La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

sigh..back in Singapore...Indonesia flooding..sigh. just one day after i left n it flooded.
i watched rotk yesterday. It was great! i love it! when i came home, my sis was talking to my mom. n later
my sis came to me n said:" Dimple and Dori might be dead."
i was utterly shocked. then she told me that my house was flooded. n it already was when everybody in the house woke up.
but we don't know whether they are dead or not.
anyway i started crying n all that.
later i called my dad n the maid said only the kitchen n bathroom was flooded. not the garage where we put the rabbit. hehe..
thank goodness/ i was so happy! hehe..but my poor dad, he's sick n it's flooding...n he has to work
n do church matters...aih..

Monday, December 29, 2003

wah i was so stressed up yesterday. was packing n couldn't find all my things. i lost my pencil
2.all my chinese homework!
3. My precious watch.
i was going nuts cos i don't want to re-do my chinese n i don't want to lose my watch.
after searching for hald an hour, i found the pencil. in a few minutes time, my homework appeared.
but not the watch. ahhh, my watch.
then i don't care n went to watch Kate n Leopold.
this morning, i woke up n played with the rabbits..last day...hiks hiks. Dori is so good! she licked me!
you just have to pet her and put your hand near hermouth and she starts llicking you. ooh, the feeling is so..
i don;t know how to describe it. her tongue is small n warm, n your hand feels hot as she licks you.
aih...this morning i found my watch, stuck in teh seat of teh car and bent out of shape. aih!
at least i found my watch...
and my sis took short videos of teh rabbits with the digital cam. they look so cute,snatching the piece of carrots.
ah, Singapore, i'm going there soon...bye Dim dim, bye Dor dor.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

ai ya ya! I'm going home tommorow. ahhh....Goddbye to Dimple and Dori ahhhh hello to school ahhhhhhhhhhh...HYSTERIA!!!
anyway, two days ago, i watched Looney Tunes Back in Action. i thought it was pretty funny but teh rest of the family thought it was stupid and a waste of money.
later i watched Lilo n Stich on my sis' com. ahh..Stich is so cute! i want a pet like Stich.
and last night, i watched Helen of Troy. it was so good! and i think the guy Paris is so cute! ok, but the bad thing is that that's only part one of the movie and...the second part is on 3rd Jan and i won't be here!! ah...i must buy the vcd. but wonder where i can find the vcd.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Oh no! There's something worng with the monitor. it's blinking not stop. just now it couldn't even light up... don't do that to me, you monitor. I've already planned a X'mas presentation for tonight
actually i planned a X'mas party for tommorow, but both my mom n sis was sick, so it was postponed to today.
anyway, there was X'mas celebration in church today. hm..yay X'mas i was crazy singing songs today...heh songs!
aih...i have to go n eat dinner.. don't even know if i can post this.
26th Dec. I wrote the top one yesterday, but didn't post it. Yesterday night we had our X'mas celebration. was really fun. we were playing games. and everyone was cracking up like crazy. if you lose, you have to dance or sing"I love Jesus". very fun! and i ate Soto Sapi yesterday..mmm..good. today is a good day, my rabbits are so cute. aih...sniff sniff, i only have 3 more days with them. i don't wanna go back to Singapore yet. and two nights ago, i dreamt that i didn't know what class i should go. and i anyhow go around the school. (the school bulding is not the same) but honestly, which class am i going to next year???

