La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Sunday, November 30, 2003

my throat hurts...

my throat hurts...

went to Mega Mall just now...bought two polo shirts n reebok shoes. was gaping at popcorns...ah...n my mom never fails to remind me how fat i'm i don't get to eat..sigh...ah......o volya di un cappucino....i wonder if this is italian is a bit uh...

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Just now i heard the miaomiao of the cat. i thought another stupid cat is harrasing my poor little rabbituts. i ran out and it turned out to be a very cute kitten. then i quickly called my maid to get the key to the door. then i saw the kitten/ it's limping! so poor thing! it's born without one of its hind legs...i think. by the time i ran out, the kitten dissapeared dunno where..

Friday, November 28, 2003 lazy to write...was learning an italian song yesterday. :) very fun! went out with Rini on the 27th n 28th. it's quite ok. but yesterday was a bit boring n tiring. My rabbits so cute. Running all over the garden right now. n Dori was horribly frightened to see the cat. so sad...i bought my rabbits this more expensive rabbit food that is Japanese. n they don't like it. They refuse to eat it...sniff sniff. I'm going to force them to eat it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

sigh...i found a book to read. It's quite intersting really. about some evening class on Italian. i feel like going and joining in too. seems so easy n fun...sigh..italian...ciao!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

i am utterly bored. I've read every intersting book there is in my house. I've played every game, watched every movie in this house. ahhhhhhhhhhh somebody cure me of my boredom. if only the internet is less ex..sigh...maybe i'll be less bored...

i am utterly bored. I've read every intersting book there is in my house. I've played every game, watched every movie in this house. ahhhhhhhhhhh somebody cure me of my boredom. if only the internet is less ex..sigh...maybe i'll be less bored...

Monday, November 24, 2003

24th Nov Monday, 8pm
raining now...yesterday i went to Taman Anggrek. Ate at Sizzler...mmm...haven't been there for a long time. but ate till i wanted to burst..hehe. later me my mom n dad went shopping around. i liked the toy shop. none of the clothes really fascinated me. Until i walked past this shop called Thursday Island. i was just standing agape outside the shop looking at the clothes. waaa i love them!! unfortunately most of the nice clothes were guy clothes. but i really really loved them. in rini's terms, u could say i want to marry the shirt...muhuhu...i love this particular jacket. it's the green army colour. I don't mean modern army, i mean world war 1 n 2 type of army. waaa i love that jacket. i wanted it like crazy. but guess the price? it's around 100 to 200 bucks. siao so ex. all the stuffs there are around that price.
later went to cd store. geez, i can't find down with love. i can't believe it. The dvd isn't even out here. and i saw THIS CD BY JOSH GROBAN. i don't even know who he is, but kiki mention quite a lot about him in ger blog. it's a dvd on his concert n some behind the scene stuffs and the cd itself. it costs 200000Rp. wah ex. that's about $40.
later at night i watched Scary Movie 3 on vcd. quite funny actually. the cranked up lots of movies, mainly the Ring. but there's one small part of LOTR. where the woman gets a phone call and she says: hello. and the person say: I'm coming for you, my PRECCIOUSSSS
:P quite cute. n funny. was boring...had phy tuition again. i was getting all crazy with all the chim chim stuffs already. sigh...Arrivederci!
Bawl! that just reminds me i'm getting nowhere with my italian.

24th Nov Monday, 8pm
raining now...yesterday i went to Taman Anggrek. Ate at Sizzler...mmm...haven't been there for a long time. but ate till i wanted to burst..hehe. later me my mom n dad went shopping around. i liked the toy shop. none of the clothes really fascinated me. Until i walked past this shop called Thursday Island. i was just standing agape outside the shop looking at the clothes. waaa i love them!! unfortunately most of the nice clothes were guy clothes. but i really really loved them. in rini's terms, u could say i want to marry the shirt...muhuhu...i love this particular jacket. it's the green army colour. I don't mean modern army, i mean world war 1 n 2 type of army. waaa i love that jacket. i wanted it like crazy. but guess the price? it's around 100 to 200 bucks. siao so ex. all the stuffs there are around that price.
later went to cd store. geez, i can't find down with love. i can't believe it. The dvd isn't even out here. and i saw THIS CD BY JOSH GROBAN. i don't even know who he is, but kiki mention quite a lot about him in ger blog. it's a dvd on his concert n some behind the scene stuffs and the cd itself. it costs 200000Rp. wah ex. that's about $40.
later at night i watched Scary Movie 3 on vcd. quite funny actually. the cranked up lots of movies, mainly the Ring. but there's one small part of LOTR. where the woman gets a phone call and she says: hello. and the person say: I'm coming for you, my PRECCIOUSSSS
:P quite cute. n funny. was boring...had phy tuition again. i was getting all crazy with all the chim chim stuffs already. sigh...Arrivederci!
Bawl! that just reminds me i'm getting nowhere with my italian.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

21Nov 5.45pm
wah..was hugging nice to carry her. she's so warm and she doesn't move. you just stroke her again and again. i rewrded her with lots n lots of biscuit. as for Dimple, he was just scratching me all the time. so i just gave him a few biscuit sticks. i wanted to write another Nazi story. but my info book is in Singapore..ah..ah...hehe..listening to ewan now. i'm getting sick of all this songs. i really wish they would release his album...ugh..rini is probably touring round Bali now...huhuhu...i want to sad...I'm stuck here! ahh!
just now i was trying to train my rabbits. like a dog. u noe, u snap ur fingers or something and the dog comes to you. yeah, i tried that. it seemed to work at first, cos' Dimple followed me up the stairs. but later i snapped my fingers till they hurt and they just stayed there not moving...huhuhu...maybe if i train them longer...u see, my rabbits do recognise when they will get their biscuits. u noe like a dog, u ring the bell every dinner time n after a while they know when dinner time is. my rabbits too. u see, their biscuits r kept in this plastic bag. so, whenever they hear the sound of the plastic bag opening, they go to the same spot(where u r standing) n sits there waiting to be given biscuit. so cute right??hehe...that's why i'm hopeful i can train them.

