La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, May 31, 2004

kiki where are you????
i wanna watch Shrek

bored bored bored bored bored bored bored

have i told you i like Power rangers time force very much?

kiki, thanks for the wing in the castle. and uh...the German boy.

Friday, May 28, 2004

I practiced the fill in the blanks and close passages. and i just can't get them right, what's worse it the knowledge that i can't do my comprehension. oh Chinois. i know i doth noe hate you. You are the language of my forefathers and these days i'm really proud of you, but why must you be so difficult to master?

I can't wait to go home n see my Danke. My mom says he's really cute and naughty. and she bathed him and he just stood there patiently. ooh, i would have gone back earlier if it was not for the history lessons.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I can't study. bleh, just can't. ooh, i love this song. It's "Extraordinary" by Liz Phair. anyway, been playing the piano and splitting my fingers cos the notes were one octave apart. and reading a very very nice, interesting book. Read it for the third time already, but felt as if it was the first time i read it. so interesting!
and can't stop thinking about my puppy. how i would take him for walks, train him and make him sit beside me while i play the piano. ooh, my little Danke Schön. Dimple, Dori, Danke! Yay!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I have a dog. i can't believe it. i really can't. my mom says it's very cute. i can't wait to see it. and i have to think of a name for it. and i was thinking of calling it Danke schön. it's crazy, but it's cute. calling your dog thank you very much everytime you see it. well, i could call him Dan for short. yah, it's nice/

Monday, May 24, 2004

watched goodbye Lenin! it was good. i like Alex's friend, he's so funny, acting as the newscaster. it's a great show, although i do not understand any words except for stuffs like danke, mutter, verboten, einfach, guten tag...all the normal easy words. but i shall wait, i shall, and one day,i shall watch the whole movie without reading the subtitles. hmmph.
anyway, i did quite a bit of fortune telling today. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I love watching Power Rangers Time fun to watch. Can't wait till next sunday

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Was so bored today, so I went out. Was walking on the street, glanced up and saw these two guys looking at a map. One of them, looks flabbergastedly like Matthew Marsden. I didn’t stare, I just glanced. But Whoa, he really looks like Matthew, especially those lips. Wham, fancy meeting a Matthew look-alike on the street. Me n my maid, aye, my matthew-crazy maid wanted to follow this guy. But well, we lost him.
Rented In love and in war today. It was flabbergastedly expensive, especially since it was tape. One day for 5 dollars. Eugh. And it was pretty boring. I rented it just because of Chris O’Donnell.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Pet-a-thon was pretty nice. And I have loads of fun with the rabbits!! I hugged rabbits after rabbits, took picture of rabbits after rabbits and petted rabbits after rabbits. Whee, and took a whole lot of brochures on rabbits. 
Saw three rabbits who has the same fur types as Dori. Nobody like Dimple around. No rabbits even sleep the same way as him. He kicks his legs back when he sleeps. Ooh, I love rabbits soo much!

watched the Pianist today. and was mimicking the pianist playing. wah, so tiring, my arm. his fingers were all over teh piano keys and the song was so long. mimick until my arms were tired...:P

CIS= Canadian International School
Hmm...why didn't i think of it. to think i was wondering what international school that was.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

I forgot one very important person in Black Hawk Down. Ewan McGregor! How could I?!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I first fell in love with his voice before him. i mean Ewan. and just as i was starting to forget him, i on the Moulin Rouge songs. Oh man, why can't he be a singer??? uggh, and travelling round Europe some more...sniff sniff..Now, he's currently back as my desktop picture. yay for Ewan! and Scotland! I'm reading a book about Scotland, as always.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

black hawk down...must watch it. a whole lot of actors are inside. Ewan McGregor, Eric Bana, Matthew Marsden, orlando bloom or so i heard. why are they all there?