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

went to Kelapa Gading yesterday. My mom was thinking that we could go the Kelapa Gading Mall before my bro go for his dental checkup at 5. aih…but got traffic jam, so we had no time to go to the mall. my dad has to rush for his church meeting at 7pm and so we end up going to Mega Mall…sigh…we played bowling. I was sort of addicted to the tv screen which was showing a show about the war between Russia and Germany, later I found out it was Enemy at the Gates. cool, I’m going to get that show. I couldn’t bowl at all. everything was 0. Haiz.
later me, my bro n my sis went Timezone. we played shooting game. aih, my bro is so good. I only got 30 over shots n he got 60 over. very fun. later we played Table Hockey. My bro is damn good at that. he won my sis n me. but I tied with my sis.
Yesterday night there was this horror show on tv. I realize that there are very cute guys on horror show. there’s this guy who I think is quite cute, he looks a bit like Billy Boyd, maybe the face shape or something. but I didn’t manage to catch the credits and his name. aih..
watched Freaky Friday on my sis laptop last night. not bad. the girl is one of the twins in the Parent Trap right?
today is Christmas eve! Merry Christmas everyone! God bless you!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Yay! Dimple is much better today. The rim of his left eye was swollen, probably bitten by some stupid red ant. I know how you feel, Dimple, i've been bitten twice. It feels extra horrible, n itchy and painful. anyway, all of us were busy compressing his eyes with ice cold water, or papaya. feeding him mashed carrots...yah...he's more active. n he plays in teh mud!! ugh, that naughty, cute, but DIRTY Dimple boy. ughh..i have to clean him a bit. cos' this boy is very lazy, he'll anyhow clean himself one. so i have to wipe his hands n legs, his butt area..n his face was so cute. his face got tints of orange, cos we just forced him to eat the mashed carrot. he looks like those baby who has just smeared food all over the face. so cute!
anyway, just now i saw that Dimple's ear looks as if it was itchy, so i said very loudly, "Dori, what are you doing?" Dori immediately perk up and stood up. (initially she was lying down and relaxing) then i laugh n continue, "Go and help Dimple scratch his ear." well, that one, she didn't do.
Aiih, my rabbits are so cute. i can't bear to leave them...huhuhu...i don't want to go back to Singapore. ahh...i probably won't be able to come back for a whole year cos' of the O'levels!!! waaaaaaaaaaaa!

talking about other things, my sis has such a cute screenmate on her laptop. It's Stich! eee, Stich is so adorable. if you feed him coffee, he will turn half bad n start licking the screen and scratch his ear and throw his ear wax and touch his nose with his tongue. if you feed him more coffee, he will turn completely bad. he will jump around creating earthquakes, eat a file and spit paper out...if you squirt him with water, he will turn good. he will say Cowabunga and roll across the screen, play the gramaphone n dress up as Elvis.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

i went to Tanggerang yesterday. visit my cousins. they all so big already! later i was reading their comics until bored. so we all play card. me, my sis, my bro, my second cousin n his g/f and my third cousin.
very fun, we play uno until we go nuts. my sis laptop gots lots of nice stuffs. it's the same design as Rini's laptop. was listening to Frank Sinatra n Maurice Chevalier. hehe..the famous old singers.

Friday, December 19, 2003

sigh...yesterday cannot sleep..end up reading my seventeen magazine until late night. but the buying of the mag, not the magazine itself, got me thinking. I've never bought myself something i really wanted. In Singapore , there's a dozen stuffs i want to buy but i never dared to buy it for myself.
i think it's time i ask for my fixed pocket money. i don't dare to ask money from my mama n spend it. makes me feel guilty towards my dad/ i ask my bro how much was his pocket money last time, he told me $50 a month. i thought ok. my bro could buy every book written by Raymond E. Feist with his pocket money. why can't i?
so i thought..hmm..ok, i'm going to plan it. just say, one month $50. will it be enough. I'll probably use $10 to buy books. oh yes, i can't wait. I've never bought myself a book that i like in my whole life. n if i don't read Stormrider a.s.a.p i think i'm going to suffer. David Gemmell is one great writer.
another ten dollars...well, maybe sometimes i can use it to buy mag. but i'm not into buying mag. maybe got nice people on the mag then i buy. so another ten dollars fly away.
if i go out with people. wah, very ex ah...cannot go out too often. cos most of the time i end up broke after going out with someone. then how about cds n movies??? ah...i go tnot enough money! i wish i have internet like my bro's. the way he describes it makes u ughh..he says the thing loads at "the blink of the eye" and you can open 10 windows n it can all load at the same time. i told him i wanted this game. he told me he'll help me find the link then i can dwnload in Singapore. he says probably take 5 minutes. then i told him, "for your com, 5 mins, for mine, hours" then he says, "no. for your com, 5 minutes. mine only 1 second" ugghhh...i told him i dwnloaded rotk trailer for around two hours n he laugh n say he took 1 second for such stuffs..aih...really, with such internet, no need to waste money on cds. can dwnload everything. movies, songs....sigh...too bad i have rusty computer n internet.
so, back to me managing my money, i have around $20 left to eat for 30 or 31 days/ ok..that's fine/ maybe if i go out less i have $30. $30 just nice. $1 a day. hmm...maybe i can don't eat lunch on mon. eat lunch on tue. don't eat on wed. eat on thur. on fri, i spend $4 on eating lunch cos i got Cca. then can spurlge a bit on jelly, drink...ya...n on sat n sun don't use money at all. hmm...good idea. aih..why is my money so tight one?
anyway, just now i kept hearing miaow miaow. I relized there's a baby cat outside. my bro picked it up. it's so small n thin! anyway, my mom wouldn't let it near the house cos she said it was a disease carrier, so...well, i put it back to where it was. ok then, my sis coming back today..woohee..n she's bringing a whole lot of movies for me, all dwnloaded. wah...i can get to watch Schlinder's List. The acclaimed Nazi movie!!! yay!

