La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I love poems and I can’t write poems and yet I feel like writing one. And I am horrendously terrible at making things rhyme. So. I will make things rhyme, MY WAY. And call it the Sinatra poem, after the American singer Frank Sinatra who sang My way. Heh heh…
Here goes:
I am lazy
I never study
Homeworks are too hard
Trust me, they are Very hard
Though other says they’re ezy.

I am crazy
Not about boys, but well, yes it’s about boys
Not a lot anyway. (hey, I’m supposed to be writing poem, not arguing with meslef!)
But what really drives me nuts
Is that Nazi ( I mean Ricky, but then again, he’s not Nazi)

I am fizzy
What’s that you ask me
Well I don’t know too
I’m just trying to make thing rhyme
And it’s making me dizzy.

Yay for belda’s my way poem. Nonsense rhyming has been invented. See, I am so clever (laughs hysterically) I can get things to rhyme. Lazy, ezy. Crazy, Nazi. Fizzy, Dizzy. Oh HO HO HO HO HO HO. I am a genius!

Reflection of myself: 100% siao

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I fell down. AGAIN! That's twice this month. and it's the same situation. i was getting off from the bus and woah! ok, but last time was my fault cos i jumped. this time, it was the stupid ground. you see, the bus uncle stopped us far far from the bus stop at the grassy area there. there was a dent on the earth, but the grass covered it, so i dunno. i stepped off the bus, and my left foot went into the dent, me right foot on level ground. and wuaaahhh. blek. auu! me left foot got sprained. so painful. and i still had to walk to school. i initially thought couldn't walk to school. siao. why so unlucky one!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Im the most horrible person. I chose to bring all my heavy books here and caused my mom to worry about exceeding the 20kg per person thing. And then, I did not even study or do my homework. Whats worse, the exams is less than a week away. Ohhohohohoho! I am so horrible! My faults are many and my good points, there are none.
And guess what iam thinking of now? Buying the Sims! Ohohoh. So I could play my heart out. Perhaps thats why I was so horrible sick yesterday with fever, its a horrible punishment, for naughty me.
Anyone knows how much the Sims cost?
See? Incorrigible!

Monday, June 21, 2004

I watched Ella Enchanted on DVD yesterday. This is what I think. Firstly, as a movie on its own, it is pretty good. I mean, Ella is pretty, Char is quite good-looking, with that hair that look like Orlie’s. And Hattie is plain ugly and Olive looks stupid-cute with that small kid type hairstyle.
As an adaptation from the book, this movie completely SUCKS! The front part was pretty similar to the book, mind you, only the front. The moment Ella grows up, everything is different. Basically, what the director did was, take the characters from the book, add MORE characters, including a bunch of crazy fan girls who kisses the floor Prince Charmont walks on. The director also took the gift of obedience from the book. Yep, that’s all the director did. The rest, is his own story. Nothing from the book. There are stuffs like Chars uncle who tries to kill him to take the throne, college (hello, Its more like american college. And you’re seeing it in Frell?) ok, so I feel the director has no right to say, this movie is adapted from Ella Enchanted because its not. He simply borrowed some ideas.
As a movie on its own, its fine. I mean, at least Char is decent. I thought hes going to be some cocky guy who adores all attention. But the last part of the movie is completely stupid, its as if the director is at loss what to do and make it to some completely kiddy end where the bad guy does a stupid mistake. And the movie ended with a dance, not ballroom, mind you, its a dance where Ella goes wild and shakes her body and all that stuffs. Erm, bad end.
I feel like reading the book all over again, ive forgotten lots of parts. But I remember that Char and Ella talked a lot and enjoyed each others company, you can sort of feel the deep bonding. In the movie, Char was first attracted to Ella cos she was the only girl hes met who hasnt scream when she saw him. And I remember the book was so sweet, especially the last part where Char proposed and Ella tried to say no because she was afraid for his life in the future where someone might tell her to kill him. I suppose, thats it on the movie, its not THAT bad, but not THAT good either. You know what I mean, basically the thing that makes the movie ok is the gift of obedience thing.
BY THE WAY, tried to watch Harry Potter. No tickets. Every single seat is taken. Every single one. Uff, so hard to get tickets here cos if you go there in the morning, you cannot buy the nights ticket. You go there in the evening, you still cannot buy the nights ticket. You have to buy nights tickets at night itself. So troublesome. Now, Im tempted to just get the DVD. And I saw Shrek 2 DVD, and the movie is not out yet! Should I just get it? Anyway, I bought Ned Kelly.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Talking about dreams, I feel like telling the super sweet dream I had the other day. Dont puke after reading, it will be messy if you do.
Here goes. Setting, surprise surprise, SMSS. Night time. Cool, the classroom is still open at night and there are people in class. Second surprise, SMSS is not an all girls school. So, me n kiki was walking outside in the garden around the classroom, gossiping, (yes, kiki, do we ever gossip? Other than about Hinkle?) about this boy who sits on the right most front corner of the classroom. And we were saying all sorts of bad things about this boy, you see, hes smart and we were saying its all fake bla bla bla. Not really understandable. Anyway, after that, I went into the classroom and stared out of the window at the Canadian International School which was beside our school. (wah! Id love that. Eye candy outside window) anyway, suddenly the setting changed to the supermarket near the school compound, and I was at the cashier waiting and someone took my hand. (ok, ok, dont puke) Anyway, it was the boy me n kix was gossiping about. And he was saying why did you say those nasty things about me? Ok, so the window was open, me n kix standing outside n he heard everything. So, I was instantly sorry and apologised and quickly told him I didnt mean it and that he was just so quiet in class no one really knows who he is. So, he says he’s not very good in English. (ok, hes speaking Indonesian in the dream) So we became friends and he laughed at the jokes I made and that was the sweetest part because well, its so great when people actually laugh at your jokes. The dream was overall sweet because of the friendship part, and no, there is no romance or anything in the dream, it’s just pure pure friendship, which I think is so sweet.
And kiki, because of your blog, I end up singing crazy songs at the top of my voice. Ahh, but it feels good.
Oh oh, and I just have to talk about one more thing. Power rangers! I watched Wild Force today, with a bunch of little boys, me being twice older than them and evidently having as much a good time as them. I never really liked Wild Force, but today’s episode was so cool. 10 red rangers from other power rangers series all came together for this show. Cool cool, and that includes my favourite, long time no see, quantum ranger, Eric aka Daniel Southworth aka head bodyguard of castle in the air. Woo hoo, so happy. I mean, is there actually any 16 years old girl who actually watched power rangers, enjoys it crazily and gets all so excited just by talking about it, and if given the choice between OC and power rangers, would choose power rangers gladly?
Woohhoo, can’t wait to go back to Singapore and continue watching power rangers time force. Yay for my head bodyguard!

