybe I'll fail, maybe i won't. I dunno. But Mr Yoong claims he always fail his students. so maybe I'll fail. :D ok, I shouldn't be grinning. And went to Ikea with Kel, Soph, Ben and Sharon today. ate steak with mushroom sauce (MUSHROOM SAUCE!!! YUMMY!!!) and asparagus soup and coffee. Best meal ever. YUM YUM. and everyone was complaining that I ate too slow. WHAT IN THE WORLD??? nobody has complained about that to me before!!!! Hmmph... spoil my eating enjoyment and keep calling me ah-ma some more.. then we took a walk around Ikea. sat on the beds/ sofa look at bedroom. nice nice.. pretty fun!

Will be meeting Mindy, Sally and Clef tmr.. i hope.

hmm...let's see, random stuffs. Lit was so boring today I actually wrote a poem. har har... It's pretty bad tho. I don't have a knack for poems. (sigh) maybe I'll post it on ficpress so i can get some constructive criticism to improve it plus get flames.

On Tuesday, we had to support the rugby match. Kel, Soph, Sharon and me went to Thomzon Plaza to eat first. Since Clef lived nearby, I asked him to join us. He was carrying the silly huge umbrella again. After lunch, we all went to the police academy. Oooh... police academy and i think of Eric cos he's training to be a cop. :D yayzers! and the field was all muddy and wet and my whole shoe plus socks got soaked and brown. and Sophia was screaming at every puddle causing the rest to scream as well. and i was like sheesh and just went forward and let the water splash everyone. My feet's already dirty anyway, might as well ... We watched the rugby match for like 3 minutes, then i need the toilet crazily. and the one nearby was locked. and I was super urgent. and then we went to the guard house and ask the police guy where the female toilet is. and he was very unsure. then, he went and asked some other person and he directed us. FINALLY! we got to the toilet. haha... Sophia was like it better be clean, no spiders. we were imagining dirty toilets wadever. But it was really clean. and after we went toilet, we went HOME!! Man... so this is wad u call supporting rugby match.... I wanted to watch actually, see some violence (me nuts).. but oh well.

Whelps! Got GP essay to do and lit wks. CIAO~!


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