La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

My comrades:
Ricky Nixon[sentry]- he's not alert, but he's cute. i strongly warn one Damian not to attack Ricky or you'll have a guilty conscience for the rest of your life...

Dan southworth[commander]- he knows martial arts, so watch out, he might knock out your leaders bfore they even know it. Plus, he has weapons from the future-year 3000. He can morph and this gives him extra armour, so your useless bullet won't even harm him. he has a t-rex zord, which is as tall as a building aka the t-rex might stamp you to death. and he can also fly, so watch out.

Casper Van Dien[second-in-command]- He is smart plus he killed the brain thingy in starship troopers. watch out for him!

Chris O' Donnell[air force captain]- he might not be Robin, but he's pretty powerful. Plus, he knows how to climb rocks. too bad he's no longer a bachelor.

Del Synnott [protector]-He's blur and super cute. he's not powerful, but he can take blows if there is ever a need to. (i better keep him off the front lines. don't want him to take blows for anyone. especially one stephen moyer. who is not even in my army)

Henry Cavill[spy]-He's a brave and smart lad. pretty good with the sword.

Ewan McGregor[major]- he maybe he can shock the enemies by going full monty? but they're al boys...hmmm oh yah. he fought as a soldier before and he has lots of luck bcos he never die one.

Russell Watson[morale booster]-he can sing! he sings so well, nobody wants to kill him, right? plus he can boost the morale of the army thru his songs. yep, he can entertain the troops, like Bob Hope. I'm sure he can joke...

Daniel Lapaine[navy captain]-he's a brave guy. he's a good guy. Too bad he kana killed by Achilles.

Matthew Marsden (thereotically he's not mine...but i used to like [intelligence officer]-He's the brave and romantic Paris. (unlike one coward played by Orli) plus he's a scientist, so he shoud be able to invent some nice weapons. but dunno whether he kana eaten by Anacondas or not...

Shane Taylor[medic]-he's the medic! Yay! So, don't worry if you get injured..Eugene wil come to your rescue. he's acclaimed for helping many BOB people.

Jeremy Guilbaut-He football? ah well, he can be assistant medic.that cook in OC-he can cook meals for the boys. to keep them fit for fighting.

Colin Hanks[Lieutenant]-yep. that's what he is.

Chilam Cheung-he's the only chinese guy I'll put him in the secret police sector.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I HATE THE SIMS! i was trying so hard to get Dan to propose to me. First time he tried, my character said why don't we talk anymore? second time, i'm hungry. third time, I'm not happy. HALOOO. geez. where got people like that one. if dan ever propose to me three times...wait a minute, one time i go nuts already. still must wait until three times. ugh. see lah, now i can't marry my character off.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Drinking a warm cup of Swiss Miss cocoa drink now. MMMM...tastes heavenly...But they used to have more marshmallows for each cup last time. Now, the marshmallow has decreased to almost nothing.
went to Hara's house just now for a SS and crap session. ahahhah. so good to be close to the human civilisation..

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Kiki's going to Italy! yay for her.
But waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for me!
No gelato, no Italian, no pisa, no roma, no gladiator( ok the last time i went to rome, you have to pay money to take photo with the "gladiators" at the colosseum. The skirt or whatever the thing the gladiator wear is really short, so um...I'M NOT SUGGESTING ANYTHING...) Remember to eat lots of the gelato ok. and drink Italian wine if you can. Go to Tuscany, the wine there are good. (How do i know this? I never even drank the wine. wahaha!) and see the leaning tower of Pisa. Oh, oh and Venice. Take the gondola ok. Try as best to run from your mom, grab a super cute Italian guy and make him take the gondola with you. If you have no money, tell the gondola man you guys are newly weds. He may even let you stay at his house. MAMA MIA!
erm...oh yah. I'm a very nice girl (as you all probably know, hehe...) and I'm going to teach kiki how to snag a guy in Italy. First, you sneak up on him and suddenly blind him with the flash from your camera. And then, the moment his eyes recover from the flash, the first girl he sees would be kiki. ok, then, kix, you have to flash your most brilliant smile and flick your hair about. And then, you walk up to him and say :" Buongiorno, singnor affascinante, mi chiamo Kirsten. Ti amo." (I'm sorry, but i have limited Italian)
well, that basically means: "Good morning, mr. charming, my name is Kirsten. I love you." wahahhah. I bet he'll be so charmed you can drag him for a gondola ride already. (But if he isn't charmed, all i can say Italian is horrible..which is rather...true) or you can even ask him out for coffee, "Andiamo a prendere un caffe." um....yah...i think that's the limit of my, HAVE FUN IN ITALY KIX! (ok...i sound as if you're going there tomorrow or something...)