I’m there (up the hills) and back again. Sigh. It was ok, not too gude, not that bad either. But was feeling crazily depressed there for no ryhme and reason. It was pretty fun, climbing hills and breathing in the freshest air. Rode a horse today! Yay! No, it was not what I expected. I only took it for 15 minutes in a overpolluted street and the guy keeps holding on to my horse so I cant even ride it on me own. But Dec, I’m going to a nice scenic place to ride my horse and ride it for long and have no one touching the horse except me. You see, me dad was racing against time, so I cannot ride for long. He drove at break neck speed to the church from the hills. We were already so so tired staying in the hills for three days to night and we went straight to church from there n was 15 minutes late even though my dad drove at a speed of…woah.
Anyway, I have to say that Vincent is so irresistibly cute!!! Oohh, his cute little round cheeks that are like mantou, makes me want to pinch it one hundred times. He’s so nice to hug, really, though he always cries after a while. So so so cute. Wish I can show you all his pic. His elder brother, Albert, is still adorable too, but very naughty. Run around, fall down…aih, little boys will be little boys. Vincent is only ten month old, Albert is probably four.
I made a new friend there. Nobody my age there, was so lonely for the whole of Friday and Saturday. I knew there was a 14 years old girl there(closest to my age, the rest are all little kids) and I wanted to talk to her but darent. Until Saturday night, we somehow talked and yep. Me got a new friend in Indo.
Im still not over my unexplainable depression, just get depressed for well, no reason. I can be feeling happy and suddenly I can feel so sad, like, oh man, how meaningless everything is. I do suppose it has something to do with the exams which I have not studied for at all and the piles of homework. Oh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh…

