La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Dec 26th, I went to Bandung with my eldest brother and sister. We took the train there. My first time taking a train in Indonesia. It was pretty nice, the space was so much bigger than that in the plane. After 3 hours ride, we reached Bandung. My brother's friend Rachel, her mom and her friend Leo came to pick us up. Bandung is so nice compared to Jakarta because the weather is so cooling. We went to eat Batagor, a Bandung speciality. Later, we went to Rachel's house and bathe. Turns out that Rachel's elder brother is big fan of games. Man, I tell you, his room is really awesome. He's got PS2 and X Box and hundreds of games. Plus hundred of movies and concert DVDs. He's got a game boy and DVD players TV all in his room. It's like entertaintment haven man. You can lock me in there for one year and I won't get bored. At night, we went to Sierra. It's located in a higher area and you can see the whole of Bandung from the restaurant. Very nice. and It's cold at night, so yay. The food was good and the atmosphere was nice. I ate steak and soup and strawberry juice. hehe. Later we went to Karaoke. Bleh. Obiang place obiang songs...hehe

The next morning, I was so sleepy cos I slept really late the day before. We went to Rumah Mode. It's a factory outlet. Yep, my sis was happily shopping and dragging me around. Bought two shirts, one jeans and one army pants for myself. my sis bought a whole lot of things. Later, we went to eat Sundanese food and after that, Rachel's brother took us to buy movies. hehe, it's a huge place selling pirated stuffs. everything there was pirated..hehehe...anybody want to come my house and have a movie marathon? After that we went to some more outlets yah and then we went back to bathe. At night, we went to Glosis to eat. My brother's friend who studied in the same school as him in America owned the restaurant and we got a discount. My sis also met an church friend of hers from America. Her brother was pretty cute, but then he stood up. Bleh, too short.

Dec 27th, we're going back to Jakarta today. By car. Ugh. We said bye to Rachel's cute little dog, Kecil. He looks like a little white lamb. Then, we all got into the car and we really had to squeeze. Because there's the luggages and me, my bro and my sis, plus Rachel, her mom, dad and bro, plus the driver. Man, it was tiring because me, my sis, my bro n Rachel all had to squeeze in the back seat. On the way, I saw those stalls selling Rabbits Satay. Ugh. and then, we went to drink milk. and then, Rachel's father suggested that we go to see the volcano. so, we went. Cool. The volcano was really really cool. You can see the smoke and there's a thick smell of sulphur. It was my first time seeing a volcano. hehe. But the volcano is still active. Can u imagine it blowing up while we're there? haha...k, not funny.
anyway, a guide there told us we could go to the crater. He said it'll only take a 15 minutes walk, so we said ok. and he CHEATED us. It wasn't 15 minutes, we took almost an hour and boy, it was scary. We had to keep going downhill. At first the steps were ok and the weather was cooling and I was happily walking. We walked for a really long time and some of us needed the toilet and there was none nearby, so oh well, there's the trees well, you know the rest. Then, we stopped for a rest. And the view was really fantastic. You can see rolling green hills in the distance, really marvellous. It sort of reminded me of NZ minus the cows or Scotland. After that, we had to go downhill some more and that's where it got kinda scary and tiring. The steps were made of mud, you know, the just created steps on the hills. and some are made of stones. and boy, they're really slippery and the steps are huge. so, it's really hard to go down. And I slipped once because it was so slippery and honestly, i was freaked out because I was so scared of height and i was gripping on to my brother half the time. Finally, we reached the crater. Really cool rocks, plus bubbling pools of hot water here and there. We bought some eggs and boiled them in the pools. Later, we had to go back to our car. The guide assured us it would only take a little while to reach the car. and we didn't trust him bcos we knew he was a big fat liar. in the end, he told us it was a one km walk and it took us 45 minutes. Thank God for the cool breeze. Honestly, it was kinda nice thanks to the weather. and it was pretty fun despite being scary.
After that, we got back into the car and continued our journey back to Jakarta. Yep, nasty ride. we were all so squeezed up, but overall, it was pretty fun. and when i was bored, i jsut borrowed Rachel's brother's gameboy.

And anyway, I was in Bandung and didn't read the papers or watched the news. But i saw some people on the streets holding placards and marching about asking donations for the people in Aceh and I was wondering what it was all about. Later I found out about the Tsunami. The flags in Bandung were all in half mast. When i came back to Jkt, i saw the news on it. It was really sad. All those little kids lie on the floor in a row and all are dead. I read that a third of those who died were children. Sigh, sad. And i have a Sri Lankan friend, wonder if he's ok. And Aceh is always facing bloodshed. They say earthquakes might hit a little part of Java. I don't think it will hit Jakarta, but let's pray for the other people.


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