La nuova alba

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Monday, May 30, 2005

SFC Camp

Woke up late. Told my maid to wake me up at 7.45 and she woke me up at 8.45. By the time I reached there, my cell was already doing their identity. I am in Liz's cell and we named out cell jOY. and there was a group calling themselves spritual Jedi..haha.. We had to pick name for the angel mortal game and I got Mr Lim. Feels weird getting a teacher for a mortal. I already knew some people in my cell like Sophia, Kirstie, Ben, Jayce and Liz. Then, we had this ice melting game. We had to melt an ice and we were all furiously scrubbing. Pretty fun actually.. haha.. Then we had session one and later lunch. We had lunch as a cell group. and we played a water bomb game and trust fall game. Pretty ok, except it was hot. Plus my shoes were wet. Took a shower, which wasn't as bad as I expected, but i still hate showering in school. Later, we played this candle war game. Oh boy, it was nightime and dark and we were holding candles and trying to blow out each other candles'. totally fun! haha... except I'm no good at the game. But i still like it, i always like playing during the night. We had supper and went to bed. At 2.45pm they woke us up and we were all so sleepy. I was dazed and we all had to put on blindfold and search for red beans in the field. We had to pick up 5 beans before we could sleep. I was squatting and groping around in the mud and grass and thought i found one bean (which was a little pebble actually) they told us to stop later and revealed there were no red beans in the first place and told us the meaning behind the game and sent us to bed.

Woke up. showered. ate breakfast. went to church. had a raffia race game where three cells combined and had our legs tied together criss crossed. so difficult to walk. haha.. but it wasn't bad. I think God really did something about the weather. cos we had to go about the track twice and I think it took us more than an hour. And we wouldn't have been able to take it if it was hot and sunny. When we were playing, the sun was hidden by the clouds and it was really really windy and cooling, so it was pretty fun. and as we were about to finish, the rain came. Then, while it rained, we ate lunch. And before our next game, the rain stop. Perfect timing. God's miracles. And we has a really great treasure hunt. the Cell was broken up and I had to join another cell. Pretty fun getting to know new people, except for Liz, who was in my group too. So we went back and forth from Queensway to PSA to Anchorpoint to Harbourfront to Ikea. and we ran around and I pretty much had a lot of fun going about. Though it was tiring, i honestly had a lot of fun (except we got bitten by lots of mosquitoes...). and after that, we ate dinner and took a shower. and after that we played Romanopoly. Honestly, I throughly enjoyed that one. We had green/red beans as money and we were supposed to gamble (by flipping coins) to earn money. and with the money, you could go to the silk road and earn more. and if you're broke, you become a slave and people gets to buy you. haha.. anyways, i went to the silk road with 6 other girls hoping to earn more beans. and... hahaha.. got sent to jail. honestly, it was hilarious. Mr Lim was dressed as a barbarian and told us to scare him and all we could do was laugh at him helplessly and he said, i told u to scare me and u laugh at me?? and he sent the whole lot of us to jail and we were laughing all the way to jail. Yup, the game was fun! and after that, we went to the field again. This time we had to do this calling thing. I don't know why I like playing at night, but I do and honestly, it was fun.. except for the mosquitoe bites. and the thought of the "Achoo!" call is still hilarious... After that, we went for mass dance. It was already 1 plus am i think. and the dance was hilarious. Su ann's movements were really hilarious and i had fun. Yup, then we had supper and i practically ran for my bed and had a good night's sleep.

We all woke up rather late and had to rush to breakfast where we used our points to trade for breakfast. Had session and extended worship and this finale where we put our finger print and debrief and buffet lunch. and then home sweet home I am. :) I sure do miss my bed. the sleeping bag wasn't that bad actually... i dunno why when i used it during the sec 3 camp, i couldn't sleep AT ALL. this time, i practically curled up inside the bed. haha..
and I found out who my angel is. Gosh, he is so nice and I'm really really grateful. I feel like I'm such a pathetic angel. Anyways, Bryant gave me a kit kat bar and Passion of the Christ soundtrack. Someone passed the CD to me in the middle of the night actually and I was so sleepy i just put it by my side and continued sleeping. When i woke up, i saw Mel Gibson and the first thing that came to my mind was "Braveheart? how did people know I wanted to buy the soundtrack?" then i saw clearly and oh...passion of the chirst. haha.. anyways, yesh, i probably have the nicest angel. and despite being such a pathetic angel myself, Mr Lim still thanked me and gave me a box of colour pencils, saying something about bring colours to him. haha... that really coloured my day. haha =P

Well, I'm really glad I went for the camp. Felt God really wanted me to go. and honestly learnt a number of things from there. and made a number of friends too. :) let's see... from my cell there are Kirstie (often called Christi, kirsties and other wrong names), Sophia, Roy (otherwise known as Pocahontas pants), Jayce, Joel, Petrina, Ben and cell leader Liz. From my treasure hunt group there's Valerie, Caleb, Andrew, Hui Ru and Ian. Then, I spotted an Indonesian (two actually) and got to practise my Indonesian again. Miss those days in MI where my OG was PACKED with Indonesians. Yup and others as well. Lots of friendly ppl out there, who'll just smile at you and ask for your name even if we just meet in the toilet.. haha.. and I really like looking at the heart where people wrote messages for me. haha.. Kirstie wrote a nice long one and a few of my fellow ex-jailers wrote a few things in as well. haha.. and Caleb wrote a funny message about his new resolution-- to grow taller than me. wahahaaha...

I think this is the funnest camp I've been to and can see that there's really a whole lot of effort put into it and honestly, i would like to thank the people from the camp but i guess really didn't have much chance to. Well, I have my warm nice bed now... a huge queen sized bed all to myself... nyahaha..


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