La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, October 28, 2005

I admonish myself for being terribly unfair to Ireland. First off, I actually like the Uillean pipes better than the bagpipes. (Confession #1) Yeah, bagpipes are nice when you need some livening up and you can do a crazy jig and hear the drum rolls. but Uillean pipes are PERFECT when you need peace, quiet or is feeling melancholic. Morever, I LOVE melancholic music. It makes me feel strangely HAPPY (weird I know..) but bagpipes do make me feel happy too! they're different buy yeah.. Uillean pipes do sound a tad bit less noisy and high pitched.

Second, Scotland and Ireland's scenery are basically quite similar in some ways. Morever, Braveheart was actually shot more in Ireland than Scotland. So it's terribly unfair if I just mention Scotland non stop and totally disregard its Irish brother. So there.

But then again, it's not my fault Braveheart was about Scotland. People will naturally associate whatever it is with Scotland instead of Ireland. but then Braveheart's main theme is Uillean pipe and most scenery Irish. :S Haiz.. time to love Ireland as much as Scotland baby!
And also, I haven't come across any writers who romanticised Ireland. I mean Scotland has all those poets and their heroes. You can't help but fall in love with a country where all the famous heroes come from. Morever Scotland seem a bit more interesting with the flying kilt and nothing underneath yah? hahahah...

and you see kids nowadays, Ireland = Catholic vs Christian. this kind of perception is like ingrained in people's head. While for Scotland, it's like, Scotland= heroes, William Wallace, kilts, bagpipes, brandished swords, white cockade, outlaws. sounds more exciting right? not my fault that I sway more to Scotland's side.

Whatever it is, I declare that I shall try to love Ireland as much as I love Scotland. and yes, admit to everyone that I love the Uillean pipes more than the bagpipes. but i STILL love the bagpipes nevertheless. and so.. here's a picture of IRELAND! let's be fair yah?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Scotland is more than hills, haggis, bagpipes or kilts.

It's liberation. It's a dream.. that WILL come true.

I love the melancholic wail of the bagpipes. It makes my heart soar.

Monday, October 24, 2005

YAYZERS! PP is back! Unfortunately she has gone away on chalet. SIGH!!! GOing to the dentist tmr! AHH! Terror terror!

Everyone seems to be going on holiday. so lucky.

I'm sick of re-playing FFX. I'm only playing it because of Yuna. Kirei kirei kirei!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Some people are just plain rude and irritating. If I haven't more self control, I would have slapped her there and then for being plain mean and rude. I was pretty nice to her all along and at times when she insulted me, I would still smile and extend my hand. I thought, yes I will tolerate even though she has the worst attitude I have ever seen. But now, I am trying hard not to charge at her with a chicken and make the chicken peck at her. (okay wadever) Stupid insufferable maiale(check out beautiful Italian word). I am totally flabbergasted by the appaling behaviour some humans have. it totally SICKENS me. Humans are DISGUSTING! I want to puke.

And i declare that I HAVE LOST ALL MY REVIEWERS. They're all gone!! Hardly anyone is revieweing 'Love' anymore. And i suddenly have no more mood to write. I guess... bye bye? AHHH I LIVE ON REVIEWS!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

When I called DVC my school, you told me: You haven't been admitted
When I played, you told me: You jump so heavily
In public, you poked me and said: You're fat
and you were serious.

so what am i to you

-i long for the soils of Scotland-

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I don't understand why all your topic revolves all around that. It seems to serve the purpose of provoking guilt, and then retaliation and then comes the threat. Some things never change.

I was never solid to start with and sometimes I think I know the reason why. I love my solitude. I don't mind if it's all quiet and nobody says a word. I think it is beautiful to just sit down in the midst of a crowd. It is noisy all around and yet the lone person would sit there silently. Then she would lay her head down and find that her breath and life has quiet slipped away. The unpenetrable silence. How so very beautiful

Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm a little tired of life. It seems like all there is to it is earning money. Life is a vicious cycle. Life chokes your life. You live your whole life, hundreds of people telling you to work so just so you can earn money and live. I'm bloody sick of the word money. Honestly, it's what everyone has been buzzing around in my ears with. money money money. I lost my money. I need money to do this and this. We're working hard to do this and this. We need to save. Money money money.