had the weirdest dream/ one of my maids join this gang n tried to kill me. ee...scary, especially since the dream is set in this very house. later i had another dream. i was in school. It's always the same school building. not the real school bulding, but a big marvellous building that always appear in my dream. aih, n Rini me n some others were inside. n Rini was going around interviewing people whether they like to cling on to the railing. ????
n Dimple seems very lesu (lethargic). i wonder if he's sick or he's just getting older...sigh..hope he gets better...
well, normally he's so open the cage door n he rushes out like crazy/ these days, he lies in his cage n sleep instead of running out. n when you give him biscuit, most of the time he gets most of the biscuit, grabbing a lot from Dori. this time, he doesn't seem to enthusiastic in eating. now, something is really wrong with him. he just lies there, n good Dori goes over and licks him affectionately. well, i'll hope he'll be ok. it's so weird to see my heyperactive rabbit like that.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

darn darn darn...stupid chinese homework...sigh...n the history homework. difficult to headache ah...n to think my bro learnt German in school, though only basics...but stil....waaaa...feel so tired..

Sunday, December 14, 2003

uaaaa! My 2ndbrother came home yesterday. wahh, his hairstyle..eww..his hair is longer, a bit like Tom Cruise's hairstyle in MI2. we went to eat porridge for supper. yum yum. n sio mai n ha kao. yum yum.
went to church todae. hmm..saw Rini's type of guy. checkered shirt..yahh..later we went to eat Soto ayam..yum yum...n since we suspect that Dori is pregnant, her tummy was so bloated suddenly! so we bought hay for her nest. n shopped around. brother is being massaged now..hihihi..
oh geez. Dimple tried to mate with Dori again. just saw it through my window. Dimple is one lecherous rabbit! i think Dori is really pregnant n so we seperated her from him. (this happened days ago) n then, when i rejoined both of them, i sat there n watched them, n in less than 15 minutes, Dimple tried mating with Dori 3 times. that lecher! goodness. n Dori refused all 3 times.
Dimple you are so cute, fat, smart n very huggable, n i love you so much but you are so greedy, so bad to your wife, hyperactive, and a lecher!
Dori, you are so sweet, so pretty, so obedient, so calm, a bit stupid though, n..geez! Dimple mated with Dori again! that lecher! n i here i sit typing not for very long n he did it for the second time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tsk tsk tsk. must seperate them!