Friday, November 21, 2003

21st Nov 7pm. wahh...rini leaving for Bali tomolow....watched Pearl Harbour 2 yesterday. quite ok. when the credits came on, then i went heh? pearl harbour? this movie isn't even set in Hawaii. it's in England. nothing on pearl harbour at all! then later i realise that this movie is actually called Deep Blue Sea. but i thought the romance part of the story is a bit like Pearl Harbour. Two air force guys. very good friend. sort of like a father/son rel. already. cos' one guy is around mid 30+ and the other one is around 17 or 18. best friends.
then, the younger one met a girl. older that him. she looks mid 20+.he falls madly in love with her. but she rejected him. and she fell in love with the older guy. the younger one didn't know, until one day he went to her house and peeped through the window and saw the both of them kissing.
The younger guy was damn mad at his friend. and the friend tried to apologise but the younger guy bashed him up. Later, they went on the planes to attack the enemy planes again(germans). then, the older's guy's plane was faulty and he had to parachute out/ but he landed in the middle of the sea and his inflatable boat burst. so, the younger guy flying on top called for help. but his lines were cut. so, he blows his own inflatable boat and flies really low and close to the ocean and drops the boat. but he flew too low and his plane crashed deep into the sea. the older guy got the boat and was saves but the younger guy was dead. a bit too abrupt lah...the younger guy was just giving him the boat next thing you know he's dead.
but the older guy quite pitiful. his best friend died. later, he went to look for the woman they disputed over and finds that her husbamd had came home. (this woman is married, her husband works in the navy and had been missing for over a year) so he lost his best friend, woman...then he went back to look for his old girlfriend. she thought he had died and married. then he went to look for his dog. he really loved his dog. but his girlfriend had a kid and the dog is now hers. poor thing lah, lost everything.
anyway, was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night when there's a blackout. i woke up, find it pitch dark and the aircon off. then i went back to sleep immediately. hehe/// slept like a log, in fact. didn't even know that my mom came in, opened the windows, pulled off my blanket.
had physics tuition/ i was so freaked out cos i was imagining the teacher to be someone like mr ng. not that he's not a good teacher, just a bit scary. u noe, can u imagine having private tuition with mr ng? anyway, the teacher's quite ok/ he'll tell u lots of stuffs behind things...ya bla bla.
was playing with my rabbits just now. It's amazing how good it feel to hold Dori in your arms. she's just the right size and she's doesn't wriggle. so you pick her up, lay her in your arms. then you feed her with the biscuit. and when you've finished just let her lie there and stroke her. so nice. i tried it with Dimple. ughh..i pick him up and he wriggles like crazy. finally get him to settle down and try to feed him slowly and he starts gobbling up all the food and wriggles non stop. in the end, you don't even hold him for one minute and you've already gotten scratches all over. haha...I love my rabituts!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

20th November Thursday hot n tired. my mama made me go up n down the stairs. for exercise she says cos' i'm getting fat. haha, Dimple n Dori is now in a chicken cage. it's a big round thing, with no base, so u just put the thing on top of them. gave them mangoes. Both of them sniffed at ot amd Dimple started eating but not Dori. she walks away, uninterested. i can see them now, from my window, i think Dori is finally nibbling at the mango/ hehe nice view huh? tired already just look out of ur window.
just now they were in the garage cos it was raining. Dimple was peeling of the paint on the wall. and he started sniffign on it. Dori thought it was some nice food and ran over. and they sniff n sniff, don't know if they nibbled, and they discarded the stupid thing/
went pasar this morning. look at stuffs, not much to look at. bought a few things.
im so bored...sigh....
just ended the Grim Fandango game. was stuck the last time n didn't bother to play it for some time. finally finished it. but why did Salvador Limones die? i mean sprouted. geez, good guy some more. i like the little Angelitos. tralalala...looking at the rabbits from my window now. we let them loose in the garden. hello, i'm back, just now Dimple ran out of the garden out on the streets and i ran out immediately. The cat was nearby, glaring at the rabbit. later, when we got Dimple back, the cat came outside the gate, and my father sprayed water on it and it scramed. ah dimple so cute! dori already tired, run into the garage already.
wah! damn freaked out! i just on the computer 5 minutes ago. i barely began typing, then suddenly mati lampu. (blackout). so freaky. feel like some blind person like that. total darkness. i was so scared my com will spoil bcos of that. well well, i went to buy vcd just now. bought pearl harbour 2. it's some foreign movie n it looks nice. so i went home to see it, not watch. is in dunno what language, maybe Polish and it's supposed to have english subtitles, but the subtitles are covered by Indonesian subtitles. u will be thinking, so? the problem is i only studied up till Primary 2 level in Indonesia. oi, primary 2 Indonesian standard, how to understand...waaa...i wish i can see those subtitles. i mean, i don't even know what concentration camp is in Indonesian.
and mom wants me to go for Physics tuition. waa tomorrow. n i don't even noe what to ask the person n the tuition is ex n i dun want to waste my mama's money but i relli dunno what to ask...waaa why is life suddenly so bleak?

