La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, May 30, 2005

SFC Camp

Woke up late. Told my maid to wake me up at 7.45 and she woke me up at 8.45. By the time I reached there, my cell was already doing their identity. I am in Liz's cell and we named out cell jOY. and there was a group calling themselves spritual Jedi..haha.. We had to pick name for the angel mortal game and I got Mr Lim. Feels weird getting a teacher for a mortal. I already knew some people in my cell like Sophia, Kirstie, Ben, Jayce and Liz. Then, we had this ice melting game. We had to melt an ice and we were all furiously scrubbing. Pretty fun actually.. haha.. Then we had session one and later lunch. We had lunch as a cell group. and we played a water bomb game and trust fall game. Pretty ok, except it was hot. Plus my shoes were wet. Took a shower, which wasn't as bad as I expected, but i still hate showering in school. Later, we played this candle war game. Oh boy, it was nightime and dark and we were holding candles and trying to blow out each other candles'. totally fun! haha... except I'm no good at the game. But i still like it, i always like playing during the night. We had supper and went to bed. At 2.45pm they woke us up and we were all so sleepy. I was dazed and we all had to put on blindfold and search for red beans in the field. We had to pick up 5 beans before we could sleep. I was squatting and groping around in the mud and grass and thought i found one bean (which was a little pebble actually) they told us to stop later and revealed there were no red beans in the first place and told us the meaning behind the game and sent us to bed.

Woke up. showered. ate breakfast. went to church. had a raffia race game where three cells combined and had our legs tied together criss crossed. so difficult to walk. haha.. but it wasn't bad. I think God really did something about the weather. cos we had to go about the track twice and I think it took us more than an hour. And we wouldn't have been able to take it if it was hot and sunny. When we were playing, the sun was hidden by the clouds and it was really really windy and cooling, so it was pretty fun. and as we were about to finish, the rain came. Then, while it rained, we ate lunch. And before our next game, the rain stop. Perfect timing. God's miracles. And we has a really great treasure hunt. the Cell was broken up and I had to join another cell. Pretty fun getting to know new people, except for Liz, who was in my group too. So we went back and forth from Queensway to PSA to Anchorpoint to Harbourfront to Ikea. and we ran around and I pretty much had a lot of fun going about. Though it was tiring, i honestly had a lot of fun (except we got bitten by lots of mosquitoes...). and after that, we ate dinner and took a shower. and after that we played Romanopoly. Honestly, I throughly enjoyed that one. We had green/red beans as money and we were supposed to gamble (by flipping coins) to earn money. and with the money, you could go to the silk road and earn more. and if you're broke, you become a slave and people gets to buy you. haha.. anyways, i went to the silk road with 6 other girls hoping to earn more beans. and... hahaha.. got sent to jail. honestly, it was hilarious. Mr Lim was dressed as a barbarian and told us to scare him and all we could do was laugh at him helplessly and he said, i told u to scare me and u laugh at me?? and he sent the whole lot of us to jail and we were laughing all the way to jail. Yup, the game was fun! and after that, we went to the field again. This time we had to do this calling thing. I don't know why I like playing at night, but I do and honestly, it was fun.. except for the mosquitoe bites. and the thought of the "Achoo!" call is still hilarious... After that, we went for mass dance. It was already 1 plus am i think. and the dance was hilarious. Su ann's movements were really hilarious and i had fun. Yup, then we had supper and i practically ran for my bed and had a good night's sleep.

We all woke up rather late and had to rush to breakfast where we used our points to trade for breakfast. Had session and extended worship and this finale where we put our finger print and debrief and buffet lunch. and then home sweet home I am. :) I sure do miss my bed. the sleeping bag wasn't that bad actually... i dunno why when i used it during the sec 3 camp, i couldn't sleep AT ALL. this time, i practically curled up inside the bed. haha..
and I found out who my angel is. Gosh, he is so nice and I'm really really grateful. I feel like I'm such a pathetic angel. Anyways, Bryant gave me a kit kat bar and Passion of the Christ soundtrack. Someone passed the CD to me in the middle of the night actually and I was so sleepy i just put it by my side and continued sleeping. When i woke up, i saw Mel Gibson and the first thing that came to my mind was "Braveheart? how did people know I wanted to buy the soundtrack?" then i saw clearly and oh...passion of the chirst. haha.. anyways, yesh, i probably have the nicest angel. and despite being such a pathetic angel myself, Mr Lim still thanked me and gave me a box of colour pencils, saying something about bring colours to him. haha... that really coloured my day. haha =P

Well, I'm really glad I went for the camp. Felt God really wanted me to go. and honestly learnt a number of things from there. and made a number of friends too. :) let's see... from my cell there are Kirstie (often called Christi, kirsties and other wrong names), Sophia, Roy (otherwise known as Pocahontas pants), Jayce, Joel, Petrina, Ben and cell leader Liz. From my treasure hunt group there's Valerie, Caleb, Andrew, Hui Ru and Ian. Then, I spotted an Indonesian (two actually) and got to practise my Indonesian again. Miss those days in MI where my OG was PACKED with Indonesians. Yup and others as well. Lots of friendly ppl out there, who'll just smile at you and ask for your name even if we just meet in the toilet.. haha.. and I really like looking at the heart where people wrote messages for me. haha.. Kirstie wrote a nice long one and a few of my fellow ex-jailers wrote a few things in as well. haha.. and Caleb wrote a funny message about his new resolution-- to grow taller than me. wahahaaha...