Thursday, October 21, 2004

I realise that I've been writing very cheesy stories over the past few years. What's happened to me? is it ok to be cheesy, huh? maybe i should start writing one of those sadistic stories that i never finished.
OH! and it happened again! I dreamt of Damian today. (my mom was trying to wake me up and there i go dreaming about the wrong guy) WHY? Why Damian? AGAIN? that's twice this year! I'm dreaming of the wrong guy and kix please don't slap me. actually it was a pretty sad dream. You see, it's about this guy, let's just call him Kai. He's got this weird syndrome. One time he can be perfectly normal and the next thing you know, he loses control of himself and goes completely bonkers. But he's all alone and is desperate to get a girlfriend. So, he makes friend with this girl, whose ex-boyfriend happened to be Damian. Ok, you see, Kai can be dangerous when he gets bonkers. (i don't mean dangerous as in he starts murdering ppl or anything like that) for example, he might be driving the car, and the next thing u know, he goes bonkers, he can't control himself properly and his driving become erratic and the car will swerve here and there. So, one time, he was taking the girl out and he loses control and he can't drive properly. So, Damian (who's a police) is worried for his ex girlfriend, so he stops the car. The girl at this time is really traumatised and she quickly flees away. By the time Kai got out of his car, he's normal again and he starts to cry because he realises there's no way he can get a girlfriend. And that's how the dream ended. It was so sad at the end part where he started to cry because the cry is so desperate. anyway, why do I always have dreams that comes out in a perfect storyline for me to write on?

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Yay! Chem Practical over! I daringly spulrged Seneca Apple Chips after that. I have to say it can't beat the taste of dried apples. Oh mi goodness, I miss dried apples sooo much. why is it so expensive? Any kind souls out there going to Australia, could you please please please buy for me the dried apples? they're so damn good. talking about Australia, I'm missing the apple strawberry juice that i drank there.... :P

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

listening to keith urban's 'somebody like you' while writing this. nicee song. we likess it.
watched wimbledon. cute show. very nice. althought i hate the rabbit part. ugh. killing poor rabbits. ;( and i have to say Paul is pretty cute in the show. don't panic, kix. me not going to wage world war 3 over him. hah hah.

Monday, October 18, 2004

WOAH! so full! went out to eat at SPIZZA for me bro's birthday. oh boy oh boy! the pizzas there are sooo good. it's the original Italian flavour and there's Italian music being played. MAMA MIA! later when the bill came, i spotted a mistake in spelling for the Italian word. HAH! what's the point anyway? I know my Italian is limited to "i don't speak Italian. speak English."

hoo. movie marathon tml. hoo! my eyes are going to be so so spoiled. (note the pun)

I just realised what a puny little brain i have. just did a little bit of maths and I got a headache already. and took two and a half hours to do emaths paper one. waht's worse, still haven't finish yet after all this while...ugh ugh. How to get A2 for emaths? headache headache.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

if you need a good cry, watch i am sam. the show is so sad and beautiful. i cried my eyes out. (and had to paste them back in) sean penn is a really great actor. and so is dakota fanning. i think i cried in all her shows.
another kid actor i think is great is haley joel osment. he made me cry like crazy in A.I
if he and dakota works together in one movie, it'll be great.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Yay for 4e5 yahoo group. i'm the moderator. muahahahah

had so much fun taking pics today. sitting on the stairs and taking auto shots and standing behind mr lee and doing all sort of funny things. i like the pic where me, kiki, khine and hara are on the stairs. hara looks like model. and so fun autographing people's book and kix's letter to me was so nice!! and i kowtowed to kiki. wahahaha. siao.

