La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Oooooooooo! I LOVE today's Power rangers Wild Force episode!!! So FUNNY!!! weeee! The show starts with the Yellow Ranger from Wild Force getting a ticket from this police guy for speeding. Later, when three mutant/orcs appear, the yellow ranger finds out that the stupid police who gave her the ticket was Quantum ranger from Time force. And she got mad with him. And when talking about destroying the mutant/orc, Eric (aka Quantum ranger aka. Daniel Southworth) told her to "Leave it to the big boys." Which meant him and The red ranger. And she got even more mad! wahaha! I found it so funny.
and later while the wild force rangers were discussing what to do, the yellow ranger was sulking at one side. Princess Sheila asked what's wrong with her and the blue ranger teased her and said she likes one of the rangers from time force. and the yellow ranger fumed like crazy.
Later, blue ranger and black ranger from wild force started to act in a stupid manner, tell jokes and knock each other down. It's so hilarious. and yellow ranger was watching them. Eric comes over and said, "You've got interesting friends." and yellow rangers says they get on her nerves sometimes. and Eric says his friends get on his nerve sometimes too.
anyway, it's awesome. Jen comes out looking so cool. and Eric did the coolest stunts, which i think he did on his own. Like, kick kick kick in the air and all that, it's cool. and spinning horizontaly in the air before kicking. The stunts are double cool. wah!
Anyway, i think nobody can understand what im talking about but i am writing this for my own PLEASURE!

Friday, July 30, 2004

I watched Confessions of an ugly stepsister yesterday. It’s nice! and the stepsister wasn’t ugly. And the people are more real and human. The Cinderalla story is like so impossible. Stepmother and stepsisters and super bad, Cinderella is super good. It’s quite impossible. But here, everyone is more or less normal. I like it.
But the surprise came from, of course, Matthew Goode. Who suddenly popped out. For a split second, I looked at that long haired guy and was like: who in the world is that? Then, the brain registered and like what? Matthew Goode? And then the brain started thinking, is Kiki watching this? She better be.

"We must preserve his body, says Hitler, we must remember this brave and beautiful man!"
Haha! English was really fun today! And very funny! I like the Lee short boy. If the class is still with me...ahahaha
my com worked today. Phew...thank goodness. Maybe it's in a good mood. But it's very slow. so i have to tell myself, bel, be patient, treat this com as an old woman you must not hurry.
Anyway, I just Have to talk about Band of Brothers. I watched episode 5 two days ago. Wahaha! Ricky Nixon! Since he is not famous at all, not even a little bit famous, I've decided to go to i-dunno-where to find him and marry...
waitsaminute, what am i talking about? (Looks at Dan Southworth who's on the desktop) nah, forget about Ricky. Talking about Dan, i dreamt of him again yesterday. This time he was a little boy. (siao!) with the same face but much younger and a shorter smaller kid's body. very very odd. and there's this person from this Taiwanese show who looks so much like Dan it unnerves me.
anyway, me am dropping amaths. hooray!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

I dreamt of Daniel Southworth last night. muahahaha.
it was like i met him on the street and he very cooly denied he was Daniel Southworth.
but in the end he tag along with our family on an outing and became my bro's friend.
very weird dream.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Finally got a B for something. History.
BUT, when combined with SS, it's C/
ah well, so frankly speaking, i have no Bs after all...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

The inevitable has happened. i got an F. never gotten that for exam before

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

met Xiangning on the road today and almost talked for an hour. the New America singers came n sing. it's pretty good. i like the cowboy part. i have a thing for banjo and cowboys, emaths paper back today. so far i've gotten 3 Cs, one D. hmm...i feel like dropping out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Dang i'm supposed to do homework and study study. but i got hooked on Greg Iles' book. bleh. got the english paper back. haha. the comment on my compo was: careful not to make your essay into a historical piece.
i liked my story anyway, no matter how much i score. that was one of the most fun english compo i've written. my marker was probably bored, i mean, she probably never studied modern world history. oh wait, at their age, maybe those histories was only 10 plus years old.
and my German friend stopped replying. :(
but i'm not going to let it go at that. so, i'm writing him another letter. persistent eh?

