La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Good news for kiki. In Sims, Ioan's in love with you. Unfortunately, not in real life. Khine Mon and me has no such luck, YET. I created Alice for Kiki's sole amusement. I gave her all the lousy stuffs and made her character really bad. kiki's got no chance to slap her yet tho, cos' i've been too busy getting her to hook Ioan.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The first thing I did when I played the Sims was to make Dan workout, James practise his speech in front of the mirror. Then, I made Ioan go downtown to look for Kirsten. I made him go to three different places and guess what? Kirsten is in neither of them! Sigh, no fate I allowed Ioan to go home cos' his energy level is dangerously low.
After that, I continued making Dan workout and allowed Ioan to rest while I sent James downtown. Thankfully, Khine Mon was there. Unfortunately, she was eating dinner with this guy and i couln't make James talk to her. Kirsten was standing there doing nothing and I made sure James didn't speak too much to her just in case we get a complicated love chain. Finally, Khine stopped eating and I made James talk to her. Then, he went home.
After that, I made Dan invite me over to his house. Muahahha. We talked like crazy. And later, while sitting on the sofa together, I clicked on the cuddle option. (Muahahahahha!) It's very cute, Dan inched closer and closer, pretended to yawn while raising him arms. nice cuddle. Muahahah
I got sick of the boys. So I moved on to play as with the girls. I made me play the piano and khine and kirsten came into the room and commented how lousy it was and our relatonship decreased. hehe.. I made Kirsten invite Ioan over while me n Khine loafed around. Well, I did made Khine call James a lot. One time James didn't want to talk and their relationship decreased. Progess between Kiki and Ioan was SO SLOW! Their relationship's still not too good. and kix was like dying already, so i sent her to bed. Haha. Fun. I'll continue tml and try to improve khine's and james' relationship.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Righto! I receive all me results today. And I'll write it down an extensive analysis on it. (I should be ashamed about showing those lousy marks for all to see, but never mind, I'm pretty thicked skin.)

Comprehension: 15/25
Summary: 13/25
Functional writing: 12/30
Composition: 20/30
Total score: C6
Mid Year's score: C5
My thoughts about it: Waaaaa! My mistake entirely, for putting the wrong tense for letter writing and for not reading the question for summary. Serve me right!

Paper 1: 25/40
Paper 2: 43.5/80
Paper 3: 15/30
Total score: C5
Mid Year's score: C5
Overall: Stagnant.........
My thoughts about it: Sigh...what can i do about my physics marks? I worked harden than the mid-years. Guess I'm not smart to start with.

Paper 1: 53/80
Paper 2: 66/100
Total score: B3
Mid Year's score: C5
Overall: Improved
My thoughts about it: Ah well, i hope the 'O' Levels will set paper at this standard. If not I'll die.

Paper 1: 25/40
Paper 2: 41/80
Paper 3: 25/40
Total score: C5
Mid Year's score: D7
Overall: Improved
My thoughts about it: WAAAAAAAAAAA! I hate chem! Why do i always get such pathetic marks? I studied 20 times harder than i did in the mid years. I doubt I'll ever get back to the glory days when I can score A2 for Chem.

Combined Humanities:
Social studies: 31/50
History: 33/50
Total score: B4
Mid Year's score: C5
Overall: Improved.
My thoughts about it: For the first time, I passed SS. Yay! And I'm one mark away from getting B3...But I am thoroughly disappointed with my history marks. I hate my history marks, so let's not talk about it.

Twelfth Night: 32/50
KOC: 19.5/25
Unseen prose: 17.5/25
Total score: B3
Mid year's score: A1
My thoughts about it: erm...ok lah. but i hope they'll give me the half mark i need to get A2.

L1R5: 24
Mid Year's L1R5: 24
Overall: Stagnant

My overall thoughts on the Prelims: English was utter disappointment. My science subjects are making me depressed. The rest of the subjects basically leave me feeling like :I Well, at least I passed everything. And I didn't get a D. oh well, I didn't get an A either......With such scores, i won't get to JC, which means I can't tryout the fun courses during the first three months. sigh, what should I do then? Gee, Can I still go to Shanghai with such scores????????

Monday, September 27, 2004

English C6 Physics C5. How upsetting. Especially English. Bleh, just the thought of getting C6 for English itself is horrendous for me. I've always been getting C5 for Physics anyway, And my Chem paper 2, I got 41/80. Not promising at all eh? Especially since I worked extra extra hard for Chem and this is the kind of marks I get? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! With two subjects, I've already got the score of 11. TWO subjects. GREAT!
I'm not good at this. I'm not good at that. Honestly, I'm starting to freak meself out.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

