La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Wiuh the mock exams are over. For the first time in sec 4, i knew what to write for SS SEQ, and for the first time, i wrote a whole lot of crap for history SEQ. Haha, switchover of roles. Horrible, i got all the names wrong for History. waaaaaa
my bro bought a whole lot of dvds, Stepford wives, Farenheit 9/11, Laws of attraction. etc. Don't feel like watching any of them tho.
And guess what glorious day it is tommorrow?

Monday, August 30, 2004

UGGHH! I kept looking at that one pic of the casts of ghost rock. and i zoom in and zoom in on the pic. That's the only pic where Dan smiles while flashing his teeth. but but but, he's squatting next to a woman. WAAAAA! and that's the only pic where he looks like he's genuinely smiling. (other than another one) uggh. Now, my maid's laughing at me. Cos yesterday i showed her the pic of Matt with his arms around a woman. Luckily, Dan kept his hands to himself.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

I miss Dan already. that's fast.
sniff sniff. No Eric for 3 weeks. sunday is the partition between dan's bdae and mine. Can't they make me happy by showing an Eric episode? sigh sigh sigh. Guess I'll just go to my Dan folder and gawk.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

WOOOHHOOO! I love today's Power rangers Time force. The silver guardians have finally appeared, and guess who's in the silver guardians--Eric. Still haven't become a ranger yet though. He and Wes went to prep school last time. And they'll have flashbacks on the time the were in prep school. so cool. All were wearing suits. and there's one karate scene. But i just have to say Eric's a real jerk in the beginning. Though it's not really evident here, other episodes shows it. but of course, he turns out to be really nice in the end. Wahoo. sigh, as much as i would like next week to be an Eric episode, it's not. It's a Katie one. and honestly, she's my least favourite ranger.
Today is a happy happy happy day.

WOOOHHOOO! I love today's Power rangers Time force. The silver guardians have finally appeared, and guess who's in the silver guardians--Eric. Still haven't become a ranger yet though. He and Wes went to prep school last time. And they'll have flashbacks on the time the were in prep school. so cool. All were wearing suits. and there's one karate scene. But i just have to say Eric's a real jerk in the beginning. Though it's not really evident here, other episodes shows it. but of course, he turns out to be really nice in the end. Wahoo. sigh, as much as i would like next week to be an Eric episode, it's not. It's a Katie one. and honestly, she's my least favourite ranger.
Today is a happy happy happy day.

Friday, August 27, 2004

I watched seven years in Tibet. Good show. In the movie, the Tibetan are very cultured people. And the chinese army seems very evil in their massacres. I asked my piano teacher, A chinese from China about the Tibet thing. She said the Tibets were barbarians and the chinese had to kill the people bcos they were staging a rebellion and the chinese only did what they had to do to keep the country together. Different opinions. I feel like i'm looking at two sources. When i ask her about Mao's deeds in the Cultural revolution, she said he wasn;t really the one who had a lot of say in the CR, she said most of it was implemented by his wife. Mao's a good leader and without him, China wouldn't be what it was today. Wow, here's a whole lot of sources.
Studied good governance in S'pore yesteday. Phew, thank goodness it was pretty easy. Compared to sustaining Singapore's development, i think this is easy.
Chop chop. Back to studying again.

i ate piggy. starting with his tail, then is piggu, then his ears, then his snout. There' s the head left, withour ears and nose.
anyways, i was wondering wad to do for my bdae this year. Let me think back what i did in the past years.
year 2001: Watched A.I with my eldest bro, and cried my eyes out. was unhappy with my mom and cried myself to sleep. siao
year 2002: watched movie with friends, then i treat them to jellies then i went home.
year 2003: Went with my mom and dad to the library, borrowed books, ate, went home. ( i vaguely remember watching movie with Xiangning and Huibing. It must have been on other days and not the actual day itself)
I don't know why, but i'd like a birthday party. It's stupid of course. The last birthday party i had was when i was 5 and half of my guests were adults. Yep, relatives i don't even know existed. It's stupid of course. and if i had one I probably wouldn't know enough people to invite and of course, nobody would come because my birthday always falls right before the exams start. But i think it'll be really fun if a couple of my good friends could come, then we can eat pizza, go downstairs and swim, play badminton or whatever. or come upstairs and play or watch a movie together on tv.
can we have a graduation party after the 'O' levels? I think it'll be soo fun!
News update: All that's left of piggy are his eyes.
I swam like crazy today. hosh hosh. tiring....
News update: Piggy has ceased to exist...his eyes are edible.
erm hmm hmm, watched part of Hulk today. my ears and neck was so strained. But i think i've become diabetic, too much eye candy. har har. and khine was so funny. When there was a close up on Mr Bana, she dug his nose for him. HAHA. me and kix couldn't stop laughing. and of course there's the other part where she (not me, i swear. at least, i don't think so) almost went crazy because Bruce was........
Flunked me Chem. Sigh. Hard work gone down the drain. weeks and weeks of doing the TYS all useless. Bleh. what's de point? It's the same for Physics. studied continually for 3 days for just one little test and got a lousy average mark. Since studying's not my forte, i better find something i'm good at before i become a bum. But what?
anyway, am dreading next week very very much...lots of social studies and history and chemistry to do all before tuesday. arrgh. Well, at least there's power rangers to look forward to on Sunday. Yay for Dan! His birthday's coming! 4 days before mine! :>