I think this is the funnest camp I've been to and can see that there's really a whole lot of effort put into it and honestly, i would like to thank the people from the camp but i guess really didn't have much chance to. Well, I have my warm nice bed now... a huge queen sized bed all to myself... nyahaha..

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Blank and empty
A white space

They see through me
I'm insignificant
like a speck of dust
they blink me away

My life
there's no proof I've lived
safe a meaningless certificate
Mere papers

My achievements
there's none
simple as that
A huge vaccuum

I never really existed


Survival of the Fittest. That's the world we live in. You're good and they welcome you with open arms. You're not good enough and you're left in one corner of the earth to stink and die. We all live in the world of politics, whether you like it or not. Power play, wealth, positions... We may claim to be good, or humble. But ultimately, the ultimate goal of every humankind is to survive. and to do so, you have to crush on everyone and use them as a stepping stone. Nobody can be trusted, no bond of brotherhood. Democracy is a lie and freedom is an impossible dream. This is life. Rot in it!

Monday, May 23, 2005



ahhhhhhhh!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!
1) I absolutely adore Obi-Wan Kenobi! Isn't he the coolest Jedi ever? (and the funniest too!)
2) It's so so so tragic! waah!! (I actually cried... A LITTLE OK!!) at the bit where Obi Wan told Anakin all those stuffs while Anakin was burning. SO sad!!!!!!! waaaaaaah! And i Still can't believe Padme died, it's SO TRAGIC! *sniffs*
3) Lightsaber. Aren't they totally awesome?
4) Master Yoda was cute (it shouldn't be like that, should it?) and cool too!
5) The Birth of Darth Vader. TRAGIC!! But really quite amazing, it's like the rising of the dark.. oooooo.. (I'm thinking of Sauron now.. why?)

Yuppers, totally love Star Wars! :D Watched it with Kelso yesterday! thanksalot dearie! anyways, we were so melodramatic in the cinema. Everytime any harm came to Obi Wan i was like ahh ahh ahh! and Kelly was all dramatic on Padme and Anakin. ahaha.. after the movie, there was this shop selling all the movie good. GOSH! Obi Wan's lightsaber replica!!! AHHH I WANT!! and there was William Wallace's sword! SO COOL! It even has Macleod on it and it was so heavy!! I WANT IT TOO! someday...someday.. i shall have the sword in my house. YUPPERS! lots of things that i want...

anyways, me and Kel went to Borders and looked at magazines again. loitered here and there, went to DFS and pretended to be tourists looking at Coach and wadever expensive brands. muahaah.. After that, went home. Sally came over at night. we watched a movie but she fell asleep....... then she stayed overnight and woke up so early. and i continued sleeping. wahhha.. Got a headache now.. BLEH.. and gotta do homework! AHH! CIAO!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Had to do stupid Vietnam war thingy today. blah. boring boring dreary thing.

Anyways, was supposed to meet Sally, Mindy and Clef yesterday. And found out Sally roped Clef to join some course and both of them can't make it. and i was so dissapointed. Mindy decided to go along with it. anyway, in the end, Mindy cancelled the whole thing. SO, i didn't even get to see a sight of that girl. what a nasty end to everything

Didn't want to go home. so, went with Kel to library to find Vn war book. Useless, nothing. Went to Borders, didn't find it. and we (0r should I say kelly) ended up looking at all the magazines on Hayden and Natalie. and my legs were breaking. and we were talking about every single Star Wars poster and i was looking out for Obi-Wan all the way. and Kelly keeps saying: " Anakin, you're breaking my heart" wahaa... nuts.

anyways, I asked Sally where she was. and she told me Clef's course was ending at 7 and hers at 8.30 and i could meet her if i wanted to wait that long. i was thinking whether to go and meet them or not. but I loitered in Orchard with Kelly for so long it was 6.30 already. So, i decided to wait for Clef. I went to the library and read Attack of the Clones, mourning over the fact that I didn't have my library card. Clef called me and he had no idea where the library is. haha, that is one person who never reads. Anyways, I quickly couped Clef's IC and used it to borrow my book. muahaha.. YESH! anyways, we were pretty bored and waiting for Sally. Loitered around the library and i was terribly surprised to find out he has hardly been to a library and thinks books are scary.........