I finished watching school of rock yesterday. Great show!
anyways, today's power rangers wasn't very funny. Wild Force was almost humourless. Time Force had some. Like Wes making Jen jealous and Jen trying to do the same when she thanked Eric profusely and Wes said, "Stop that!" And of course the best thing was Eric. Yay! Though he appeared only for a few minutes before morphing.... It's probably someone else in that quantum ranger suit. Well, at least there's still the voice left. And i do realise Eric is getting more and more of those lame lines. Like, "We'll find out soon enough." SO lame.
I also watched Shakira's music video yesterday. Dan appears like few minutes only, but it's so funny when that latino guy tries to punch dan and couldn't.
getting back papers tml.
See, this is how Eric appeared in time force today. (look at the pic) So cool right?  Posted by Hello

Friday, September 24, 2004

My bro formatted the com. Which is good cos' now i have Quick time and Real Player. And I was able to watch the Cupid trailer. It's a really sucky show, one look at the trailer and i know i won't pay to watch this show. But Dan's inside......... and he's got a goatee and he looks like the bad guy. There's one part of the trailer of him with a cigarette in his mouth. looks like a baddie. I gain comfort from the fact that the cigarette was not lit, he probably put it in his mouth for show.
and i watched the DR.pepper video thing. haha so stupid. But Dan was cool there. hehe

I watched Mansfield Park yesterday. It's an utterly delightful and lovely show. I love it! And Edmund was pretty cute. I suspect that he's the guy from Plunkett and Macleane. And James Purefoy was inside too. I do wonder if Khine watched it.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

had a weird dream today. I went up to Eric and asked him, "You're the Quantum Ranger right?" and he looked really surprised. Then, I told him, "I need your help." And I brought him to this jail to help someone and we got locked in instead. So, we were locked up with four other prisoners in one jail. The jail was really spacious..hehe there was a lot of beds and a bathroom. Sadly, I don't know what happened to my dream as I never spoke to Eric again. hmmm and it sort of strayed and morphed into other dreams. I remembered kiki was there (not in the jail though, perhaps the storyline changed already), but i don't know what she did or said.

The OC is back. and that Oliver is so psycho and scary. But I think Ryan's pretty stupid to bash Oliver up. It'll only make Oliver seem more like the victim. And Luke has turned so nice you wonder how could he be the jerk last time. And he;s probably me favourite character cos' his role is simple and uncomplicated. The others' role are so complex that it gets frustrating.

I wish our two day break will never end......

I watched American Cuisine today. pretty good show. there's the grouchy old French chef and the good looking young American chef. and of course, the flabbergastedly good food that looked so appetizing even on tv. sigh...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Woah so tired!
after the lit exam, i went home. later went out again to meet Vicks, Sharon and Xinni. We went to three arcades and i think i played more shooting games than i ever had. and of course i never lasted more than one minutes. hehe.But i always get the adreneline rush when i play shooting games, so it's ok. later we went to K-Box. the place was so puny. and the songs are so... well, the chinese songs are very updated. but the English songs are so obiang! I wanted to see the music video for Objection. (as u know why...) AND I COULDN'T FIND IT!! AHHHHHHH! and most of the english songs are so obiang, there's no music video for it, so there's fake ones where they call a few ang-mohs to walk here and there. geez. but it was funny haha. and we started singing some chinese songs and oudated english songs...and ate a whole lot of snacks....

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

It's depressing enough that there's an exam tomorrow, and then the weather's depressing, and then my bro is so nasty he's making me depressed. what's worse i have to read a depressing book about a boy who drives the other to his death. can't we do some happy book for lit at least?

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Today's Wild Force was really funny. I really loved the part where Taylor and Max where fighting the two orgs. and the orgs were losing and one of them said, "Now, time for the secret!" HAHAHAHAHAH
BUT i'm so darn mad with channel i. they showed the exact same episode for time force as they did last week. Which means, i'll have to wait two more weeks before I see Eric. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I thought i could see him next week. Just looking at him in the song is making me nuts cos' he's not appearing. AHHH! WHERE HAS MY FAVOURITE RANGER GONE TO?

Friday, September 17, 2004

I love my desktop. or at least the pics on my desktop. everytime i look at it, i'm smiling like a crazy maniac.
 Posted by Hello

I just found the most wonderful pic of Eric. I think it's the best i had so far. He's got the most brilliant smile there. I almost fainted when i saw it. hahaha

