La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, October 31, 2003

Hello. I am very bored. sigh..went for the school concert yesterday. quite ok lah...but teh school treats us appallingly. make us move around just to fill space. i liked the modern dance by our school. and the indian dance from sajc. after thec concert, they just shoo us off like some dirt, while the rest went for reception. stupid school.
and next week is supposed to be holiday. and we have to go back to school for remedial. from 7.25 to2. hello, that is like other schools' normal school hours/ and remedial? siao lah. stupid stupid school. who want to go anyway. thank goodness i'm going back on the 5th. and we haven't get back our report book yet. we will get it back next friday. but i won't be here. but who cares. who wants it anyway. :P
was trying to do my history homework today. siao! I'm terrible in art. I managed to draw dumb old Hitler and wrote there Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer! but ican't paint! not at all! agghh..this homework isn't that nice after all. i think I'm the worst artist in this world...
bored bored. i wanna play game. but cannnot. darn computer. i hate it man.
even though my com in Indo is windows 95 at least there's a mouse. But it cant' play advanced games like Might and Magic...sigh....can't wait to go back though..Dimple and Dori!! waawaa waa!
I'm starting to get think i was unable to breathe this morning bcos' i ate too much..ahahaha...I'm so bored today. Riri was supposed to come and play the whole day with me on the com. (she'll be bringin the laptop) but she forgot she bought this funfair tickets for 20 dollare n so she went to de funfair. Oui! But we're going to sim lim tomorrow to buy her cd player. bored bored bored...sigh....Arrivederci

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Hello! ouch, my foot hurts!! stupid blister! You see i was sending Riri to the bus stop. she came to my house to play game. but my com is bonkers. and she looks so bored. sorry Rini!! anyway, it was raining and i was wearing this stupid sandal that keeps cutting into me feet. ughh. that's why got blister. Hmm...yesterday i watched To be or not to be. again. Kiki lent it to me. she has such intersting shows. I love that show. Just like i love Life is Beautiful. oui! It is hilariously funny! i was going hahaha eveyr moment. I love the naughty nazis thing. A little peace. I love it!! it's so hilarious. and i love Mutki or wahtever. and I think the Lieuntanent is quite cute. not very though. and Hitler was going Heil myself. and Jules. Jules is so funny! Bwahahaha! he's so stiff and goes Heil Hitler all the time. ahahaha. Oui, mua love de show!!!
Today have funfair. and riri walk around the school. Kiki bought me candy. Thanks a lot! I didn't bring stupid! I was longing to hear Ewan McGregor and kiki and riri requested for the song. oui! Danke!! I love Ewan McGregor!! Anyway, Riri wants to go Orchard. but we have to go for concert at 7pm later. so i call mama n ask her if i can go. mama says i have to be home by 4. so i say ok.
later got spring cleaning. wahh our class suddenly so clean! oui! Great! later after school, me n riri going to orchard. but riri forgot that she promised zhiyu to go watched Uptown Girls. I'm broke, so i never go with em. then i take the bus, n limp home. (cos of my silly blister) then i found mama is not at home!!! waa!! she tot I'm coming home at 4. No food!!! so i cook instant noodles plus egg. :) hehe!! quite nice! :) it's quite nice to stay home after all. I'll go sleep concert later/ not in the mood to go. But I promise Riri I'll go. so can't break a promise rite? :)
By the way, i have a French friend. He's coming to Singapore.Is it safe to meet him? He's a grown up. well well. i better ask my mama.
Oh yeah!! we got history homework! I love the history homework!!! I love it!! Mr Lee is so great! wah, we're supposed to do a propaganda poster. oui!! I want to do well. I think I'll go crazy thinking of what to draw/ It'll be German of course. I must try me best. I must think myself as Josef Goebbels. i must think Hitler as my leader. I must think i hate Jews. (mind you, I DO NOT HATE JEWS!!!) Waa, i love this homework.
I love history!! if it's about ww2 of course! i think me favourite teacher is ms s.ho. i think she's so funny! she's always sayign pots and pots of 2nd fav teacher is probably Mr Lee SB. He's quite funny too. fierce sometimes, but quite nice. haha all my fav. teachers are history teachers!!
Ciao! I'm listening to Ewan McGregor now...hey..why does ewan looks as if he's doing the Nazi salute?