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Yesterday was so tiring. My dad was shopping for clothes for like 3 and a hlaf hours and I had nothing to do. And the place was so cold. I stood there, engrossed in Rob Roy when these two guys approached me. One is Indonesian, one is a black. The black was quiet all the time, and the Indonesian did the talking, in Indonesian of course. It goes like this.
“You like reading?”
“yah” I said, who are these two people interrupting me on me Walter Scott.
“I’d like you to read this.” Hands me booklet, “It’s free.”
I take booklet. “ok. . .”
Looks at booklet. Sees the word God. Hmm, Christians?
“So, whats that you’re reading?”
shows him my book.
“Rob Roy. Sir Walter Scott. Classic eh?”
I nod. Like duh.
The two goes off. Flips through booklet. Not a single word of Jesus Christ. Oh darny, those two are Jehovah’s witness.
What do I know about them, nothing. Except the fact that it’s a bit like Judaism, except Judaism is for Jews only while Jehovah’s witness is for anyone. And that Jehovah’s witness were prosecuted by Nazis just like the Jews. Asks me dad about them, he says they were banned in Indo, but the ban were recently lifted.
Hmm hmm, will be going to the hill resort tomorrow. 3 days two nights, it’s arranged by my dad’s church group. I’m telling me mom that I want to ride horsey there. Yay! Horseys, here I come! I’m not trying to make anyone jealous, but perhaps you could watch Hidalgo while I ride the horsies?

I had such a sweet sweet dream today. Compensates for the stupid murder dream I had yesterday. I feel like making this dream into a story. I think if I stay on in Indonesia, I’ll be writing stories based on dreams all the time.
Uff, my stupid neghbours are burning rubbish. Don’t they have any sense at all?! That’s stupidity of the highest degree. And guess what they’re burning other than rubbish, plastics. Bleh, morons. They can build nice big houses and yet they are unwilling to pay the small fee to the rubbish man, so they’d rather burn their rubbish. Don’t they know they’re polluting the environment? And giving me a bloody freaking headache with the smell.
Was shouting all sort of “disgusting expressions” to those neighbours. Hehe. Including a disgusting expression.
BY THE WAY, I’ve added something new on Fictionpress. It’s on the reasons why Hitler died thingy. But written in different format. Don’t know if it’ll be banned again, but read it and get all your friends to read it before it’s banned. (sound familiar to you eh, kiki?)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Bought Chasing Liberty DVD. Pirated, hehe, two bucks. But the quality was good, so, gd for me. And there was the special feature on passport to Europe. Mm, it’s a good show. But it only makes the viewer, me, feel dejected, firstly bcos: one, they’re in Europe, you’re not. Two, that kind of things will never happen to you. Sigh, sigh, sigh, tis is life.
Anyway, I need some advice on the following questions. Please give ur answer in the tagboard.
1) if I can only buy one of the above, which should I buy: Ned Kelly or Hidalgo. Considering the fact that Hidalgo is in VCD, which means bad quality, blackout scenes, ppl walking about blablabla. And Ned Kelly is in Dvd, which means, everything’s good.
2) Should I buy Fan Fan la Tulipe? Considering the fact that it’s in VCD, and the subtitles is in Indonesian only, and the subtitles are often wrong at some parts.
3) Should I just quit waiting for Shrek 2, which hasn’t come out here. And but the VCD (which again is of poor quality). And watch Troy again in the cinema. Or should I just wait till Shrek 2 comes out, watch it, and not watch Troy again.
Note: When I mention buying the VCD, it means DVD not available.
Yesterday, I dreamt that a friend I’ve befriended for a long long time ganged up with some people to murder me. Better not say the name of the person, cos u will know her, and why would she want to murder me for goodness sake.
Anyway, some info on Danke Schon:
1) he wasn’t given to us by any breeder. Danke was actually born in this empty house with wild grass at the left bend from ma haus. Some driver saw them, pitied them, and tried to give the puppies away and one of them landed in my haus.
2) He currently knows how to shake hands, come when you call and sit. Though he only does it when he sees food. Hehe
3) Straying from Danke, to Dimple and Dori. If Dimple is really female why do those two crazy rabbits mate like, 3 times a day?! I suppose they’re deprived lah huh?
Anyway, I’m at chapter 6 of Rob Roy. And Rob, has not appeared yet. Sigh, there’s no mention of him even. But then again, the story is still good.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Hinkle, Hinkle! Ist that du?

Everytime I come back to Indonesia, I become a dreamer. Let me mention a dream I had a few days ago. Guess who appeared? Damien Lewis. (say, I got the name right?) It’s real odd. You see, in the dream, Damien Lewis was working in some place which I already forgot. And there were a lot of upset people in my dreams (weird) and I was taking them for “sightseeing” to Damien Lewis’ workplace. And he was all friendly and smiling. Say, I can’t remember whether the guy in the dream is really Damien, but I just remember that the guy is cute and I was telling everyone, come n see, he’s cute! Honestly, I really doubt the guy in my dream is the real Damien. I mean, I don’t even like Damien. Maybe he’s called Damien Lewis, but it’s not Damien. Am I making sense?
Dream number 2: I dreamt of Mr. Peterson. Hmm hmm, odd! There was Athena in the dream. And she was using this electric mosquite bat to electrocute me for fun. And I was scolding her lightly and mr peterson who was teaching heard me. And he got mad and punished the whole lot of us. He turned up the electricity thing (there isn’t even such a thing) and electrocuted us till we cried. So, it was sort of like he was torturing us. I’m so sorry dear Audrey, but I can’t control dreams. But boy, was he scary in the dream.