That filth.

People say we should make money our slaves. Whatever. It can never be attained. We are slaves to money. It's disgusting. I wouldn't mind going back to the era where everyone led simple life and had no concepts of money. But then again, there are always things of value. Even in the past, people would trade the lives of others in order to obtain things of value. Human lives are starting to sicken me. It's like we're cursed.

I'm not saying i want to be crazily rich or anything. I'm quite happy the way I am. But Just stop stop stop telling me things. If you like, I can happily end my life. That would save a whole lot of money wouldn't it? one less mouth to feed and a whole lot of other things you could buy.

I'm not thinking properly. I'm starting to become unstable again. and hopefully i don't go back to being crazy again.

I would like to do something exciting. Just to feel myself being on the verge of life and death. It's terribly exciting yet scary. I want to stand on high ground, lift my arms and feel like I'm the king, free and unbridled.

Empty. groundless. SICK. AHH

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Well, I was just happily eating toast and milk in the evening and thought:"WOW! I LOVE THIS!" You know, these are what we call the simple pleasures of life. Other people's opinions may differ, but things doesn't always have to be expensive for one to enjoy it, right? Out of boredom, I have decided to compile the simple pleasure of MY life. Let's see:
1) Eating toasted bread with butter + a cup of milk
2) Eating instant noodles in the middle of the night
3) Drinking a cup of hot coffee/chocolate and cookies while watching a tearjerker movie on a rainy day
4) Looking at your baby nephew (or any baby/kids) drooling (hahaha..)
5) Reclining in the air-con room and reading a great book while it's hot and sunny outside
6) Woken up early in the morning and realising that you can sleep in late and go back sleeping and feeling blissful
7) Stuffing yourself with chocolates and singing "My favourite things" while feeling down.
8) Drinking cold strawberry juice!!!
9) When your friend gives you a surprise call and you have a nice long chat
10) Having RICE to dream/think/smile about. :D

Hmm it seems like a lot of my simple pleasures in life revolves around food. I am a pig! ahaha

Anyhows, I was re-thinking about my choice of taking Hotel/Restaurant Management. It's like i wanted Hospitality Administartion and Management, but somehow it seems like all schools supposedly offering that course offers hotel management instead. I'm totally confused. Isn't that two different things? Hotel management is more of running a hotel and sorts while Hospitality is more like planning things like events and things like that. But since DVC doesn't seem to have that, I guess I'll just have to Take Hotel/Restaurant Management. Though I'm thinking whether I will like it. I can't see myself managing a hotel/restaurant, it seems... HUGE! Like woah, you're putting the whole hotel in my hands, now that's scary. I've always wanted to do something like be the front desk person, or the waitress.. haha.. I guess not.

If I do take Hotel Management, hmm.. I won't mind it I guess. But I'd rather mingle with hotel guests and stuffs rather than actually run the hotel. And people will be going for the big jobs in big hotels i guess. But I can't imagine working in a big hotel, I don't want to actually, at this point of time at the very least. I'm tired of cities actually. If I'm ever to work, I'd like to go to a little town where there is a warm inn with friendly services. Famous gigantic hotels seems to cater a lot to the rich you know. It's like they offer very expansive services and yet they put this huge price tag next to it. It gives a very uneasy feeling. I'd prefer a warm inn with the average price and a comfortable clean bed, friendly staff.. I guess that's good enough. I'm not into skyscrapers hotels with magnificent view of the city life. I want a place where you look out of your window and you see neat houses on the hills and a serene atmosphere.

So you think I'm cut out for the hotel industry? I'm not so sure.. SIGH any advice??

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

AHHHHHHH! AHHHH! AHHH! DANG IT! I was happily playing FFX and it was coming to the most beautiful kissing scene which I was looking most forward to throughout the whole game and just as it was about to start (after a Looong speech by Tidus) the whole game.. HANGED! WTH!! I restarted it and it hanged again. Feel soo cheated. UGH! shall have to wait till PP comes and lend me hers. I miss controlling Yuna.. I don't like controlling Tidus. Yuna ga suki!

