La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, December 31, 2004

Estimated Tsunami Death Toll:
Indonesia: 79,940
Sri Lanka: 24,743
India: 7,330
Thailand: 2,394
Somalia: 120
Burma: 90
Maldives: 67
Malaysia: 65
Tanzania: 10
Seychelles: 1
Bangladesh: 2
Kenya: 1
Total : 114,000*
*Source: BBC

As we move into this new year, let us not forget those who have died. Think about those poor families who have lost their loved ones. Think of those young children who lay dead even before they could experience life. Be thankful for your situation and pray for those tormented by grief and diseases.

Man, I'm sort of sick again. Sigh, that's like twice this month.
Yesterday night, I just went out of breath. Started wheezing and coughing like nuts and couldn't breathe. Kinda like an asthma attack. I thought my asthma was cured when I was a baby, but sometimes it'll just come back for a little while and torture me.
This morning I woke up and my eyes are all blotchy. least my breathing's normal again. It's a nasty feeling not being able to get air up your lungs.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Dec 26th, I went to Bandung with my eldest brother and sister. We took the train there. My first time taking a train in Indonesia. It was pretty nice, the space was so much bigger than that in the plane. After 3 hours ride, we reached Bandung. My brother's friend Rachel, her mom and her friend Leo came to pick us up. Bandung is so nice compared to Jakarta because the weather is so cooling. We went to eat Batagor, a Bandung speciality. Later, we went to Rachel's house and bathe. Turns out that Rachel's elder brother is big fan of games. Man, I tell you, his room is really awesome. He's got PS2 and X Box and hundreds of games. Plus hundred of movies and concert DVDs. He's got a game boy and DVD players TV all in his room. It's like entertaintment haven man. You can lock me in there for one year and I won't get bored. At night, we went to Sierra. It's located in a higher area and you can see the whole of Bandung from the restaurant. Very nice. and It's cold at night, so yay. The food was good and the atmosphere was nice. I ate steak and soup and strawberry juice. hehe. Later we went to Karaoke. Bleh. Obiang place obiang songs...hehe

The next morning, I was so sleepy cos I slept really late the day before. We went to Rumah Mode. It's a factory outlet. Yep, my sis was happily shopping and dragging me around. Bought two shirts, one jeans and one army pants for myself. my sis bought a whole lot of things. Later, we went to eat Sundanese food and after that, Rachel's brother took us to buy movies. hehe, it's a huge place selling pirated stuffs. everything there was pirated..hehehe...anybody want to come my house and have a movie marathon? After that we went to some more outlets yah and then we went back to bathe. At night, we went to Glosis to eat. My brother's friend who studied in the same school as him in America owned the restaurant and we got a discount. My sis also met an church friend of hers from America. Her brother was pretty cute, but then he stood up. Bleh, too short.

Dec 27th, we're going back to Jakarta today. By car. Ugh. We said bye to Rachel's cute little dog, Kecil. He looks like a little white lamb. Then, we all got into the car and we really had to squeeze. Because there's the luggages and me, my bro and my sis, plus Rachel, her mom, dad and bro, plus the driver. Man, it was tiring because me, my sis, my bro n Rachel all had to squeeze in the back seat. On the way, I saw those stalls selling Rabbits Satay. Ugh. and then, we went to drink milk. and then, Rachel's father suggested that we go to see the volcano. so, we went. Cool. The volcano was really really cool. You can see the smoke and there's a thick smell of sulphur. It was my first time seeing a volcano. hehe. But the volcano is still active. Can u imagine it blowing up while we're there? haha...k, not funny.
anyway, a guide there told us we could go to the crater. He said it'll only take a 15 minutes walk, so we said ok. and he CHEATED us. It wasn't 15 minutes, we took almost an hour and boy, it was scary. We had to keep going downhill. At first the steps were ok and the weather was cooling and I was happily walking. We walked for a really long time and some of us needed the toilet and there was none nearby, so oh well, there's the trees well, you know the rest. Then, we stopped for a rest. And the view was really fantastic. You can see rolling green hills in the distance, really marvellous. It sort of reminded me of NZ minus the cows or Scotland. After that, we had to go downhill some more and that's where it got kinda scary and tiring. The steps were made of mud, you know, the just created steps on the hills. and some are made of stones. and boy, they're really slippery and the steps are huge. so, it's really hard to go down. And I slipped once because it was so slippery and honestly, i was freaked out because I was so scared of height and i was gripping on to my brother half the time. Finally, we reached the crater. Really cool rocks, plus bubbling pools of hot water here and there. We bought some eggs and boiled them in the pools. Later, we had to go back to our car. The guide assured us it would only take a little while to reach the car. and we didn't trust him bcos we knew he was a big fat liar. in the end, he told us it was a one km walk and it took us 45 minutes. Thank God for the cool breeze. Honestly, it was kinda nice thanks to the weather. and it was pretty fun despite being scary.
After that, we got back into the car and continued our journey back to Jakarta. Yep, nasty ride. we were all so squeezed up, but overall, it was pretty fun. and when i was bored, i jsut borrowed Rachel's brother's gameboy.