Monday, July 12, 2004

I should start feeling depressed. well, to start with, i got very low for Physics. i can't remember the mark, but i think it's 56. well, that's lower than i expected. i sort of studied for it, so...well, the paper was dissapointing, but i wasn't feeling depressed or anything. Oddly, i felt horrendously depressed when we were doing the New Town Paper. I was like, hmm, dunno, hmm, dunno. and i see Hara, Khine mon and kiki all discussing like some learned scholars and there i sat, totally stuck at the first question. very depressing. so, being sad, i had to express it somehow and i wrote something. not a poem, just junk cos i can't write poems. and the fact that i can't even write poems made me even more upset. you know, what actually am i good at? so, being not in the right state of mind, i started drawing you-know-what pictures. say, i think i better take control of meself and stop drawing those gory pics. but sometimes i can't help it. i drew a girl who put a gun on her head, a girl who lay sprawled on the floor after jumping and a girl with her throat cut. see, not only am i bloody useless, i am bloody crazy. well after that, i started to walk around and doing senseless stuffs and getting weird stares. well, i suppose i am crazy but i don't normally show it to the whole world.
Today, i found out i flunked me Chem. i have to say, i have no feelings, no depression, nothing. in fact, i just felt a sense of inevitability. yes, like Kingshaw. like, yep, that's expected. and i was pretty happy actually. siao. i think i'm a hopeless case now. tried to do a maths. (yes, this is another paper i will fail) and bleh, couldn't get it. yes, it's retribution, for not listening to mrs chua. and i tried to do the homework. and i can't ok. i can't. dang it, they'll probably make me drop a maths and drop to phy-chem. which means, pay more money, which means make my mom upset, which means i'll be super guilty cos i let me dad down and he earns money so hard and yet i'm such a foul darn person. Dang it bel, study, work, use your brain. well, i suppose i have been lazy for too long, i am beyond redemption. i can no longer keep up, and sigh...never mind never mind never mind!
ARRRR! Bloody bloody bloody
why am i like this?
I think if people know the 100% real me, they'll hate me like shit. bleh, i don't even know what's the real me anymore. what am I? i'm horrible, stupid and a good-for-nothing cretin. you should be ashamed of me.

Monday, July 05, 2004

I watched Spiderman 2 today. it was denifintely very good. Some guys cheered n clapped when Peter n MJ kissed.
and Mummy's boy Tobey Maguire is very cute, and cool.
When i first watched spidey 1, i thought Tobey was ok. cute mommie's boy. after i watched Seabiscuit, i thought Tobey is fantastic. i suppose the horsies enhanced him eh? Nah, it was his jockey uniform, nah, it was his dedication to his horse.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

I lost my Rob Roy. am feeling devasatated. searched for it the whole night yesterday and couldn't find it. I probably will never see it again. cried bucket of tears to mourn for its loss. I haven't finished reading it! and it was the first book i bought with my own money. the first. and i lost it. i attract un-luck.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Question of the day:
Should we, students, greet teachers respectfully (you know, like, we’re soldiers, they’re commanders. We bow low and say very respectfully(without smiling), good morning sir. (or mr/mrs so and so) or should we greet them sincerely and in a friendly manner. You know, like you’re greeting your old pal. Smiling, and saying, “Good morning” in a “how-ya doin’” tone.
If I’m a teacher, of course I’ll prefer the second one. It’s more genuine. That’s why I like some of the ang-mohs. You meet them on the street, and some of them will smile and say hello even though you’re a stranger. These group of people, from a nearby church, who can be identified by their white shirt, black pants/skirt. They pass you by, and smile. And they all look so nice, the girls are pretty, brown haired or blond. The guys are good-looking. Really. They all look so smart in their white shirt black pants. Sort of like school boys but they’re not school boys. Sadly, none of those boys has ever walked past me. So, it’s those friendly girls who greets me.
But we, will never greet a total stranger on the road. Why? I mean, to some people, when ang-mohs greet them, it seems quite normal. But when, just say, a Singaporean greets you on the street. You’ll either think “was he talking to me?” or “siao”
My friend in Finland will stand on the street and wave to drivers and they will wave back. (let’s hope their other hand is on the steering wheel). If we do it here, drivers will think “siao kia”
Maybe we should start a friendly movement. Everyone, smile and greet those around you. Who knows, we can start such a polite culture here.
PS: Yay for the Delifrance guy. He’s extraordinaire