Saturday, May 15, 2004

I watched Helen of Troy...sniff sniff snifff...And again, Hector was nice and it was horrible that he died. Achilles was stupid in this movie, just some fat stupid jerk who doesn't fight fair. Paris was...Paris was...awesome! He is cute, he can fight, and he is just so nice. and when he died i was utterly devastated. waaa...and i replayed Hector dying and Paris dying at the same time...waaa both were great guys. waaa, stupid Achilles.
Helen of Troy and Troy is so different. In Troy, Paris was horribly horrible. In Helen of Troy, Paris is just breathtaking and wow...

i watched Troy today. It was great, fantastic!
and i wanted to punch Paris, that horrible spoilt brat, and a horrible coward.
Hector is my favourite character. He's really really nice, and got teh cutest baby son. I was so sad when Achilles killed him. of course, it's also pretty impossible to hate Achilles, even though he killed Hector. His fighting style is really cool. Leap up then attack. i was like woah. and the dodging way is also very cool, like Hector attacked his leg and his dodge is really cool. so, Hector and Achilles are both great.
and Paris killed Achilles. great, now i hate Paris even more. uggh, what a jerk.
but of course, the Paris acted by Matthew's pretty impossible to hate Matthew. He's cute. but i still think Jeremy is the best. i miss not being able to see him on tv on Monday...sigh

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I've been reading too many love stories. far too many. and they are not the stupid bimbotic type. they're just plain sweet. uggh, why must love stories be so sweet and uggh unreal. u noe, it's like all those stuffs will never happen to u.
my mom came back from America. woah, prepare to get chocs n sweets from me!!
I'm missing Jeremy Guilbaut already....
and i love the Josh Groban song we heard during the memorial. the instrument was so lovely

Sunday, May 09, 2004

i support the movement too.and i really really hope i can cope with everything. i've pasted the icon thing, but i don't really know how to do it.

Today i saw someone on the road wearing red. the first thing that came to my mind was mrs lee. and that person didn't even look like mrs lee

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Sarah Tham's blog entry really brought tears to my eyes. I never knew Mrs Lee was such a person. i have misunderstood her all along. I'm sorry i'm sorry
why must i know the real you after you're gone?
i remember when you scolded me in sec one. i was terribly afraid and stuttering. but you're weren't stern or anything. in fact you spoke with a little humour.
i really miss you

Friday, May 07, 2004

i need music...i need braveheart and bagpipes. i need to calm down

Where's everyone?
i don't want to be alone
everyone's not here
they're all far far away
nobody wants to talk to me
nobody nobody
why are you there, there and there
why aren't you here?

I didn't cry when the rest did. I just thought, is that how it is? here one moment and gone the next? i was grim on my way home. and then i came online, and told her about it and burst into tears and couldn't stop. i thought back of the day she was telling us about last year's 'O' Levels results. she wanted us to do better. and now, she wouldn't even see it....

Mrs Lee has passed away…I didn’t believe it could happen. When I heard she was ill, I believed it was serious, but I didn’t think she would die. I have taken her presence for granted all along. She was young, and she was still talking to us days ago. How could all this have happened? I actually had a premonition. In class, I was leaning my head on the table and I just started singing a song sadly. And my mind just thought that while I am singing this, Mrs Lee just died. But I shook off the thought, I thought that would never ever happen.
This has made me afraid. I had never known actually known someone who died. I have all along escaped the question of death. I refused to think that my rabbits would die one day. I just escaped the whole issue. Now, it has been brought right before me. Everytime my mother or father goes on the plane, I would think, what if the plane crashes and they die. But I always shook off the thought, I wouldn’t confront it. When my father had back pains the other day, I was worried that it was a sign that he was old, and that unfortunate things would happen. I am afraid that death would take the people I love away. And I have just realized death could even take a young and healthy looking person.
However, I believe that Mrs Lee is in heaven. I do not know her personally but she was our principal for four years. I still remember the first day of school where I first set my eyes on her, the first time I was scolded by her and the wonderful stories she told of her travels. I believe that Mrs Lee truly loved God and I believe she is with Jesus now.