There ain’t no wasser in the hame! Whit wa ganna dae? Dinna tell ma aa’l hae tae shower in spit! Ach! Nein, nein, nein!
* wasser is water in German

Yesterday, I ate parritch, the South Uist porridge way. By dipping ma parritch in milk. It wasn’t gross, nor was it very good. Let’s just say the parritch was salty and the milk was really sweet. And I dipped the two together.

Och! Bloody Scotland! Bloody bloody Scotland! Methought Ma Bonnie Prince Charlie was a good n’ courageous prince. Aber, he’s just a pathetic prince. N’ I’ve fallen for him! Mam, whit am I ganna dae? Ain’t ma fault ye ken, it’s that book on Scotland. Says ma Prince Charlie is ane courageous prince and paints such a beautiful portrait of ma prince.

Walter Scott, you be a Jenius. Was reading Rob Roy. Fantastische! ( actually only read 1 und a half chapters, and he put very simple facts into a lot of words. Needs lots of concentration while reading cos’ his sentences are long! But it’s still good, yah, still good.) und, und…Rob is jist a cattle thieve. And methink me am ganna like him sae much.
Oh yeah, me other fav poem other than the Lay of the Last Minstrel. It goes like this:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue
I wish I could
Stick my head on with glue
By Terry Deary

Bloody good stuff eh?

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Ate fried mantou today. Mmmmm…………………
More on Danke: Well, he’s pretty cute. Still bites sometimes and licks sometimes. We managed to teach him come and sit. Smart little Danke. I better take a pic of him soon, before he grows bigger. My mom says two weeks ago, he was smaller. He’s grown about ¼ of his original size now. Phew. So fast. Just now we put him in his cage for along time while we went out. When we came back, I let him out and he was so happy he licked and licked and licked me and followed me everywhere. Heheh
A bit disappointing on the lead though. Whenever you try to put the lead on him, he BITES! Growls whatever. I was expecting him to be like Caeser, my bro’s roomate’s dog. Cute, white, and you put the lead on and he dashes, pulling you along. CUTE! Danke…instead of running forward after u put the lead, he runs towards you and tries to bite you. And he eats the rabbits’ poo, what is wrong with him?!
Just now, Dimple and Danke had a big fight. I already got Dori out of the way cos she never fights back. Danke while cbasing Dimple all around, while Dimple retaliates with an occasional swab of his claws. Well, at least Dimple knows how to defend himself.

Friday, June 11, 2004

My current thoughts:
1 the mosquitoes are bothering me
2 the keyboard is dusty
3 I have to play the piano standing up cos the piano stands on top of wood cos of the flood last time and I have no high chair
4 my dog is not THAT cute. My mom says its bigger. And I’m positive the dog hates me. things have all gone wrong…and it’s really naughty. It just bites and bites/ just now I held food in my hand and it went around chasing me and biting me. Gosh, got frightened off. And it wouldn’t stop biting, the more I run, the more it follows and bite and bite. Ouch. Thank goodness my maid caught it and restrained it. And we have no choice but to keep Danke in his cage all day cos he can’t stay in the house, he’ll chew and bite at anything. Say, any dogowners around? Please please give advices. Those who are reading, please pull all connections with dog owners and ask them how to train your dog to stop biting you and destroying everything. Scolding doesn’t work at all. Not a bit. You scold, you scream, you say no, you point, you look angry…doesn’t work, the dog doesn’t even look at you. It just BITES! Honestly, I think dogs shouldn’t be put in their cage all the time, but what can we do? I even told my dad if we really can’t handle him, we’ll have to return him to his original owner…sigh sigh…the training book make training sounds so easy, especially the biting part. It’s like just say a stern “no!” to the dog, I did, obviously didn’t work…sighhh!!! I’m not going to give up, I’ll try tomorrow to train him. Let’s hope I won’t complain about a bleeding leg tomorrow.
5 My rabbits have gone awry. They’re awfully dirty. Now, that is normal for Dimple. But not my dear little darling clean Dori!!! I can’t believe it when I saw her, dirty smelly little Dori, with pieces of poo stuck to her bottom. Uggh…tomorrow I am going to thoroughly clean my rabbitses. Aye, clean clean clean me rabbitses and but them nice nice treats.
6 Braveheart---I love you. James Horner, you’re brilliant! Now I;m staring to regret buying the LOTR soundtrack, not that I don’t like it, but…well, I realised that what I really really wanted was well…Braveheart soundtrack…
7 I need the toilet…so um…bye!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