Anyways, looking at PP's blog, I decided i should write about last Friday's events too! It was tons fun! PP (a.k.a HB) came at about 1 pm and we played a bit of FF and played blitzball, which was tons hard. and Tidus was just about to shoot a goal when TIME'S UP flashed there. i was like ARRGGH!! SO DOWN ON MY LUCK!! Afterwards we wandered around, saying we were sleepy and joked about falling asleep until the next morning.. later we went to get PP's medicine and it was kinda smelly. HAHAHA

We played DDR after that. Tiring but fun. Unfortunately, we forgot to play the games for the DDR. After DDR we were so tired out and we showered. and i came out with my hair covering my face while combing it and PP was like O_O SO SCARY! And i was like: SADAKO!
That started the joke that lasted the whole night (till today) We watched "Be with you" (Jap show) and there was this eerie door and funny stuff like that. everyday i saw the door, i will shout out: SADAKO! and it lasted throughout the whole show. (and the show is not even horror! It's more of romance) then we went downstairs to the pool area and chilled out! GROOVY BABY! We were just walking around talking and later dipped our feet into the pool while chatting and looking at stars. It's really lovely and cooling at the pool at night, and the water is warm. Then the security guard kept coming and staring at us.. hahaa.. felt so weird.

Later, we sat near the pool and started doodling on paper and we played the choose a character game. and all our characters contained SADAKO! It was the joke the whole night, we were just laughing over it non stop. giving sadako make up, haircut, MOLE etc. wadever. we were laughing so hard the security guard told us to keep our voices down. hehe.. then we went upstairs and was so tired, told each other not to dream of Sadako and fell asleep.

and woke up at 1pm the next AFTERNOON!! AHH half a day wasted! anyways, we ate instant noodles for brunch and played a bit of FFX again. stupid butterfly catching. so irritating.. and then PP went home.

IT was fun! :D But PP is going to India (almost typed Africa) soon! HAHA.. last time she brought back Jungolo, this time bring back real elephant okay? kidding la.. my house no space. and later i go US, how to bring live elephant there rite? hihi

Monday, October 10, 2005

HOORAY! I finally crashed Seymour's wedding! I LOVE FFX!! :D and I am finally controlling Yuna. She walks cute! her sleeves flap about as she walks.. hihi so cute!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I need a holiday! I want to see hills, just acres and acres of lush green hills. I want to lie on the hills and look at the sky, feeling the cool breeze as I daydream.

See this beautiful picture of Scotland. I don't want to go on any tours to Scotland cos i bet they will just take you to the cities and go around buying things. I want to go there and find some quiet place where I can sit on the hills and contemplate things. A rather high price to pay you might say, just to go all the way to Scotland and sit down and think. but I love it! It's wonderful! and if there's no bagpipes.. i could just bring my CD player and sit there and listen.

If I ever go to Scotland I don't think I shall stay long in Edinburgh. It's too busy. I want to visit the highlands though they say it's freezing there. I want to visit a place where you can lie comfortably on the hill without the sun shining directly into your eyes. And you can see a beautiful blue loch in the distance. Marvellous..

I daydream again.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

History in two days time and honestly.. i know I'll flunk and I deserve only that.

Anyways I just remember today that Rice is kind hearted. hahaha.. he was all cold in the outside but inside he's so nice. one time then there was this old lady crying out for help and he rushed over and looked all worried and helped her. hihihi.. such a darling. and his neighbor was this little girl. He's not entirely friendly to her on the outside but he saved all her birds. Deep inside he's just this really helpful person yah. :D

well and i'm just thinking.. that people should just bloody leave my country alone. It's like Bali is such a beautiful place and the people there are the friendliest people I've ever met. and In fact I wanted so badly to bring all my friends there bcos I love that place. and now.. who would dare to go there? no rational parents would allow that. Why must some destruct the lifestyle of the people, and take away lives of those who are just trying to get a holiday. blah. Maybe the world IS coming to an end. so many disasters, natural or man-made. And so many in the US too.. i better bid my goodbyes fondly just in case..