And anyway, I was in Bandung and didn't read the papers or watched the news. But i saw some people on the streets holding placards and marching about asking donations for the people in Aceh and I was wondering what it was all about. Later I found out about the Tsunami. The flags in Bandung were all in half mast. When i came back to Jkt, i saw the news on it. It was really sad. All those little kids lie on the floor in a row and all are dead. I read that a third of those who died were children. Sigh, sad. And i have a Sri Lankan friend, wonder if he's ok. And Aceh is always facing bloodshed. They say earthquakes might hit a little part of Java. I don't think it will hit Jakarta, but let's pray for the other people.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I just watched Anacondas. It wasn't very good or scary, and it was funny. HAHAHA! there was one part where Matthew Marsden spoke really crappy Indonesian. It goes like this, "Selamat malam. eh...Kami dengar kamu bisa membawa kita orang ke hulu sungai." HAHAHAHAHHA! I was laughing my head off. And my maid's eyes were probably glued to the TV screen. After I finished watching the show, I just repeated that part again and again. Man, I wish they have bloopers in the special features, I want to see how Matthew learnt that man...
I wasn't expecting Matthew to be the bad guy, so I was pretty surprised. He died in the end...haha, bad guys always die. Strangely, my maid didn't cry. hahaha...she cried while watching Helen of Troy because Paris died.
I really agree with the reviews about Anacondas being funny, it is funny. the actions and some of the stuffs that the people say are funny. and honestly, i shall never ever forget Matthew's nasty Indonesian. Honestly, all the pronounciations are WAYYYYYYY off. (My maid's still trying to imitate Matt...very unsuccessfully) But oh well, he was cute onscreen. =P and it's refreshing to see him be a bad guy.
Anyway, I had a dream last night. Can't really remember what it's about, but I remember there was a guy and he was sick (though he doesn't seem to be) and I was supposed to be taking care of him. I think the guy is cute but i can't remember his face or anything else, and I have a feeling his name was Dan...SIGH why can't I remember my dreams?!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Last night, HB called me and said she was going to Dufan, a theme park, and asked me if I wan to come along. I wanted to go so badly because I haven't been there for at least 10 years. But she said her aunts couldn't come to pick me up because she said there will be a traffic jam and they'll take one hour to reach my place. And I didn't want to bother my father to send me back and forth, so I didn't go in the end. Sad. I'm kinda upset about it because I'm sick of staying at home. This whole month has been spent practically at home everyday. The only rare times I go out is to go to church. I'm bored. I really want to go to Dufan. Sigh. I've never been to a theme park with a friend before. WAA!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Friday night. I came back from church, called Hui Bing and talked for more than one hour and joked about my flat and hairy banana. We arranged to meet up on Saturday morning.
Saturday morning, my dad took the wrong route to Hui Bing’s place, so we reached at noon. Me, my dad and HB went to eat Bakmi. Hui Bing gave me a lion from Africa, as promised. : ) We were deciding what to call the cute little lion, we thought of stupid names like George, Eric (!), Simba and whatever stupid names. In the end, we just stick to calling it Jungolo as written on the tag. After that, my dad sent us to Mega Mall and dropped us there. We went to Timezone and played quite a lot of game. Time Zone is much cheaper here, so we had fun, and got cheated by a few machines as well... After Time Zone, I bought a Doraemon comic and then we went to drink Bubble Tea. I had to be the super translator bcos HB doesn’t understand or speak the language.