received me report book. l1r5 :20. they never moderate anything extra. i only got the general moderation. :( don't know whether should go JC or not. dunno which JC wants me also. so lousy. if i don't go JC will my mama still let me stay in Singapore and take French classes? or will she send me back to Indonesia and don't let me come again?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Watched Princess of Thieves today. nice show. Keira looks really pretty inside. And Del Synnott (who was playing Froderick) is so cute, despite his bowl haircut. I was screaming when Froderick got shot. but i liked it that he got shot. sadistic eh? wahaha. i think i have this weird crazy thing for friars huh. i remember another show where i was attracted to the friar too. (don't get me wrong though, i don't like the old Friar Tuck) I mean, normal people like the prince right? Not that i don't like the prince though, he looks nice in the features, really nice. but don't relly like him with long hair and all.
Anyway, after watching the show, i thought Keira was really nice. then, i went to check up on Del. and suddenly disliked Keira. She dated him for two years and they were really close (he was even hanging around the pirates of the carribean set), dumped him and he allegedly comitted suicide. Why'd she dump a cute guy like him for? anyways, you can't really believe everything the media says. (they says some bad things about her which i don't know whether to believe or not) But poor Del. His parents claimed he didn't overdose. But Keira was nice enough to visit him in the hospital even though she dumped him already.
wahoo, another one up my unattainables list.

Monday, October 11, 2004

kiki did this test. so i decided to be a copycat and heh heh. if u see a bunch of gibberish below, it means i'm stupid.

Big Five Test Results
Extroversion (48%) medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.
Friendliness (56%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Orderliness (32%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Emotional Stability (38%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Openmindedness (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative.
Take Free Big Five Personality Test
personality tests by

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Watching Scotland against Norway now. It was cool to see Scotch football players running all over the field. hoo, can you imagine if they wear kilts and play football? hoo, that would be...yummy. i sound like a pervert. wahahah. and the Scotch goalie is pretty cute. but this isn't a major cheer-up for me though. I'm still crazy about not seeing eric. and the scotland team doesn't seem to be winning. their striker got a red card. bcos norway kicked the ball to the net and the goalkeeper wasn't there and the striket insitinctively saved the ball. and got a red card. sigh sigh sigh. and norway's got one goal already...

Power rangers Time Force is gone. Completely gone! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Channel i just took it away without notice. What the heck. WAAAAAAA i want to cry!! How can they do that?

Behold this cute kid in kilts. waa so cuteee! Was searching for pics on Scotland yesterday and chanced upon this pic. Wish i could see the kid and pinch his cute little face. Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Do you believe that in this world, there are 6 people who looks like you? I've thought about it. Doesn't that mean there are 6 people who look like Dan? BUT, one might be dead. Another might be dying. Another might be married. Another might still be a kid. Another might be a baby.
What's the possibility of my meeting a person my age who looks like dan? Practise your probability guys!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Let me introduce you to my family of friends. See the cute fat doggy there, that's FLOPPY. Xianging gave him to me on my birthday this year and he's made of snowbeads. He's a very understanding puppy. And see the cute little forlorn looking brown teddy, that's SEPTEMBER. given to me by Wanxuan in 2002. Don't be fooled by him though, he may looks sad, but he's really "putting on a mask." this bear is the naughtiest member of the family. And see that cutesy rabbit, with long floppy ears? That's CHIBI. given by Wanxuan also this year. She and Septemeber clicked instantly. Now, we come to the mini members of the family. The small little white rabbit is called RABBITUT. And the small little green bear is JINUCHI. Both are from Rini. September hates Junichi at first sight, because he doesn't want a rival bear. So, Junichi is given as a toy to Chibi. While Rabbitut is September's toy. In other words, the rabbit gets the little bear, and the bear gets the little rabbit. aww so cute.

Now, I'll let them say some words.
Floppy: Hello ....
Chibi: Hi. I'm Chibi. September's my best friend.
September: Yay! My turn! Woohoo! Don't you just think I'm cute? Many many people says I'm soooo cute. And even my owner's mother says I'm the cutest bear in the whole wide world. Yay! I have the yuckiest chinese name in the whole wide world though. Blame it on my stupid owner, Belda. Guess what it is? Jiu yue hua. (September flower) yucks yucks yucks! So girly. My tagline is: wo de mei li wu fa dang. It means, my charms are irresistible. Muahahaha! Thank you to Wanxuan for buying me. I know you picked me because i was too cute. right??? And I have to tell you ...
Junichi: My turn to speak! You speak too much!
September: (thumps Junichi on the head) I haven't finished.
Junichi starts to cry and Chibi hugs him to comfort him. September starts scowling.
Rabbitut: carrot.................

ok, i'd better stop here before the family breaks up.  Posted by Hello