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

oui oui! Today is de 29th. oui oui! i learned French today. WAAWAA! can't get anything thing. the only thing i noe was it was damn hard...oui oui...n the pronounciation...wah wah...well me n riri when around Singapore after skool. very fun. :) weehehhehe
we first go Clarke Quay. went to Orchard first. riri say she never bring her ezlink, so we bought one time pass. reached clarke quay. (talk a lot of nonsense on the way. laugh laugh.) A Moi ah, want be my fren? ahahaha!!! Absolutely not! ahahaha
oh well, we reach Clarke Quay n rini found she got bring her ezlink after all n she top the card up. n we went around. go wah wah at the dunno what machine. went to Liang court. looked at stuffs. there's a distorted face of Hideaki. oui, no Ewan McGregor. later, we wanted to eat. so went ATM. was thinking of exchangin me Aussie dollar to Singaporean dollare cos i am broke. waawaa. anyway, rini went to the atm machine. then she got: o la la (ok, she didn't say that) my card is missing!!!! waa waa
den den, we realise we leave it at de mrt station. we ran back to the mrt. wahh..veyr far ok..den we go by anther entrance and went down the never never ending staircase. Felt like those kind of game. stuck in Limbo. Anyway, i was praying. n riri was worryign like re guo sang de ma yi. well, we check de machine. not there!! waa! waa! wat to do? wel well. we went to the information wahtever box. n yay! some kind soul picked it up n gave it to em. so riri got her card back. wee! we got sick of Clarke Quay! n so, we went City Hall.
on the way, still talk nonsense. A mui ah...ahhahaha i always find it so funny. i can't believe Pastor Glenn actually said it. He looks so decent! ahaha a mui ah...n we were saying stupid thing (or i was doinf the saying) like suo dong. (the polite way of saying sotong) wee.. we went to Suntec
ate at de lousy delifrance. no potato one! n no bbq chicken..waawaa! n i think the food a bit stale. n i was damn cold! (wah I'm eating soto now. yum yum). we went out of there. go to de fountain of wealth. talk talk talk. no more a mui. talk about games. went to a cd store. aiyah..nothing on ewan. other than down with love...sigh....found lots of vcds of the horrible terrible son of a bee, hitler though.
watched a bit of Too fast too furious there...n then we go home. go home. walk back to mrt. talk nonsense. a mui again. ahaha we never seem to get sick of it. then we go newton mrt. saw this baby crying. riri says he jien gui. choy choy choy! so scary. to think hitler just cursed me com jus now. i saw some ads on him then me com hang. see, curse that hitler.
oui! uoi! ok lah..i feel like peace. without having to type a lot. anyway, today very fun. n exciting. esp. the losing of de card one. n very funny. the a mui one. ahaha! let's go out again one day, rini!! wee wee! go out with u veyr fun! n let's try to sit in de middle of the mall one day.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

oh well, everythign i wrote didn't come out. hmm...why is that??? sigh....i finally managed to get this silly keyboard working, but i'm dying to play a game. game!!! game!!! bored...i can only play game right now. The only game that doesn;t need the mouse. thank goodness it is quite fun. i want to put pics, but have no idea how to do it. pics always make everythign dissapear. sigh....i'll go play my game now. oh yeah, i watched To Be or Not to Be today. gosh. it is so funny! my heart was going bump bump for the guy...what a great show. But i started feelign very sad for teh Jews again. Poor souls! thye must be thinking what have i done? you're killing me because I'm born a Jew? poor thing! so...Another TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST!! ok, I'm going now. sigh...i feel like borrowing the books in the library about Ewan McGregor. He looks so cute! and in one pic, he looks so serene! weelll, for one thing, I love his daugther. She is so adorable and lovely. sigh...i wish i have his autograph...dream..dream...dream...

Monday, October 27, 2003

hahaha i have no computer. I'm in school now. probably think I'm nuts. so many war pics. poor thing the Jews.
i probably wil never update this blog. muahaha. anyway, ewan mcgregor is so cute! he is so cute! his voice is so nice. this is probably what my whole blog is about. i wanna watch big fish. yay! yay! why must ewan mcgregor look so cute? i'M DYING TO HAVE HIS AUTOGRAPH!
anyway, I'm writing a Nazi story...i like Hans...waa.waa...and I'm going to put a stupid ending that will make everyone roll their eyes. :)