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Buongiorno! haha, was saying that to the ewan on my desktop...hehe...Went Mega Mall yesteday! finally! it's so hard to get my parents to take me out. i got ready at 2pm and thye left at 4pm. can u believe it? anyway, went to read komik. most of them are the same type of stories. there was this quite nice one, on a she-elf. she's actually a half breed, half elf half drawf. She pulls off the wings of 7777 fairies and the fairy queen wants revenge. ya bla bla bla...she met humans on her way to this cave. this girl and later a ranger. the humans want to collect this rainbow crystal. not bad, sort of reminds me of lotr though. night, there was this horror show. u noe, i abhor horror show, and i never watch it. But honestly, the guy in the show was so irrisistibly cute that i couldn't help but watch the show. when all the gory parts come on, i switch to another channel. eww...the show is all bloody n disgustingly gory, but the guy is really cute. hehe, found out his name is Josh Green.
tralalala...later at 11 something pm, i watched Blast from the Past. It is a really good and sweet show/ I mean the guy is very sweet, not that you're ever likely to find someone as old fashioned as him. the guy is the one who acted in George of the Jungle n the mummy. i don't understand why he always act in those show where he comes from the primitive places into the city or something like that. i thought the show was really good. it tell about this crazy man who built a magnificent bomb shelter n he tot this bomb fell on their house. so, he lock himself and his pregnant wife in the shelter for 35 years. the wife gave birth inside and their child grew up to 35 years old and the lock finally opens. and ta-da. the guy goes into the open world for the very first time, learning the culture of the 60s and going out into the present year. really funny. there was one part on dancing. gosh, the dancing was so nice! fabulous! damn cool, really!
anyway, developed the photos. dimple n dori looks real cute. n there are many photos taken in school. n photos of me n rini in the esplanade. keeps raining these days. It is raining very very heavily just now. Actually wanted to go Megamall just now to buy vcd, but the rain too heavy. i hope won't banjir...(flood) u noe i really hate banjir, i mean who likes it.
waa..wa...just came back from Mega mall. can't find my vcds/ it's all real. mamamia! I'm dying to watch down with love...waa...sniff sniff

Monday, November 17, 2003

looking at the pic of ewan on my desktop. he looks so cute. it's the pic from big fish. hehe, can't wait for my sis to come back. She's brining trainspotting with her. It's one of ewan's shows. but he looks really really ugly, with terrible hairstyle n all that. sHE COULDN't find the serpent's kiss...huhuhu...

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Hola! Last night I couldn’t go online…dunno what’s the problem with me com. Today, I couldn’t on the monitor. My dad took away the monitor and put in another one from that was lying around. It didn’t work. The, he moved another monitor from another computer to this one and it finally worked. …sigh…hopefully the internet works too, so I can post this online.
Tralalalala…was writing the story the whole day yesterday. Sigh…don’t feel like writing so ciao/

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Sunday 2.45pm Something is very very wrong with my computer. Geez. I hope it doesn�t spoil. It is raining very very heavily now. I just finished eating Ayam Kalasan�mmm�delicious..
Yesterday night, I ate Sate PADDUUUAANG! Ok, it�s supposed to be sate padang. It tastes so good. Tralala�after eating the sate, I went to my room dilly dally, read�then I watch tv. Nothing nice as usual. So I anyhow flip here flip there. There was this movie going on, and I was watching half interested. It�s this plane that got hijacked by two terrorists. Then I watched on, still half interested. This terrorist was looking at a person�s purse and took out a ring. And he suddenly says, �There are Jews on this plane.� Then he tells the air stewardess, �I want you to collect all passports.� So, everyone put their passports on top of their head. Then, the air stewardess went round to collect them. Then there is this sad looking old man, when he gave her the passport, his sleeve lifted a bit and you can see blue numbers on his arms.
At this point, I jumped. �Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!� I was so excited, �Isn�t that�� ok, my attention was fully captured here.
After all the passports were collected, the terrorist called the air stewardess to read out the names that were Jewish. And the stewardess says, �I can�t!� then the terrorist asks why. The stewardess says, �I�m a German.� The terrorist gave her a �so?� look. �The Nazis!� She said, �They killed 6 million Jews. The selection. I can�t do it.�
Anyway, the terrorist slaps her and finally she does it. (she�s actually a good person, don�t think she�s evil)she calls the first name. �Benjamin�.� The old man stands up very sadly. His wife was crying out, �No! no! He�s been to the concentration camp once. You can�t do it again!� and the old man says, �It�s ok. We survived it once, we can survive again.� The terrorist says, �I don�t care! The jews tried to take Palestine from us.� Gosh..i was on the verge of tears already over here. And then the stewardess called out other Jews. There was this man. And his daugther was crying papapapa! So sad!
Anyway, the show is really exciting. It�s called the Delta force. These terrorist were from Beirut and they are freedom fighters. Later, the americans, the delta force tried saving the hostages. Wah�they make the show until the americans like very good like that. Lots of the terrorists were killed, while the americans only suffered one casualty. But quite sad actually, they guy who died was this young soldier. Very young. I think he�s quite cute�hehe�actually there were other soldiers, you know in movies, you only see the soldiers at a glance. And most of them are really very cute! Really! Lots of shows I�ve seen the soldiers are so handsome and yet you only see a glance of them!
After watching this show I was getting interested in all the Al Qaeda and all that. Actually I should have listened during Mr Peterson�s lesson. But I do listen you know, but if only he didn�t ask me SO MANY QUESTIONS, maybe I could listen better! But I think it�s so sad you know, this freedom figthers think they are fighting for a good cause n it�s ok to kill people. But I do wonder, after they die, what if nothing good happens to them after all. What if they don�t go to heaven, where they believe they will go?