We went to Heeren, listen to some music. and then Clef wanted to DDR. and he's nuts bcos he did it so fast and everyone was staring and i was wondering whether I'm looking at a human being. By the time he finished, he was so breathless he couldn't even speak. gosh... then we went back to heeren and waited for Sally. Just as she arrived, this security guard came and scolded Clef. bcos he brought a huge umbrella (as usual) and he was swinging it here and there and he got scolded, saying that could have poked someone. [SECURITY GUARD!! RICE!! ACK! HOPE HE'S NOT LIKE THAT!]

anyways, Clef was pretty mad after that. and sally was going on and on about eyecandies and Clef was still pretty angry. and we went to Delifrance and he didn't want to eat. and that was crazy bcos he didn't sleep the night bfore and only ate breakfast for the whole day and I'm wondering where he got his energy from. We forced him to eat anyways. and then the silly security was soon forgotten (or so i hope) as Sally started with her rounds of eyecandies. Hundreds and thousands. and then we were going nuts. and i was happily telling them about Kenobi the best Jedi ever! and Clef started to go nuts over Rinoa. and it was a crazy night. and we walked around and continued talking, with Sally cutting in now and again about eyecandies. haha.. it was fun! and we ended up going home like 11 plus.. haha.. =P

watching Star Wars tmr! YESH! :D and Kelly told me Anakin carried Obi-Wan his master. and then shut up and refused to say anymore. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! She doesn't want to tell me cos she doesn't want to spoil it for me. but Anakin carrying Obi Wan doesn't sound settling to me .... I WANNA WATCH RIGHT NOW!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

We had a suprise International History test today. It was ... SURPRISING! haha.. whaddaya expect? it's a surprise test u idiot. Maybe I'll fail, maybe i won't. I dunno. But Mr Yoong claims he always fail his students. so maybe I'll fail. :D ok, I shouldn't be grinning. And went to Ikea with Kel, Soph, Ben and Sharon today. ate steak with mushroom sauce (MUSHROOM SAUCE!!! YUMMY!!!) and asparagus soup and coffee. Best meal ever. YUM YUM. and everyone was complaining that I ate too slow. WHAT IN THE WORLD??? nobody has complained about that to me before!!!! Hmmph... spoil my eating enjoyment and keep calling me ah-ma some more.. then we took a walk around Ikea. sat on the beds/ sofa look at bedroom. nice nice.. pretty fun!

Will be meeting Mindy, Sally and Clef tmr.. i hope.

hmm...let's see, random stuffs. Lit was so boring today I actually wrote a poem. har har... It's pretty bad tho. I don't have a knack for poems. (sigh) maybe I'll post it on ficpress so i can get some constructive criticism to improve it plus get flames.

On Tuesday, we had to support the rugby match. Kel, Soph, Sharon and me went to Thomzon Plaza to eat first. Since Clef lived nearby, I asked him to join us. He was carrying the silly huge umbrella again. After lunch, we all went to the police academy. Oooh... police academy and i think of Eric cos he's training to be a cop. :D yayzers! and the field was all muddy and wet and my whole shoe plus socks got soaked and brown. and Sophia was screaming at every puddle causing the rest to scream as well. and i was like sheesh and just went forward and let the water splash everyone. My feet's already dirty anyway, might as well ... We watched the rugby match for like 3 minutes, then i need the toilet crazily. and the one nearby was locked. and I was super urgent. and then we went to the guard house and ask the police guy where the female toilet is. and he was very unsure. then, he went and asked some other person and he directed us. FINALLY! we got to the toilet. haha... Sophia was like it better be clean, no spiders. we were imagining dirty toilets wadever. But it was really clean. and after we went toilet, we went HOME!! Man... so this is wad u call supporting rugby match.... I wanted to watch actually, see some violence (me nuts).. but oh well.

Whelps! Got GP essay to do and lit wks. CIAO~!

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Just looking at the American map on Atlas and wondering which state I wanna go. My map is so darn old, Germany is still divided into two and the USSR still exists. SHEESH!

Anyways, as much as San Diego is a big attraction, i don't like the idea of going to California. It's like ... another big city... nah. I want a nice place where there's a few builiding. and then there's those cosy little houses. and there's a hill that is in driving distance. I don't mean like you wake up to see the hill outside your house. Driving distance is okay. And maybe a lake somewhere that i can drive (hmm.. me driving? nah) to in the weekends or something. And... a nice state nearby that I could go to during the hols. :) I was thinking, Colorado is not bad. It's famous for its views. Kansas is not near, but with the plane, it will be pretty fast. ( i hope) hmm.. lemme see if they are any nice Unis in Colorado. The thing is, it would be much easier to adapt in places like California compared to other states with higher white/black population in the school. Californian Universities are normally have normally about 50% Asians and international students. but more remote places are like ... I'll be so out!

