La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

CTs are over.. no particular feeling about it though. Have CHinese Oral on TUesday, which was supposed to be a holiday for us.. Dang..

Wanted to go out with someone today, but nobody was available. Sad eh? I contacted like 4 people, missed 3 trains waiting for their replies and oh well, ended up going home. and I wanted to drink myself silly, but i was wearing my school uniform and couldn't be bothered to change n go back there to buy.. but i bought the hip hop jelly, gosh i love it! :D and on my way home, i just had this sudden urge to SMILE at everyone. nuts.. hahaha

My bro's coming back tmr. :D and i have this sudden urge to write my story.. but everytime i see it, then i lose my mood cos so difficult to write. haiz..

and yes, I take it back. I still like Eric. :D How could I not? hehehe

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hehehe... Econs test tomorrow.. I've read a few blogs and all who took Econs said negative things. so ah well, I guess since everyone's failing.. hehe.. might as well do the same, no? =P
I'm very happy these days. And very thankful for everthing too. :D History test today was pretty bad. I think i might flunk, but then again, I can't always be sure. and I don't really care anyway. At least I studied for history. It was the only thing I really worked through really hard. If I flunk, I'll be a little upset, but no big deal. But if It's on Nazism and I fail, I'll cry the Singapore river for you. hey, actually it's quite cool. Can you imagine? *points to river* I created this!!

I'm retarded.. haha..

Visiting SP on Monday! YAYZERS! Miss me friends so bad! There's my beloved Sensei, Hui and Kurefu. and Khine BADLY wants to take me to the Vietnamese cafe... tsk tsk! can't wait till the tests end anyways. hehe so happie..

These days..
-I'm growing more crazy
-I'm losing interest in EMM and DAN (muahaha.. that's the end of my story no? oops, i noe some might want to kill me)
-I finished learnign Melissa
-I'm crazy about Yuna and keeps listening to her image song
-I haven't gotten over Scotland and William Wallace looks too scruffy and dirty. he needs a bath in the Loch.
-I wouldn't mind eating the haggis (i guess you know huh..)
-I don't mind meeting the loch ness monster
-The wriggling panda is terribly hideous but hilarious
-The jumping Ninja turtle rocks
-Someone should take away my tagboard, burn it and replace it with something else.. IT'S NOT WORKING! (Any complaints about my blog, comments, shouts, rantings, displeasure, you can sms, call, visit me in my dreams, go to my house and look for me.. just don't kill me for not writing me story)

(silly)Thought of the day: Can you lick your elbows?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Slept at 4 am yesterday....
and I had a dream...
I was with my parents on a holiday. and we were staying in this place. And then My dad had to find this person to sign something (???), so we went and rang the doorbell. on top of the door, there was a pic of Eric and all. and i was kinda holding my breath. and the person who opened the door was Dan. I almost fainted. I was terribly excited. My dad went up to him and told him to sign the paper. He did. and then I bravely went up to Dan and told him, I'd like your autograph, but I don't have any nice paper for you to sign on. If I come back later on, will you still be here and give me my autograph. Dan was all smiles and nicely told me yeah, sure. and then I went off with my parents happily, skipping and all, telling everyone I met Dan Southworth.

and i did a stupid thing. I turned my body to the left and I WOKE UP!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! and I really thought I met Dan, that dream was sooooooo real!!!!

anyways, i went back to sleep... hoping the dream will continue.. then i dreamt that i was with my parents again. but this time it felt like i was watching a movie bcos it didn't feel real at all. and it's like a moive sequence. there was a cop below, looking above at a dimly lighted room and two people seems to be doing *ahem ahem* there....... and the cop was trying to catch them blabla.. apparently it's illegal cos the woman is a prostitute... WTH?!! and then i was all alone. and then i went up to the door and the cop busted the couple. The guy was Dan...ur..rrrrigghtt... and he saw me and took out a bunch of namecards, and said, you want them, take one or take all. I took two. (HUH? WHAT IS THIS WEIRDO DREAM?) and then i went to rejoin my parents and somehow i was holding this item belonging to Dan's son. WHAT?????!!!

The first one was too good to be true. The second one was a mini nightmare. haha... but the first one felt real. I really thought, YES! I finally met Dan! The second one felt fake. hehe.. =P

Whatever it is, I still haven't given up on meeting Dan. Someday... maybe..

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Silly Vickins and her quiz. Some of the choices are so similar i can't even tell the difference. how would i know which one to choose? looks all the same to me. =P that quiz was worse than mine man! and i have finally used it as a retaliation of insult to Vicks.

Yohoo! I was reading thru the stories I wrote as a kid yesterday and laughing my head off at meself. Here are some of the most crazy mistakes.

-[they saw] the lady crying her hearts out. (WAHAHA! I wonder how many hearts that lady have....)

-[basically what happens here is the lady's baby gets stolen and she] was whimpering like a little baby looking for its milk. (Like WTH is that? some sort of weird sentence!!)

-In the story, the people were all drinking sea water to their hearts content. (WOAH! I was REALLY nuts then huh?? Seawater is awful salty!)

=P I had to be the oddest kid back then...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It's almost a year that I'm nuts about Dan.. and still nuts.. wahaha.. he's lasting the longest. Let's see, my first diary entry about Dan was on 18 July 2004. Considering my inconsistency in writing diaries, my obsession probably started about this time. So, yay.. DAN'S DE BEST!