Just now Dimple n Dori went out in the garden. They were so happy. Running around very quickly, digging the soil. And dimple loves to stand there, then suddenly starts running very fast making all the sand and soil run around. He does that again n again. So naughty! But they’re happy, sniffing their way about…tralala…see. Here I’ve written a bit of the story. Nothing like this was in the dream. But the guy’s mother shops like crazy in the dream. Tell me ur reviews… tagboard’s not working! E-mail me then.

A black Ferrari convertible zoomed past a group of giggling girls. The Ferrari suddenly stopped on its tracks and moved backwards and stopped next to the group of girls.
A handsome young man with wild eyes and crazy hairstyle sat in the car.
“Need a ride, babes?” He asked, giving them a brilliant smile.
The girls looked at each other, giggled, and jumped into his car.

It was 1am when he parked his car outside the house. He fumbled around his pockets for the house key and unlocked the door. The house was dark, cold and silent. He reached out to the wall on his left for the switch. Light flooded the living room, blinding him momentarily. He dumped his bag on the sofa and turned on the answering machine. A high pitch voice filled the whole house.
“Nicky daarling! Mommy’s gone to Milan. After this I’ll be going to Paris. There’s an exclusive exhibition for Gucci and Prada. I can’t miss them, can I? Be a guy boy ok. Mommy will be home soon…”
While the voice rattled on and on, Nick walked to the kitchen, switching on the light before walking to the fridge. He opened the fridge and took out a can of Coke. He walked back to the living room and settled on the sofa, stretching his legs and putting them on the table.
“Remember to drink your medicine darling. And I’ve heard from Mrs Lola that there’s a baseball game coming up. Oh Nicky, why didn’t you tell me? You must be so excited right? I’ve asked Doctor Howard, he said it’s ok for you to play as long as you’re not the pitcher.”
There was a pause. Nick was about to drink his coke when the voice came on again, “And oh yes, Nicky, don’t drink cold drinks! Remember your asthma!” Nick let out a grunt and piped the coke down his throat.
“Pitcher! What’s the use if I can’t be a pitcher?” Nick muttered to himself. He aimed the can at the dustbin and kicked it. “Goal.” He said without enthusiasm, “What’s the use? All I can be is the goalie. Stupid baseball! Stupid soccer! Stupid Asthma!”
He walked up the stairs to his room. He was greeted by heaps of dirty clothes, papers, balls, skateboards…all strewn on the floor. His bed was full of magazines, cds and potato chips wrapper. He let out frustrated grunt and pushed all the things on his bed to the floor. He plopped on the bed and his hand struck a photo frame and it dropped to the ground. Nick looked at the photo in the frame, it was a picture of him when he was five. He was holding a basketball, grinning happily.
“My mother thinks I’m still you,” Nick told the boy in the photo, “Doesn’t she realise I’m 19 now?”
He let out another disgruntled grunt and sniffed his shirt in distaste.
“Stupid girls and their thick perfumes.”
He took off his shirt and dumped it on the floor.
“Life sucks…” he mumbled before closing his eyes.

Friday, November 14, 2003

whew! had such a LOOOONNNG Dream! wow! and the dream was so vivid i thought it was real. ok, guess where's the setting? the dreaded school...St.margaret's Secondary school. and we were all in sec 3s and we were getting our reports back. and then this person, i had no idea who the person was, came to me to tell me my position. the person said, "Your position is first from the bottom." can't really remember the sequence of events...but later i peeked at my marks, 33.6%. i was at the bottom of the form. not jus the class, but the whole level. and i was going to be expelled/ so in the hall, there was prize giving ceremony. then my name was called out, "for being first from the bottom." then somebody said, "how sarcastic."
then i was expelled..ya..and i was damn angry. i said i'll show u. later when i grow up i'll be thanking u for expelling me cos' i went somewhere else n bacame a great person...yah..when i woke up, i really thought i got expelled.
later, i fell back to sleep and the dream continues's not about me anymore. I've changed into a guy. and this guy, after being expelled, got into a new school. and he was so rebellious. and everyoen was angry with him cos' he was flirting with all teh girls and really really rebellious. then the class was supposed to prepare something for this performance. some dance of somesort. they were practicing for the dance, but this guy, who was dancing, (you know, those type of dance wher u have to keep jumping) he couldn't breathe cos' he got ashthma. he couldn't take part in this dance. but the dance wasn't so strenous, so he decided to take part anyway...ya...bla bla bla...quite a nice dream actually, but it didn't really end. the dream went on about the day of teh performance then it started to get all distorted.
so when i woke up, i decided to write my dream into a story. and put a ending. actually in the dream, the guy is actually quite nice deep inside. haha, like watching a movie in my dreams. so, i'm goign to write this into a story adn i've thought of an ending. but you know me, and my endings. so you may not like the ending. tralalalala...hey. somebody suggest a name for this guy. ok?
hmm..i wonder what my rabbits are doing? Dori is probably dozing off somehwere and Dimple, probably upstairs, poking his nose into everything. I think Dimple is too active and Dori too inactive. anyway i was doing alittle of my homework yesterday and doing the Christmas programme again..wweee..i love doing all that.
oh yeah, i remember that in the dream, there was this pretty girl that the guy liked...wah wah..i really want to write this dream into a story. but let me warn u again, u won't like the ending! hmm...whaT name should i put? Gordon? haha, that's ewan's middle name. nah...i never really liked names starting with G. i'll think of something else.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