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I've been watching so much of table tennis i feel like playing it myself. oh, and i've gotten myself some Olympics people to be fans of. Well, first there's of course Paul Hamm. (I mean, how can you NOT be his fan?) Then there's the Australian swimmer Jodie Henry who's got the sweetest smile. and boy, she swims fast. and of course, Taufik Hidayat. I'm his big fan for the one big reason. He's Indonesian. And he beat that Thai guy, one Boonsak Ponsana. (that's a cute name) The Thai guy who beat Susilo. It would have been so odd if Susilo had won. Then he'll have to fight against someone from his ex-country. well, not that it has not happened before...but i don't like the idea of it.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Quote of the day: Only men with strong arms can molest people.

Sunday is supposed to be a really sad day for me. But, WAHOOOOOOOOOOO Today i am deliriously happy. First things first, I dreamt about Dan last night. muahahha. My bro brought his friends home and one of them happens to be dan. And he was wearing the nice blue shirt and smiling.
anyway, i didn't want to wake up. i wanted to continue dreaming, but my maid called me up and asked if i still want to watch power rangers. So, i got up. and had the biggest surprise of my life. Wild Force was showing Forever Red. Forever red is a really cool episode where 10 red rangers come together. i had watched part of the show in Indo, with a bunch of kids. (and should i add i knew more about power rangers wild force and time force than they did) Eric was of course inside. But he plays a teenie weenie role. What do you expect when there are 10 rangers all at once. Lots of great chereography here. pretty cool.
Then, come Time Force. As always, Time Force makes me laugh. it's really funny. The blue ranger was cool and always wearing this black jacket and sunglasses. Then, he sees a girl. He picks flowers from the side, walks up to her and says: "I couldn't find any flowers prettier than you." And he and the girl walks off hand in hand. The green ranger sees him do it and tries to copy him. He starts wearing a black jacket and he sees a girl. He takes flowers from the side, walks up to her and says, "These flowers are prettier than you." HAHA. The girl looks at him in an odd manner. Then he realises his mistake and says, "I mean, you are prettier than these flowers." The girl blushed and took the flowers. Then, a bee flew out of the flower. The girl screams. The green ranger tries to swat the bee away and accidentally pushes the girl into the fountain. and she got mad at him. HAHAHAHHA that was hilarious.
and the best thing about time force was the advertistment for next week's show. It's an Eric episode. WOOHOO
ok, on to other things. I watched Airbud World Pup yesterday. The doggies are sooooo frightfully cute!! oh, and i spotted Jeremy Guilbaut again. His role was soo small. and he looks better in Snow Queen, very much better. Oh, and Xiangning came to my house to study yesterday, plus deliver HB's bdae present. Laa dee dum.
and Oh, for anyone who wants to be molestor wise, please go to and read the molester story.