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Wow! It feels like the Prelims are over.....well at least there's only Lit left. Physics paper was a killer. I'm not going to study today. so tired. i miss dan, as usual.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I watched the Stepford's wives today. It's a weird show. But pretty funny at some parts as well. Well, for one, there's this really funny gay guy. He has a boyfriend and he likes to wear all the feminine clothings. So one day, Nicole Kidman and her friend went to his house and they saw one of his shirt on the ground.
Friend: Oh my! isn't that his favourite shirt
Later, both of them go to the dustbin and they found all his other stuffs as well. Pink shirts and all. Then, Nicole Kidman took out this thing from the dustbin. It's a fine looking picture of Orlando Bloom. (really fine looking i tell you)
Friend: Why did he throw that away? That's his favourite!
Later, the friend dig the dustbin further and exclaimed in shock, "Viggo!" and held out a sleeveless shirt with Viggo's face in the middle.
So funny. If you watch it, you'll know what i mean.
Anyway, was trying to play the Swan on the piano today. It's a really graceful song. BUT i can't help thinking of what Kiki wrote in her blog. HAHAHA
Plus, my maid is getting on my nerve. She keeps saying, "You ok?" (following what Daniel did on the fight training video) and i had to shout back to her, "I'm not okay! He hugged the girl and he's miles away for goodness sake!" Of course my maid didn't understand me. Oh and i'm having fun writing my story. Guess who is in the story? Dan. Surprise surprise. plus there's me too, of course. and my maid and Matthew. and i've recently just added kiki and Ioan in. Fun stuffs to write. I was thinking of perhaps adding khine and vicki in so we could all go to LA together.

Three and a half down! Wahoo!! finally get to go online today cos' tml got no paper. am worrying for me physics......
mmmm am eating Japanese curry. I love Japanese curry.
and i realised i made a big boo boo for my compo. i wrote that life is like a rainbow. In some stages, we're blue, others white. Well, i just proved i flunked my physics, because white is not a rainbow colour according to Roygbiv (Roy give birth in Vietnam)

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Today's Power rangers is soo funny. HAHAH. especially Time force where all the male rangers, except Eric that is, was all in love with this mutant because of some spell. And all of them were fighting each other over the girl. And Jen was of course jealous that Wes was in love with someone else. As usual, Eric didn't appear. except for that one split second in the song...sigh, that one second made me smile anyway, and he probably won't be appearing next week too. Wild force was ok, and a bit funny at the part where the princess push Merrick jokingly and she pushed too hard and he fell of the bridge. of course, he morphed on the way and was unharmed. But it was so funny and the princess looked so shocked.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Athena and Rachel Leow!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

I've been listening to Closer this whole day. My maid's beside me now, peering at the computer screen curiously. hah, the Josh Groban effect. There's one song where the violin was very nice. Is this the song where Joshua Bell played with Josh Groban? (oops, the image's coming. with karl dancing and dan throwing confetti)
been doing maths today. probability is driving me nuts.
i mixed five for fighting, linkin park and john mayer songs inside with josh groban's. odd mixture. one time, there's the super calming josh groban, then suddenly linkin park comes on. woah, suddenly so loud.
ah well, back to studying.......

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I wonder how the history teachers faces were like when they read my mock exam. i got everything mixed up. The Weimar govt became the provisional govt. the Ruhr became Saar. my goodness, i'm curious to know what they wrote on my paper.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

ugh ugh Prelims coming!!! AHHH! terror!

Monday, September 06, 2004

I am feeling horrendously and utterly depressed. Don't ask me why. cos i don't know too. sighhhhhhhhhhh i've eaten two chocs already, sweet stuffs helps.
On a happier note, i went out with kix n khine to eat gelato. mine was horribly and flabbergastedly sweet. then we shot people down. (man, i feel like doing just that now...) and then they went to my house to see the dan video then they went home.
sighhhhhhhhh i think i really need to shoot people down. and i need my mom to stop telling me YOUR PRELIMS ARE COMING! GO STUDY!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

WOOHOO! I didn't get to see Eric on PR today, but who cares. I downloaded this video on fight training Jennifer Love Hewitt for the movie Tuxedo. So funny! wahahah! Poor Dan has to fall again and again. Thank goodness there's mats. and the last part of the video, Jennifer accidentally smacked Dan on the face and there's a loud PIAK. And dan was holding his nose and Jennifer was covering her face with her hands and saying Oh my! That was loud. Dan was laughing and making a lot of odd exaggerated gestures and Jennifer was feeling remorseful. and Dan went over and hugged her (UGH) and then he falls to the ground laughing and his hands raised upwards: "That was beautiful, Jen!"
Say, Dan kept repeating "that was beautiful, Jen." throughout the fight training. Ugh. Maybe he;s just a nice guy who's giving encouragement. but the video is funny anyway. haha.

Friday, September 03, 2004

I finished Fellowship. Nice book. and watched half of the movie. Had a lot of dreams yesterday, all jumbled up together. There was one where me and kix were in a hotel. and i think there were several dreams of me trying to find dan. but dan never appeared in the dream itself. sigh.....

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Today is Dan's birthday! Yay! It probably isn't 2nd September in America yet now. I do wonder whether he'll be celebrating his birthday. Must be quite upsetting, being 30. I'm quite upset about it too. waa (haha)
i hope poor Dan won't have to kick butts on his bdae or get kicked. Or have to fall on the ground. Or get his head crashed with a jug! OUCH! Being a stuntman is pretty horrible.
Geez, pity he can't hear it, but, Happy Birthday Daniel!