wake up early to go jogging today. so i woke up quite early and couldn't fall back to sleep cos i keep waiting for my mom to wake me up but she didn't. i couldn't stand it anymore. after around half an hour, i went to their room and knock the door. it was around 6.45am then. they were awake. so we prepared to go jogging. parents took so long! guess what time we left? 8.15am! anyway, i didn't really enjoy it. saw two squashed dead frog. just the skeleton. no skin. i think they were crossing the road and the car comes n roll over. i was thinking of the bio students that never do dissect any frogs. i thought the skeleton looked quite cute. big eyes...few bones...rib..quite cute! my mom said i siao, think the frog is cute. at least it's cuter than with skin right?
after i came home, i played with my rabbits. hug them like babies and feed them. they're about the size of a baby, except Dori is smaller. to think they used to be slightly bigger than my palm.wah wah..but they are so cute. but Dimple keeps struggling. Dori just lie there.
listening to savage garden, lots of old songs in this com. westlife, corrs...there's even final fantasy 3. oui, so hungry. wanted to eat lontong today, but the seller never come today. waaa!!! i think i'll just eat milk with biscuit. but my house doesn't even have milk and biscuit!!!!! have to go n buy...sigh...this house has nothing. except chocolate. that's why I've been eating chocolate day and night. but the supply is thinning out....sigh...i wonder what i will eat next... i was reminiscing my childhood to put it...anyway, i took out the cup i used as a toddler. it's this small white cup with a cap. on the cap there's this protuding thing with four holes you can suck. when i was young, my mom used to make the whole lot of us go for moring exercise. and i'll sit in the car with my eyes closed, suckign milk from the cup. ahh..the memories. so crazy me...:) hehe, took the cup and filled it with milk and drank it on the car. hahaha.. childhood days...waking up early morning all of us. my two bros will dissapear goodness knows where in their bike. I'll sit there on my tricycle like an idiot while my sis cycle around in her bicycle. waa...i never learned how to ride a bike!!! my bro almost broke his front teeth from a fall from the bike. he was so scared. front teeth u know, premanent teeth some more, so they quickly took him to the denstist and they stitch it. so scary...
mmm...the milk is nice...but not the biscuit....
ewan Mcgregor, can you please release your album...please...

Ah...just had lunch...with mango as dessert...mmm...i never seem to get sick of it. But really i wonder how many pounds i have put on.
Today, I'm just in the mood to miss everyone. I miss Lotta. Havent' heard from her so long!! and i can't call her. I miss Rini. hehe, all the shopping and laughing and talking. i sort of associated a-moi with her already. I miss Kiki. hehe...the good ol' days where we talk about Ewan. of cus kiki has others, i seem to be forever stuck with ewan...sigh...I miss Huizhen. ah..the good ol' days again. when we still use to have our free lessons before they were taken for peer tutoring. remember? me, Rini, kiki, huizhen, we'll sit together n crack jokes. haha, i still remember the one of tiger beer and the muslim crocodile.
I miss my sister. was reading my sis's letter yesterday. the letter she gave to me bfore she left for america. it was quite funny and illustrated in some way. of course, she'll be coming home soon..i sort of miss my eldest brother too. i still remember when he used to say:"am i supposed to say my little big sister or my big little sister?" (he was commenting on my humongous size...)my 2nd brother...i dunno whether i miss him or not...maybe...
lalala...i;m in a horrible mood now. my mom's draggin me to some foot reflexology. i don't want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't want to go. i'd rather stay at home and spend my time nicely...:( waa...........
i'm not going. no! no! NEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dimple...aiyah...dunno what happen to him...he keeps mencret...u means..lao sai...yah...
uhh...was feeling evil today. i put the rabbits in a box and let them stay there for a few minutes before letting them out...muahahaaha//// ah.........i'm going insane... i've even started sining songs like Balonku ada lima....rupa rupa warnanya..(if u dunno the meaning...never's retarted anyway...)

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

OLALALA played Grim Fandango difficult. i really marvel at how people do it without using walkthourgh. are you sure??? not even a teeny weeny bit when you'rea really really stuck???
I'm almost moving on to year 4 in the game now. the stupid com. it got me so mad! i was just solving this combination lock on the door in which Meche was locked up in. i solved it! then i saved and the com suddenly went back to Windows! how can they!!
i keep getting
my naughty rabbits..:) hehe// tehy keep runnign upstiars to play. you know, rabbits love holes, corners, boxes. yes they love boxes. wow..they keep running upstairs and i have to keep brining them down. Judt now, i was checking up on teh rabbits and i found Dimple gone. i looked around and couldn't find him. Finally i found him! upstairs! and guess what? that greedy little rabbit found a mango and bit part of it, skin and all. naughty Dimple. i carried him down.Later i found Dori tiring to get them out of there. she didn't eat or find and mangoes though. later, both of them went up. See all the work i have to do to bring them down??? i was sweating like crazy. later both of them went up again...ahh...they drive me crazy but boy, i love em!
Anyway, does anyone know what's wrong with my tagboard? can anyone fix it? just mail me, i tell you my password and username.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