What is wrong with my hotmail and yahoo????
i can't delete read or write any mails in hotmail
i can't reply or write mails in yahoo


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

i forgot to say that i watched the documentary Hitler and Stalin yesterday. it was so hilariously funny. i don't think it's supposed to be, but i just laughed and laughed and found out a whole lot of stuffs.
i read somewhere that there might be a possibility that Hitler might be a Jew. but i wasn't clear about the details. it's actually like this, Hitler's father was born by this woman who was working as a servant in the house of a Jewish family. the woman got pregnant, and the father is unknown. so the big guess is--Hitler's grand father's a Jew.
so, Hitler started to erase that part of his childhood n even destroyed his own birthplace. tsk tsk...if he's really a Jew...he killed his own people.
andyway, the narrator was talking about hitler's lack of good looks: "with ugly nose, sunken cheeks..." i laughed my head off. the narrator said Hitler hated his own nose, said it looks a Jew's.
and Hitler's cousin committed suicide, (yay, mystery solved!). she was staying with her uncle but was going with another man in Vienna. and she got pregnant, and worse still, the father is a Jew. Wham bam! Double blow for poor ol' Hitler.
They also talked about Stalin and his similarities to Hitler. and boy, they are similar. Stalin had a horrible childhood like Hitler, beaten by his father and adores his mother like crazy. just like Hitler. and he has that same lack of good looks. The narrator say:"with pock-marked face..." i can't remember the rest cos i was laughing away..again.
and Stalin's second wife died with a knife in her heart. n guess what? Hitler's niece died with a knife in her heart. wooh..
the thing i was curious about was there was some videos of Hitler drinking his i-dunno-wad, talking leisurely with the women. and this video was in color. hey, Stalin didn't even have color. must be too poor lah huh?
anyway, Stalin had a son who fought in the war. (stalin had two sons n a daughter.) and the son got caught by the Germans and they were thinking of exchaning the son for important German officers caught by the SU. but i came to a point where Stalin said he didn't have such a son...mama mia!
after the documentary, there was this show on the trials of Nuremberg, was too sleepy to watch it and it's in black n white some more...could have seen Marlene Dietrich and listen to the super famous Lilli Marlene song...but couldn't breathe properly, so i went to sleep.
there's a documentary on whether Troy really existed on Friday. (probably can't watch that) and another on Mussolini next monday. (waa, i'm not here to watch it...)
anyway, i think my puppy's a Rottweiler.

ooh horrible horrible
today, while getting off the bus, i was thinking, ok, can i jump from the bus straight to the bus stop. it looks quite neae yet quite far.
i jumped. halfway through the jump,i thought oh gosh i can't do it and retracted my leg and...
fell down. uggh
scraped my hand all bloody n me knee and elbow too.
right in front of 6 people in the bus stop...
now i can only type with one hand...thank goodness it's the right...

Sunday, June 06, 2004

i got Rob Roy at Kino today. yay! but i just realised Wordworths classic only publish two book by sir walter scott-ivanhoe and Rob Roy. No chance of getting Waverly cheap. sigh...

Friday, June 04, 2004

yesterday i dreamt that i had a new baby brother. and he was already 3 and none of my siblings including meself have seen him. crazy! must be think too much about doggy until new doggy turns to new baby bro.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

i missed cross worlds yesterday!! ah!! and they were going to Italy!!! ahhh!! i think i had a dream a few days ago that you could walk to Italy from Singapore and it's not very far. siao!
Seabiscuit-- i thought it would be a neither boring nor interesting, just like Catch me if you can. but woah, that show was damn good. it's so interesting!! I love it, and i was watching with intensity as poor ol' Tobey got dragged off by the horsey. If not for my mother nagging and singing at my side, i would have enjoyed the show much better. But i love the show!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

What a horrendously wonderful day. My internet is Re-Ple-Nished!
i forgot my bodyguard's name. only know it's something Nixon.
and when is I capture the castle ever going to come out? i tot it;s coming out in April. did they cancel the whole thing?