Friday, December 12, 2003

hmphh..watched who am i yesterday. anyway, the advertistment after the show got me thinking of writing an essay on banning smoking. n i started relating the whole thing to the Opium war n all that/ yah, u noe my brain now kacau. then i was thinking of writing an essay on banning the eating of rabbits. but it's quite impossible lah huh. can't imagine if people starts banning chicken, fried chicken or beef steak or broccoli with beef. but i just can't imagine, people actually take a rabbit as cute my my Dimple boy and thye ughh..cook n eat...waaa how can they? how can they do that? i still remember my trip to Bandung. there were lots n lots of rabbits in the cages. n i was in teh car n we were just whizzing past all of them. but they are so small n cute n so like my little Dimple boy. ahhhhhhhh!!!!
anyway, went for the Christmas celebration by one of the church groups. there are many groups in the church. my dad is in this group called Pengabaran Injil..well, it's the Gospel Spreaders...spreaders.. ughh.. i'm bad at translation/ it's quite ok. my dad, as the leader, had to make some announcements at the end n me n my mom just couldn't stop grinning at him. i felt so proud of my father, standing there, in his suit that was bought n made in Italy. when i went out later, i gave him a big handshake n a big hug. :)
well, normally every Saturday, the PI group (my dad's group) visits the hospital to spread the gospel. i think it's really meaningful. my dad has got lots of touching stories to tell. but today, they're visiting people that are overlooked. you know, those living on teh streets, under the bridge..etc. they're going to give out food n clothings. i thought it's all very nice. but he told us that..there is a lot of pisang goreng there n it's really wangi. ok, this really means that, you noe, they got no proper toilet n erm...they shit everywhere n uhh..the smelll is really very..fragrant..

Thursday, December 11, 2003

woke up today with the urgent feel of writing an essay on the unfairness of the Opium War towards the chinese... was thinking of something like: Britain, you owe China a big apology.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

woohhooo!! watched a bit of Europe MTV awards yesterday. it's in scotland..waaaa! n Vin Diesel came out in this black kilt. gosh, he looks terrible. he's bald n wearing a kilt. can u imagine that? now i'm thinking how ewan will look like in his kilt. but didn't really get to watch it cos i went out for dinner.
had another strange, my sis, n my two elder bros went to Malaysia for vacation. no parents. we went swimming and ice skating. but the dream was so weird. the ice skating, there was no ice at all. it's just normal tiled floor with oil. siao. oilskating? hehheh cute dream! but my 2nd bro coming back on the 13th. my sis on the 20th. mm...must start decorating my x'mas tree...hehe...ahh can't wait till x'mas!!! but waa...haven finish homework!
God bless you all! he loves you all so much!
oui tata!

Friday, December 05, 2003

I dreamt of things again. n rini n kiki was inside. both of them always come to my dream's not about crocodiles this time though. It's snakes! the three of us were going museum to see war paintings, pictures and ewan(?????in museum???) anyway, we were going to the grassy areas and rini was walking ahead and me n kiki further behind. goodness. then rini screams. cos this snake was on her. and me n kiki stop dead on our tracks. dunno what to do. then i yell out, rini don't panic, it's just a rattlesnake, it's harmless. n rini screams n say the snake is rattling, must be rattle snake.
but it really doesn't look like one. It looks like those big fat, dangerous snakes. then, i told kiki; don't move, i think there's a snake behind us. then,i woke up. ugh..horrible horrible dream. If i'm not dreaming of crocodiles, it's snakes! aghhhhh!

been trying to do the phy hw. thanks for sending them to me, kix. not that i'm particularly thrilled to see it...problem was i didn't bring my phy TYS home. i brought another edition one. n it's from 1988. so got some qns dun have...sigh...i skip here n there. so now, i finish up till density already. but i skipped lots of
my dad suspects Dori is pregnant. everybody just keeps guessing Dori is pregnant. hehe. hopefully it's real. yesterday we sent the rabbits for manicure. hehe. my maid use the nailcutter cut the rabbit's nails.Dimple's fur, near his butt n tail there, was so disgustingly dirty, so, i just took a scissors and snapped his fur off. heh heh heh/
ughh my flu is still here...ola...ewan is singing. i'm getting sick of his singing. ugh.can u release ur album????????
i dreamt of crocodiles again. I wish they will stop coming to my dreams!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

ahhhhhh. my neck is very sore. and i'm down with flu today. which just reminds me i still haven't watched Down with Love......

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I was sick for the past two days. ugh. terrible. fever, headache, stomachache, sore throat....ughh...damn painful. and couldn't sleep at night. and italian words just keep ragin on n on in my head...goodness. i hate being sick. but now i seem much happier. hehe....i'm still feeling all nauseutic though....