lalala..what date is it today??? aha! i think it should be the 11th. oui! it's 9pm now. :P i spent the whole day playing Grim Fandango today. The com here is much better than the one in Singapore. it has a mouse...and the graphic in Fandango is much better, no double images. but during the short clips the sounds are cut into pieces. well, at least the clips are short.
haha, all the difficult puzzles in Grim got me nuts! but i do realise that Lucas arts likes the dead, or the undead. In monkey 3, Captain LeChuck had the whole horde of undead armies. and in Grim, it's packed with the dead that is not dead...Cripes//the undead are everywhere~!
anyway, you probably won't know what I'm talking about if you haven't played the games. But let me tell you, they are VERY FUN!
didn't play much with my rabbits today..but they are definetely as cute as ever...i fed Dimple with a piece of mango. he likes it. he eats anything! thata greedy pig/imean rabbit/Dori sniffs at it and walks away. she doesn't eat everything. but she can be a little bit stupid. you know, like you have her most favourite food on your hand and she's just a few metres away and she doesn't even know it. While Dimple, oh no. you may be miles away and he charges to you to get his food. and i always keep the rabbit biscuit in this plastic bag. The rabbits are sort of trained to hear it already. once they hear the sound of the plastic bag, they will gather at the spot where i always put down the adorable!!!
saw a rat outside the house just now...yeww...i hear this sound, i was hoping: plase please let it be a cat..but was a rat!!!
Rats! Indo is making me all rounded. I mean FAT! and very! I think when i go back to school you people probably won't recognise me. probably ask:are you new??
Everyday i just wake up, sit around, eat chocolate, eat sweet mangoes, eat nata de coco...and goodness knows what other junks...and sleep....waaa....I'm turning into a pig! Maybe i should start forming the association for greedy humans and rabbits.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Ahhh! i have a working mouse!!! in Indo, i mean!6th Nove mber 11.30an
I am in Indonesia now. And I find that the com with the internet is not working…sigh..and the com I am typing this with has no mouse!!! Can you believe it??? It’s around the sane problem as in Singapore, only the keyboard isless cranky. Oh well…and it has no cd compartment. Can you believe it???
Yesterday, I came back here. Went to the library in the morning. Met my friend on the bus stop. Later went airport. When I reach there I was smsing rini. No cute guys at all. Later, went into the gate. No cute french guys, I was thinking, where has all the frenchmen gone? Going to get on plane that time, suddenly this tall and dashing french guy walk past into the plane. Wah wah,,, but unfortunately, he took bussiness class. No hope of sitting near him.
On the plane. The air stewardess was going Bonjour Madame. Then I sit down. Aha! There’s games n movies on this plane. I watched Pirates of the Carribean. But I don’t like it!! They keep interrupting you halfway with their announcements….and I never even watch finish the show!! Oh well…the only things I remember was Will throwing water at the guy n say: that was for the smell
I saw the movies the plane have. There’s down with love! But not on this plane! 
Anyway, I finally reach Indo! Woohhooo! Go n take luggage that time, I suddenly remembered my Frenchman. And thank goodness he is tall cos I spotted him right away. Hehe.. later he talked on his handphone and laugh. Ahhh he looks so nice when he laughs. Later one porter approached him and he raised his eyebrows in an interesting manner and smiled. Nice….
Anyway, we got out luggages and we left the frenchman, who is talking on his phone again. Went out n saw me dad! Waa! Then we got to our car! Finally! My very own car!! Drive home. And I ran out of my car immediately and got the biggest shock of my life.
My rabbits!!! My rabbits!! They are gigantic!! Gosh I was just there shouting: gede amat! (means so big!) again and again. They gave me a rea bug shock. Last time I saw them, I could hold them with both my….ahhhhh
Anyway, I went to fiddle with the com n found it wasn’t working/ sigh…while this one has no internet. I decided, well well…I’ll just write this anyway, maybe I go singapore can post it.
I was still shocked by me rabbit. But now, sort of ok already. They still have their baby looks n habits. But they r big. Big
I hope Dori gets pregnant soon. I want liitle baby rabbits!
2.40 pm
My dad said Dori is a male. But I was thinking how can it be????waaa!! the person from the shop said Dori was female. I really hope Dori is female. I really want baby rabbits
Anyway, my neighbour has a dog he wants to give away. Me n my dad went to see it. It’s a black sausage dog. Doesn’t look very cute, but it’s very obedient. But the name of the dog is horrible. Ah Bao! Yucks! What kind of name is A Bao?? Anyway, there’s one funny part. My dad suddenly forgot the dog’s name. And he asked me, what’s the name? Is it Ah Boon? I burst out laughing.
Anyway, we decided not to take in the dog. The reasons are mainly:
1) nobody in the household likes the dog expect my dad n myslef
2) the dog listens to my dad but not me!
3) Dori is terrified of the dog(my dad told me she was so frantic the last time, she jumped up and down n her nose bled cos she bang her cage too hard.
Sigh…I was eating mango just now. It’s so great to have a mango tree at home…sigh in pleasure. You can eat it after dinner or lunch. And they’re fresh and sweet. Lovely. And they’re free! And you can eat them anytime you want/ and let me tell you my mangoes are so much better than those sold on the markets.. no preservatives
Oh well..i’ll think about how to entertain myslef next. Other than taking pics of me rabbit.