Friday, August 20, 2004

i watched edward scissorshand yesterday. it was a really good show. And i on band of brothers just to compare Colin Hanks and Tom Hanks. haha, now i see the similarities. But the son looks better than the dad.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I love my desktop. How many times have i said that?
I hugged a lot of people today. I have to say I've never hugged anyone else but my family members. And I just realised hugging is a really nice activity. It beats hugging the stupid bolster at night.
I'm mad with my maid now. I played Josh Groban's song halfway and changed it to something else. She tried pushing me off the chair and we made a great din and my mom scolded me. hrummph
Today's Olympics is great to watch. First i watched it with Rach.L. Then, later with Kix and Khine. and later alone. Wee, Paul's job with the pole was so so so good. Too bad he lost his balance witht he vault...What's Paul's full name again? I've decided to be his fan. har har. I want to watch the girls' gymnastics finals. I watched the swimming one too. whew...makes me breathless just to see them swim and swim and swim. America broke some record that has been unbroken for 17 years or something like that. And i watched the men's table tennis while making jelly. Denmark won Sweden. and The jelly had no taste...eugh.
Anyway, I've decided to make a list of my fav cds.
My ultimate favourite is:
1.Braveheart soundtrack
2. Troy soundtrack (yay, James Horner is a genius!)
3. Celtic circle
4. Big Fish
5. LOTR soundtrack
I haven't listened to much cds, so the list ends here...
As for my fav songs:
1. Celtic cry (Braveheart soundtrack)
2 Braveheart theme
3. Concerning hobbits (LOTR soundtrack)
4. Remember (Troy soundtrack)
5. Unwell (Matchbox Twenty)
6. Troy (Troy soundtrack)
7. Our Farewell (Celtic Circle)
8.Gollum's song (LOTR soundtrack)
9. Why can't I (Liz Phair)
10. When you say you love me (Josh Groban)
11. Time to say Goodbye (Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman)
12. Standing still (Jewel)
13. All shook up (Elvis Presley)
14. Accidentally in love
15. Running away (Hoobastank)
I'll never finish with my favourite songs. So, I'll just stop here.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I haven't on my com for a few days and it's always so nice to see my desktop. hehe. Finished studying for Physics. I hope i do well. My pressure is a bit unstable. But been studying for 3 days, if i fail, i'll be really sad.
HuiBing told me she can't find the movies i want. so devastating...I lost my appetite after that. sigh. I'm going to put my pics in my com, doggy rabbits and all. i wuld have put it up here, if i could. but i dinna ken how tae. sae...can anyone teach me? Then, everyone can see me doggy n rabbitses. everytime i put up a pic, what comes out is a cross. So infuriating. Someone teach me!!

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Am listening to Hedwig's Theme now. Tried to play it on the piano, it's horrendously hard to play. bleh. Ooh, listening to something else now. The Uileann pipe sounds fabulous. was telling my maid a story just now. In the midst of it, i said and then Eric...but there was no character with that name in the story. Ah well. and she laughed at me. uff and i covered myself with the blanket.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Today's Wild Force was ok. It was pretty exciting as it could still make a big kid like me go ooh ahh when the rangers are in trouble. Time Force was pretty bland. Rather unexciting and monotonous. But it always end the show with something funny and that's what i like about that show. It ends with a laugh. And I had a huge laugh today cos' everyone was so funny.
Geez. i talk like everything's fine and normal. BUT IT'S NOT!! My maid told me than since dan is 30, he's get married in say, 2 years or 3. I walloped her. And told her Matt Marsden would do the same.
When is Eric going to pop out again? Well, i'll go off and mourn. again. waaaa!

Friday, August 13, 2004

I got a B3 for my Chinese. Bother Bother. Spoiling my mood on a perfectly fine day. I studied really really hard for Chem yesterday. I hope i'll do ok for today's test. and a big thank you to kiki. You deserve a bloated head! Everybody, praise her!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I was listening to the Braveheart soundtrack and track seven is the sweetest thing ever. I love it! It's a conversation between William Wallace and Murron. Really really sweet.
Murron: So, you have children?
Will: Not yet. But i was hoping you could help me with that.
Murron: So you want me to marry you?
Will: That's a bit sudden. But all right.
Murron: Is that what you call a proposal?
Will: I love you, always have. I want to marry you.
Track 10, Irishman appears.
Irishman: Him? That can't be William Wallace! I'm prettier than this man.
Later, he says: I'm the most wanted man on my island. Except, I'm NOT on my island.
This is hilarious. And it's making me feel jumpy. Freeeedoooomm!!! Say, I think a Will Wallace rally style is no bad, no bad at all.