Ah well, have to slowly look for it. and when my mom comes, I'll have to ask money from her so i can register for my SAT. the nearest date is October. :( so late, but no choice.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Blah! Was so depressed yesterday I wanted to die. Sat on the window sill with my feet dangling down. haha.. it was quite fun actually. bcos the wind was cooling and it's not stifling. and I wasn't planning on jumping anyways, i live on the second floor for goodness sake. All i'll get is a broken leg? nah.. don't want to go around in wheelchair or crutches. But maybe I'll sit there for fun next time. Read a book there or something. as long as the neighbours don't get the wrong idea.

Didn't feel ready for school today. Got up in the morning and ready to leave the house. On the way to the bus stop, just felt horrendously nauseous and my throat was all scratchy. so i thought, blast the damn school, and went home. then my maid was doing wadever massage and that chinese method of suction dunno wad on me so i'll feel better. then i just slept and slept till afternoon. Had to go and see a doctor later for MC bcos i missed the SEA test. BLOODY! and when i got there, it was closed for lunch. was so PO-ed and went home. and went back there later and got myself an MC.

Just realise how impossible it is to overdose on something in my house because there's NOTHING to overdose on. The whole house is full of bottles of SUPPLEMENTS!! If i overdose on them, i won't even die. sheesh.. kinda hilarious actually. Was looking thru all the bottles yesterday and couldn't help but laugh. and the medicine the doctor gave me today isn't even enough to kill me. haha. they're like gastric pills and anti-inflammatory pills. there's only like a few pills.. certainly not enough to overdose on. and he gave me lozenges. the only way i can die of lozenges is to CHOKE on them.. haha.. and choking is not a very nice thing.

What's the nicest and most painless way to die I wonder.. Me and kix used to discuss them remember?

BLAH! I wonder if Mrs Ram will want me to re-sit for the SEA test tmr. so lazy! and Ms Sab actually sms today saying she wants to see me. I bet it's about the GP fact file. The whole class anyhow do and she's gonna chop me bcos i'm the GP rep. this SUCKS, but i have to do it. I have to get a recommendation from Ms Sab and scoot out of JC. I need to get out of that bloody hellhole. and i haven't even e-mail Mdm Su yet. I have nothing to give her. No qualifications. My CCA sucks. I didn't attend any competition. gosh. I do hope i can crap something up and hope hope hope Uni will accept me. I don't know, but I have a feeling Mdm Su doesn't like me much. and I'm such a useless GP rep. it's a wonder ms Sab will write me a good testimonial.

BLAH! Who cares la!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

So lazy to blog these days.. hmm.. been doing research on Vietnam War. I swear I took 5 hours to do that. Then, did Lit PC hw. Gosh, i wrote so long for one stanza. I'm nuts. and I took like one and a half hours to do it. hahaha.. and it was about war and i was listening to lotr rotk, kinda appropriate.
laadeedum.. what should I talk about. so many stuffs happen already. basically school blabla.. my life centers around school, that sucks. I lost Hui Bing's anime. T_T Die.. shall have to ask for her forgiveness and offer Eric in exchange if it comes to that...
Bleh.. just feel like staying here and do nonsense. But have to go and study history. maybe until 2.30 am or something. :( I've nothing interesting to say, so i shall just shut up.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

You know you're addicted to LOTR when...

1)You now have a lifetime fear of black horses!
2)You have sssudenly developed a hisssing lisssp every time you sssay the letter ssss.
3)You have begun calling your husband / wife / girlfriend/ boyfriend / animal or kid my precioussss. (ahaha... sure sounds like me)
4)At Christmas time relatives find you chatting with the tree and sharing eggnog draughts
5)Single ads with the description," short plump and big hairy feet" seem much more appealing. (er...hahaha)
6)You have a mouse named Frodo, a bird named Gollum, and a dog named Gandalf. And that cat that keeps coming around to be petted is Legolas.
7)You think the names of the 7 dwarves from Snow White are: Gimli, Gloin, Thorin, Gili, Nili, Ori, and Bambour.
8)You've become strangely obsessed with mushrooms.
9)You change your name by deed poll to a Tolkien character and seriously consider naming your children after LOTR characters. (aye! let's do it!)
10)You stand in the doorway and tell your cat that he 'Can not pass'.
11)You wash your face in the sink and expect to see things that are, that have been or that will be.
ahahaha.. so funny.. click for more.

Your Inner European is Irish!
Sprited and boisterous!You drink everyone under the table.

YAY! Irish! and my Irish name is Áine Ahearne, i wonder how you pronounce that..