7th November 9pm
Rini should be in Indonesia now…sigh…I’m so bored. I went to cut my hair just now. Then I went to the shop where I bought my rabbits. Gosh! The baby rabbits there are absolutely adorable!!! Ahhh! I can’t believe Dimple and Dori used to be so small and cute.
Don’t get the wrong idea. My rabbits are still cute. It’s just that they’re a bit large…but still cue. Esp. when eating and washing their face with their paws.
Anyway we are suspecting more and more that Dori is a male after all. Darn the woman who sold it to me!! Why didn’t you check properly. Ahhh! My dad suggested buying a female. But my two males would all go for the female. So poor thing. And if we buy a female, it’s going to be a baby female. I’m scared my Dimple will squash the baby. Dimple always anyhow sleep. Everytime sleep on toop of Dori when he’s so much bigger than her.
Anyway, we’re taking Dori to the shop tomorrow to verify her gender. I hope she’s a girl. Hope hope hope… can you imagine a male rabbit called Dori?? Waaa, she has to be a girl! Darn that woman who sold it to us.
But but…if Dori is really a girl…it would only mean one thing…because rabbits usually give birth in around 3 months and it’s been 6 months. So if Dori is a girl…it could only mean that….DIMPLE IS INFERTILE!!!!!
His butt was infected the last time. What if he becomes infertile bcos’ of that…waa…so now I don’t know whether I want Dori to be a girl or guy…waaa MAMA MIA!

8th November Saturday 4,55 pm
Yum yum…just finish eating lunch…cabbage soup and potatoes,,,sounds like food the POWs eat. In indo, there is no guys who will sing for me and get me diabetic with their sweetness..but indo..esp. in my house…the mangoes make you diabetic.
Gosh..they are so nice.. cold sweet mangoes. Wish I can share it with all of you. It’s so nice.But after a while I’ll tire of it. I’m practically eating it everyday
Anyway, I woke up this morning and ate mi keriting. Yum yum. Later me, dad, mum, and my maid tintin went out. Oh yeah, plus Dori went along too.
We were going to check whether she was male or female. I was going ga-ga…but was prepared to call her Dor if she’s I mean, if she is a he.
Anyway, first we went to my aunt’s house to pick up my grandmother. She’s coming to out house to stay. Then, we went to exchange my cd. You see, my dad bought two cds yesterday cos I keep complaining of boredom. He bought GOODBOY and THE FOUR FEATHERS. The quality of GOODBOY was ok. But not four feathers. The condition is appaling. But I thought it seemed like a nice movie. So, we exchanged the four feathers, for Legally Blonde 2. I watched GOODBOY. It’s quite cute. Esp. those dogs.
After that, we went to MegaMall and headed for the pet shop. We put Dori(who was in her cage) in the trolley and we wheel her in. some people who saw was saying: Kelinici!(rabbit) in excitement.
Anyway, the guy verified that Dori was a female. Hooray! But now’s the question. Is Dimple infertile? Let’s just hope it’s not. Maybe it’s just that the time is not ripe, but hopfully they’ll have a baby soon.
Later I went to the supermarket. Bought…1 packet of biscuit, 2 packets of Nata de Coco. 2 chocolate bars. And one kg of eel. (for my mom. Eww though) and the total amount we paid was 20000something rupiah. Wah, that’s only $4. $4 for all that sutffs. I think it’s quite cheap.
Anyway, we went home later. And poor Dori looks pretty spooked up. I released her from the cage and put her near Dimple. Aww..those two lovebirds, I mean loverabbits…dear Dimple started licking the poor little Dori. Later I saw him go the cage sniff here and there and even jump to the top of the cage and start sniffing around. Probably trying to figure out where Dori went.
We bought dried food for the rabbits from the shop. They haven’t been eating these food for both of them were eating it with very much pleasure…yum yum…oh yes..the baby rabbits at the pet shop are absolutely adorable!!

9th November 4.30pm
ahhh! I’m so hot!! Yesterday I watched Legally Blonder 2. Twice in one day. After watching the show I was laughing to myslef. Cos’ there’s this part where this woman says: your dogs are gay.
Haha, reminds me of Dimple and Dori. To think we thought they were gay. Ahaha…there was the gay dogs of America,,
Anyway, I was totally and utterly flabbergasted yesterday when my mom asked me, have you called your friend?
Oh \my gosh!!! I have forgotten to call Lotta, my Finnish friend. I promised to call on her birthday, which was on the 7th. And yesterday was already the 8th. I was going nuts. Feel so guilty. Ahhhhh how could I forget??? I even started getting all mixed up and started to think my sis’ birthday was today!!! And today, someone asked me my age and I momentarily forgot!!! Ahhh!!
Anyway, I tried calling her. But couldn’t get thorgh. Tried lots of times. There was one time where this person said soemthing like enhood?….and some other Finnish stuffs..and then hang up. Waa…I feel so guilty.
Anyway, I took lots of pics of my rabbits again yesterday. Aww..they are so adorable. My dad bought the rabbit biscuit, which is this short brown sticks. Gosh…my rabbits look so cute when eating. Aww…so, we carried Dimple, titled back his head to show his mouth and put the stick in his mouth and snap! The camera. cute! We did the same to Dori. I think Dimple was scared and didn’t want the stick, so when we took the pic, the stick was sticking out, like he is smoking. Ahahha so cute!!  and Dori is so adorable!!! Ahhh! I wonder when she will give birth/
Anyway, my dad says he’s going to send the com with internet for fixing…hopefully…sigh…I really want to post all this online you know……sigh… and I’m dying to check my mail/