Today is the best day of my life. Ever. I received an early birthday gift. Vicki hinted it would make me very happy and the first thing that came to my mind was: Braveheart soundtrack?
But i thought, not possible. actually i've been thinking of the soundtrack for a long time. I was thinking that me n Vicki go buy one each, then we can exchange the two cds sometimes.
Well, well, it turned out to be Braveheart soundtrack!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOh! Thanks A LOT Vicks and Athena!! You guys are waaa thank you!
Ooh, and after school, i went to my mailbox as usual. I've been waiting for a letter from Lotta for the past 7 months now. No letter...sigh. Went up to the house, went to my room, thinking about my new soundtrack. Then, i spotted a blue envelope on the dining table. And a familiar looking sticker. LOTTA?? My heart skipped a beat. I dashed to the envelope and grabbed it in euphoria. I screamed in excitement and started waving the envelope around as i skipped around the house and twirled and twirled with one leg.
It feels great to have friends.
Today is the best day of my life. Ever.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

"Remember, I will still be here as long as you hold me in your memory."

He was wearing a suit and he looked up imploringly. The background music was going "remember me". and I said to myself, yes i will remember you.

"Remember, when your dreams have ended, time can be transcended, just remember me."

time can be...three months or so. It's a long wait. and no, i will not forget.
but at the moment, i shall cry.
PS: i hope i got the lyrics right. i got hearing problem. ;)
As i've said, i shall now...

Monday, August 09, 2004

I am a most unlucky person, downloaded a trailer for a whole hour and couldn't see it. National day today, doesn't feel like it. Watched Rapunzel on tv today. Now i know why i can never shake off fairy tales no matter how far from reality they are.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

I am listening to the saddest song in the Troy soundtrack now. well, partly bcos i am very sad. Today, i watched PRWF, RFTF part II. It wasn't as nice as as part I though. part one is more fun to watch. but part II was pretty cool too. when all the rangers morphed at once. 5 from WF, 5 from TF plus Merrick and Eric. nice.
well, that's it. no more Dan. He won't be appearing in WF nor TM. damn, why did TM go back to previous episodes?
i think i'll have the full blow of the whole matter next Sunday. sigh..........
Yesterday, went out with my maid to HMV to look for movies. couldn't find anything i want. Couldn't find i capture the castle, though it's already out on DVD in UK and US. i saw the Snow Queen, just looked at it. couldn't find anything on Dan, surprise surprise. later, brought my maid to Cineleisure and took her to see the Anacondas poster. There's nothing but the snake and the hand though, but there's Marsden's name credited below. later, we sat there for a while and see if we can get to see the trailer. (i already showed her the trailer at home. But the pic was small and cut at several intervals) so, we decided to wait, if it doesn't appear, we'll go home. well, we just sat through two trailers and it appeared. my maid said she alreayd wanted to scream after looking at the trailer.ok...if i ever take her to watch the movie, i wonder if she'll faint if matthew get eaten. and i agree with kix. he looks better in Anacondas than in Helen of Troy. I didn't know he was still acting, for one. but he has probably stopped singing.
well, i'll go and mourn about Dan now.

I told my maid about Anacondas and went to the website. and there was a really nice pic on Matt Marsden. and my maid went totally nutso. and later, went to find some pics and finally found one really nice one. I have to admit he looks really sweet. and she went completely nutso. later, we watched Helen of Troy again and i swear she's in dreamland and muttering that she's in love with one Matthew Marsden.

Friday, August 06, 2004

I haven't stopped sneezing since this morning. horrible cold. And i'm so dreadfully bored at home and there's nobody to go out with and nowhere to go. Boring boring boring. Can't wait till tomorrow. Sunday, PR day. but after Sunday, i will be a very sad little girl.
I feel like going to the arcade and play those shooting games. i love em' so much!makes me feel so bluidy gude!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

I just read three fanfic. Took me hours and hours. The first one was about Eric becoming a spy. Sort of adventurous. not bad. The second one was pretty much about what happenend how things were before Power rangers started. The third one i read was hi...hi...hilarious. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! i still can't stop laughing. It was grossly funny. It's like some talk show and all the couples in PR was invinted and it turned out there's always a third part involved. Couple number one: Eric and Gaby. Third party was Taylor.
Couple number two: Lucas and nadira. Third party: Trip
couple number 3: Trip and Katie third party: Nadira
the last couple was Wes and Jen. and here is the horribly shocking part. But i laughed, yes, i laughed very very loudly. It is gross, but it's so funny. ok, i probably have a pretty thrawed sense of humour.
turns out that the third party in the Wes-Jen relationship was Eric. So, Wes confesses his love for Eric and vice-versa. And it came out as a complete surprise to me cos' i didn't expect it. and i really really really really thought it was hilarious. The rest of the fic was hilarious too. and i have to say, very ashamedly, i am still laughing. HAHAHAHAHA!

