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Sunday, June 20, 2004

Talking about dreams, I feel like telling the super sweet dream I had the other day. Dont puke after reading, it will be messy if you do.
Here goes. Setting, surprise surprise, SMSS. Night time. Cool, the classroom is still open at night and there are people in class. Second surprise, SMSS is not an all girls school. So, me n kiki was walking outside in the garden around the classroom, gossiping, (yes, kiki, do we ever gossip? Other than about Hinkle?) about this boy who sits on the right most front corner of the classroom. And we were saying all sorts of bad things about this boy, you see, hes smart and we were saying its all fake bla bla bla. Not really understandable. Anyway, after that, I went into the classroom and stared out of the window at the Canadian International School which was beside our school. (wah! Id love that. Eye candy outside window) anyway, suddenly the setting changed to the supermarket near the school compound, and I was at the cashier waiting and someone took my hand. (ok, ok, dont puke) Anyway, it was the boy me n kix was gossiping about. And he was saying why did you say those nasty things about me? Ok, so the window was open, me n kix standing outside n he heard everything. So, I was instantly sorry and apologised and quickly told him I didnt mean it and that he was just so quiet in class no one really knows who he is. So, he says he’s not very good in English. (ok, hes speaking Indonesian in the dream) So we became friends and he laughed at the jokes I made and that was the sweetest part because well, its so great when people actually laugh at your jokes. The dream was overall sweet because of the friendship part, and no, there is no romance or anything in the dream, it’s just pure pure friendship, which I think is so sweet.
And kiki, because of your blog, I end up singing crazy songs at the top of my voice. Ahh, but it feels good.
Oh oh, and I just have to talk about one more thing. Power rangers! I watched Wild Force today, with a bunch of little boys, me being twice older than them and evidently having as much a good time as them. I never really liked Wild Force, but today’s episode was so cool. 10 red rangers from other power rangers series all came together for this show. Cool cool, and that includes my favourite, long time no see, quantum ranger, Eric aka Daniel Southworth aka head bodyguard of castle in the air. Woo hoo, so happy. I mean, is there actually any 16 years old girl who actually watched power rangers, enjoys it crazily and gets all so excited just by talking about it, and if given the choice between OC and power rangers, would choose power rangers gladly?
Woohhoo, can’t wait to go back to Singapore and continue watching power rangers time force. Yay for my head bodyguard!


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