10th November 11.55am
Hello! Yesterday something bad happened. My mom was carrying Dori. But she didn’t hold Dori tightly enough and the frightened little rabbit jumped out and hurt her left hind leg. Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! So poor thing!!! Poor Dori! I kept stroking her and felt so happy when she ate the rabbit biscuits very happily. With silly but cute Dimple trying to stuff all the food into his mouth. Ahh…and both of them gulp at the water crazily. They must be so thirsty. So cute!
Today, another bad thing happened. I woke up this morning and they told me Dori hurt her nose. AHHHH!! I looked at her nose. Ahhh…makes me so sad to look at it!! The fur is standing up near the nose and it’s bleeding. It’s not the nose, it’s on top of the nose. So poor thing. Bleeding. But none of us know what happened. Ahhh so sad……and now poor Lil’ Dori is resting in the garage and Dimple is out in the garden in the cage. Probably thinking, why am I stuck here along where is my dear sweetheart??
I didn’t send me com for fixing yesterday cos my dad thought it might be closed on Sunday. So…we’re going to do it today.
Watched Uptown girls with my parents yesterday. Note to Rini: It’s not that I didn’t want to watch with you the last time, I was just not mentally and monetarily prepared. You know. I always need jacket and sutffs like that n money and I don’t have them
Anyway, the show was pretty good. I was crying here and there. So sad! I think Dakota is so thin! And Mu, aww…Mu is so cute! Generally quite sad but beautiful. 
Anyway, I had weird dreams just now. I think the beginning was that I’m in school. And I was very hot. So I saw Audrey buy melon and I follow suit. Yuck. The melon was warm and dry and not the least bit juicy. I know that Vicki and Athena was there too. And I said something to them. Like: should I buy the watermelon?
Stupid dream . oh yeah, later, Ms S.Ho appeared. We are all playing a game. We’re suppose to guess her favourite food. She gave us clues. Then, Kiki, Rini, and me walked around the supermarket trying to figure out what it is. A lot of people were in the game and everyone was trying to win it.
All right, I’ll check on my little rabbits now.
guess what I’m writing from the com with the internet! Haha! The repairman just went home.  oui! Yes! I have a computer and internet!!!! Yes!! I have come to live a penniless existence…I have come to write about beauty freedom truth and at which I believe in above all things….LOVE!

Monday, November 03, 2003

Hello. sorry i was in a dratty mood yesterday. oi. anyway today is the 4th. and it's 2.10pm. i shoudn't have gone to school today. so boring. but i tot maybe can talk to riri or borrow some nazi books, so i went to school. wah..was late this morning. but teacher haven't come yet. English was boring as usual.
then we have project learning. it's actually self study. but for 5 periods!! i was so bored. Riri was talking to Ning Die and the rest. she seems so happy so i don't want to disturb them with my boring talks. so, i go n do my english homework. do until go nuts ah. but in the end i already hav 99 expressions. but i need another book.
during recess borrowed one nazi book for my history homework. but cannot find the one i wanted. aiyah shoudln't have returned it the last time. i also went schooldna, thinking i can do some work. who knows...the website is under construction!!! ajhhhh! how to finish my work??? i never suscribe to schooldna!!!
wahh..listening to braveheart so nice!!! i love it!!! you should listen to it. I't so good!!! :) sigh...have to go library later. was thinking of going after school but i missed out one hav to go home first...sighh...lazy....
was reading kiki's blog. she says she likes guys who stand on the stage with the guitar singing to you. gosh! i agree!! I'll faint if a guy with a sweet voice sings to me. just to me. you know like telling you, this song is yours. more like, this is your song. i think i'm supposed to hear music in kiki's blog or something, but don't seem to hear it.
ahhh, it's going to to go out....
oui. I'm leaving for Indonesia tomolow. see ya all next year!!!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

I'm in a horrible mood today!! darn school! the test was sucky, but i couldn't be bothered with it. nobody came for teh project thing. so i just talk to riri about bali n all that. after recess. don't talk about after recess. i am still feeling moody. I'm breathing fire now. so boring. mrs low was just going on n on and i really wasn;t it the mood. she called me to do one question. and i am damn stubborn. if i dun want to do it, i won't do it. so it took quite long bfore i went up to do the question. the whole class was shouting n groaning. and i don't like that. i HATE that. After reading this, you'll all probably scram from me. i am very murderous.
and let me tell u my eyes was flashing while writing on the board. and i hated english. it was so boring! and my mood can never be worse! i am now infused with hate, so stay away!

Hello! ahaha...thanks kiki for helping me decorate me blog. I'm dead tired. went out the whole day with riri. Woke up at 7.40 this morning. call riri for wake up call. then we meet at Bugis mrt. gosh...we're late for service! so, we just thick skinned walk into the church halfway thru service. ok lah..but it was so cold. cold. anyway, after church we went to simlim. the cd player there damn ex. then we were walking level by level. and guess who we saw???? ok, actually i saw him first. I saw this guy, in red i think. wear glasses. quite short. then, i look again, thinking i was seeing things. then i grabbed rini. then we screamed. aahhh!! it's true! we just saw Mr Lee Siong Boon! Rini says, let's scram. and so we did. we went back to the shop he visited after he left. wah..he was lookign at palmtop or whatever. rich ah...
anyway, riri bought a game..huhuhu...jealous....we went to Bugis and ate Sirloin steak. then we shop around talk talk talk. We promised to go SAJC.waaa! i wonder if i can even get in. we walk around. take neoprints. eww. i looks terribwle inside.
later i saw this toy. not a toy. sort of like a model. u to explain ah...those toys the boys play one lah. With army clothes..ahhh!! i went crazy. there's this toy, with the soldier raising his helmet!!! waaaI love love his uniform!! and there's another one with binoculars. and another with gas mask. the mask looked so real! i was going crazy over them.
Later we saw tanks. cool! they were real cool! all the details were meticulously put in. wires, switches cables..everything in teh tank!! cool! and planes and motorcycles, racing!! i love em.
anyway, we really shopped till we dropped and i bought a few things...oh well...i need the toilet badly now....haven't study for my SS. Waaaa!!! I'm so dead!