I found two whole pages of Eric fanfic. some of slash. uggh. might read them to gross myself out. but probably not. maybe one. but then again...ugh

My maid is thoroughly charmed by Josh Groban's voice,haha. am listening to it now, am playing it for her to listen. She must have been like me, when i was charmed by Ewan McGregor's voice. and i'll still be, if he ever will release an album. Today was the last episode of some stupid Chinese show, and bye bye to that person who looked freakingly like Dan. He nodded just now. uggh, cannot cannot. Eric does that in PR a lot, and if that "look-alike" does it, he would look too much like dan.
oh, yeah, holiday for a little while. YAY!! It just hit me that i can laze around today. YAY! YAY! Maybe i should go out...nah, tomorrow still got school. should i even attend? lazy. ah, I'll just go to take the ss stuffs for kix n khine. wait, am i supposed to take for Khine? or has she gotten someone else to get for her?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Fegs! I wanted tae gang tae Scotland. I've been dreaming of the Hielands. and noo.....wah!!
Och! ane day i'll gang tae Caledonia with ma piggy-doggy friends. I'm ganna buy maself a kilt and listen to the bagpipes. Boo hoo hoo, why am i tae auld?
I maun gang tae Scotland ane day!!!!!
as for noo, i'll just hae tae dream about haggis. (Yes, I will eat it!)

enough of Scotland. It'll only make me fashed. I was reading fanfic for power rangers. some are pretty funny, like how Eric got a black eye trying to ask a girl out. And i read the fanfic for RFTF. the first chapter was so flabbergastedly nice. then, when i got to the next chapter...let's just say it doesn't suit me huh? Basically, all i can tell u is the fanfic was R-rated. (i should have checked bfore i read) but i was so attracted witht the Taylor/Eric story i expected it to be nice. and i was horrified to read the erh-hmm parts, especially since it included Eric. ugggghhh. I guess americans are pretty used to these kind of things huh? Thank goodness it was only a fanfic and PR is a kid's show. phew. wouldn't want dan doing erh-hmm stuffs on screen.

I found the fanfic of the webmistress of the strictly southworth webpage. and she wrote a lot of stories on Eric, as expected. heh heh. i'm going to have so much fun reading.
power rangers! hahah!

Monday, August 02, 2004

I don't feel like doing anything...and this is already my third blog entry for the day. i don't feel like reading, studying, playing, nothing...
am listening to Remember by Josh Groban. it's so sad. and it's stirring something in me. i feel my moods coming back. i think i'll go and study. I have to say James Horner never disappoints, the music is always so good!

I want to watch crouching waiter hidden chef. not only is it supposed to be nonsensically funny, dan is the chef in the title. ok, basically he;s the crazy chef who comes running after the customers with a knife bcos they inuslted the waiter and refuse to pay. Well, what makes me want to watch it most is that he's going to speak in a horrible Chinese accent. Now, I'd love to hear that.
Dan never gets any decent role in acting. in some shows, he doesn't even have to talk at all. geez. and the shows he acts in r not famous, unheard of and r-rated for violence and nudity. really. he ought to be in a decent show someday, and has quite a major role in it,not just the stunt guy or the small role guy. as for the stupid music video, it's a waste of his talents, having to stand there with the horrible suit and cross his arms.
and he doesn't get very big roles in PRTF, but it's ok. at least, you get to see him before he morphs. i hate that, once he morphs, all you see is the suit and mask. bleh. but i have to say Power rangers wild force is really cool. The reinforcements from the future. The fighting style makes me nuts. so so cool.

I cannot help but laugh whenever i thought of what Vicki said to me, "You are living off salvation army. a first class salvation army." I thought of it in class and laughed, thought of it in the bus and laughed. and had to clamp my mouth so people won't think I'm crazy.
And kiki, thank you one thousand times for Robbie. ooh, i missed Robbie. (for those who don't know, robbie is from a book) and Waverly and Troy.
Oh, and today's soccer was real fun. i seemed to have a lot of fun today, laughing like nuts, though i can't really about what anymore. oh, there's the Lancelot thing. and writing about the grossed out chicken.
uhh, i can't stand writing anymore, have to go n check out more stuffs on Dan. Dan. Dan.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

UGGGGHHH! I searched for Shakira's "objection" music video for the whole hour and couldn't download it!!! so mad! And it's not because i like her, mind you, it's bcos Dan is inside. What in the world is he doing there anyway? Dancing? He's a stuntman, what's a stuntman doing in a stupid video by Shakira? Uggh, i hate that woman!