It's amazing i still stick to Dan honestly. I mean PR is over like half a year ago and yet I'm still nuts. Normally when something ends, I'll forget the person in less than 3 weeks. =P I remember last time in SMSS, when I'm feeling sad, Kiki will suddenly turn around and say "Don't you have Power Rangers to watch on Sunday?" and I'll break into a REALLY HUGE SMILE!

Right... anyways, Many have accused me of setting LAME questions for my quiz. So, I made another one. *horror of horrors shown in the face of readers* ah well.. too bad, you have to do it!! plus i promise this one will be um... less lame.. okie dokes?

and here's the quiz... don't accuse some qns of being lame bcos i noe people who will be able to answer it. =P CLICK HERE FOR THE QUIZ!

Saturday, June 18, 2005


YAY!! My internet is finally working! :D and I've watched Batman. I like it. I think it's nice anyways. anyone wants to watch Unleashed with me? cos if there's really no one, guess I'll go watch it meself..

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Stupid monitor flickering again.. so irritating..
I went to watch Mr & Mrs Smith yesterday. It's a really cool show, and funny too..haha.. lots of crazy exciting actions. and the casts for the show are really perfect too. Great show. :D
And I saw the trailer for Fantastic 4.. WOAH! Looks totally cool! Me want to watch watch watch! So many movies I want to watch.. sigh... Is Unleashed still showing in Singapore? cos i really really really want to watch it. plus that Hitler show. and i can't wait till Batman.
went and bought presents for everyone yesterday..mostly food.. haha.. shall be Santa when i get back..

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Ack! My neck is sooo sore...had another dream last night. I was inviting people like Clef, Kelly, Hui Bing into my house to play. and funnily enough, their parents were with them and the people i invited keep morphing into so many other ppl i can't remember who anymore.. so weird.. I miss you guys anyways...
I watched Ice Princess yesterday. It was good. I always like to watch anything to do with ice skating. Anyways, might be going to Puncak tmr. and my mom wants to extend my stay... i hope by the time i get back.. i can still catch all the movies i wanna catch.. plus the dreaded common test.. i wonder if everyone's been studying for it.
Oh and I've been studying a little for my SAT and getting so awfully sick of it.. and i like to learn one word and then illustrate it.. and i learn the word BIGOT! and so easy to illustrate too.. i just draw meself. I AM A BIGOT!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Something seriously wrong with my com. The monitor died a few days ago, today it miraculously came back to life...
Watched Madagascar on DVD yesterday, haha.. it's pretty cute. And Alex the lion is funny..har har..
Have been stuck at home the whole week. and haven't talked to any human other than my parents and my maids. Been seriously miffed with the noisy doggies. They're in the heat now, all the dogs in the neighbourhood. and there's only one pathetic female dog. and 6 or 7 dogs are fighting over her and they're fighting like nuts and making a huge din morning and night. Today, Danke got his eye injured and other parts as well. Sheesh...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I MISS ERIC!!! really really really. Of course I miss all u guys in Singapore too. I so miss all the MSN chat sessions.. haiz.. stupid MSN NEVER works here.. and honestly, I do miss Eric a lot. I hope he appears in my dream tonight. ;D

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Woohoo! It's me writing from Indo... with the monitor flickering crazily..
It's a pretty warm Sunday afternnoon and Danke's stray friends are looking for me... haha... those stray doggies... In Indonesia, you witness the sobstory of every lil' cat and dog. Just yesterday, one lil' kitten the size of a palm got chased by doggies and was so scared it fell into the drain and got all wet. and My maid had to carry out Operation Rescue the lil' kitty and it got out all wet and finally hid behind a rubbish dump. Thankfully, I heard news of its mummie coming for it.
Danke is distracting me.. prancing about the house outside.. probably anxious to play with his stray doggy friends...
No more rabbits... another sob story... looking at empty cages.. WHERE ARE MY RABBITS?! Whenenver I go into the bathroom outside my room late at night, I'd remember Dimdim. That night where Hui Sensei stayed over, before we went into the toilet, we will always coo at cute lil' DImdim... HIKS! They're all GONE... even DORI!!! SO SAD! T_T
ah well... common tests to study for.. so lazy.. plus an extra SAT to plough thru.. oh welps! And another thing about Indonesia... I've been dreaming again.. more than ever.. as always..
HAHA... my dog is trying to escape the house to meet his doggy friends and getting scolded by my dad..

Thursday, June 02, 2005

RIGHTO! I'm going home today!!! and my things are still half unpacked.. Hmm.. so what am I doing here in front of the computer?? no idea.....

Anywayso... Shall be gone for several days, cut off from the rest of the world due to lack of internet connection. sniff... if you still see me blog... good. If you don't, I'm probably tearing out my hair there trying to. :D

Indonesia ... Tanah Air ku...

Miss you guys. T_T shall miss everyone I chat on MSN with every night... kix, Vicks, and my two Sensei.. and crazy Jap classes. and I think I shall be too busy to write Love.. pardon me.. ENOUGH! Gotta go pack! Ciao!! (hope i can see some droolable ppl on the plane... u noe what i mean.. If only I'm taking Lufthansa or something..then maybe there's some Germs[Woot! GERMS!! *spray spray*] around. but it's Thai Airways)