Later, we went to my house to see the rabbits and doggy. SO cuteee. Hehe. And then I was just looking at Dori and into her ears when i realised to my horror that something was growing inside her ear. Her inner left ear had dry thick crusts growing. Honestly, it’s really disgusting and I shall not describe more. I was shocked, horrified, mortified, whatever. And my mom says I can’t take her to the vet. My mom hates doctors, all of us never go to doctors and nor do out pets. So, me and HB checked the internet and found out that it was a problem of ear mites. And then we got the driver to take us to the pet shop and buy this remedy for ear mites. It cost 75,000 rupiahs, that’s about 10 plus dollars. We carefully followed the instruction and applied it on Dori’s ears. UGH, at one point, we could see the minute white mites running about. YECH! (I just checked on Dori just now, she’s definitely MUCH better. Most of the mites are gone. There’s a bit left)
We got so busy with Dori, by the time we were done with her, it was already 7.30 and it started raining and the driver had gone off to eat. So, my dad told HB to just stay over at my house. I thought her mom wouldn’t let bcos I asked her before when she was in Singapore and her mom said cannot. But we tried anyway, and HB just had to ask one time and her mom agreed right away. Big shock for me. But happy anyway. So, I lent HB clothes and we each went to bathe and later ate porridge and played cards with my maid.
Before bed, HB was reading the stupid comics I drew and later, we off the lights and hid under the cover. Then, we each turned on our flashstick, it’s those stick you use when you go to a concert. It was fun, we just flashed our flashstick and I pretended to be a rabid fan of some stupid chinese band, so I started shouting" 5566, wo ai ni!" kinda stupid but fun. Later, we just talked and talked. About our childhood days, about primary school and all the enemies we made, about secondary school, which wasn’t really memorable for us. Anyway, talking halfway, we had to go toilet, so we went and Dim Dim was right outside my room and we were cooing at her. And later we got back and talked some more and needed the toilet again and we did the coo at Dim dim again. Finally, it was 2.30 am and we decided to sleep.
And we were VERY sleepy the next morning bcos we woke up at 9am because we had to go to church. So, we went to church, ate lunch (YAY! Ifu-mie) and then sent HB home. Hehehe, it was really a blast. And we’re going to the same school, so I’m going to have to meet her somewhere outside the school on the first day bcos i dunno anyone else going to MI.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Phew! Finally finished decorating my Christmas tree. That plastic tree has been used every year ever since I was a kid of... I think 6. I used to be smaller than the tree, and now I'm so much taller than the tree. hehe...should get a bigger tree soon. And someday, I hope I can get a real tree, not those fake plastic ones. But it's economical lah huh, can use again and again. Unless you're the super paranoid, every year must have different tree type of person.
Christmas! Christmas! Hooray! Still haven't planned this year's Christmas programme yet. Every year, I'm the one who plans it. Oh and I just got this calendar, you know, those free calendars that banks send. Anyway, I opened to the first page and the first picture that greeted me was a pic of SCOTLAND!! YIPEE! it's the pic over here in my blog of the lake and the castle, the exact same pic. YAY! Scotland rocks! Kilts rock! Gaelic rocks! and last but not least...HAGGIS ROCKS! YES, I've not eaten it, but who cares...
Oh anyway, I got into Millennia Institute. was kinda expecting it. laa dee daa. I'm pretty happy about it, the only thing that makes me sad is...IT'S SO FAR AWAY! It means I have to wake up early...sigh..I always wake up really late in the past bcos SMSS is so near. But hey...I'll be passing by that German Supermarket everyday I go to school...hmm..not that I can drop, get something and go up the bus again...but still...GERMAN SUPERMARKET! OH! That just reminds me! I left the chocolates I bought there in the fridge in Singapore! Aieee! Will have to wait till january to eat it again.
And I was checking the available CCAs for MI. ugh, I have to say the CCA option is really nasty. 1)no choir. (i have no idea if I can sing, but hey, I could join for fun..rite?)2)no badminton. actually I'm not sure either. the booklet say have, the website say don't have. 3)no table tennis(actually i want to join other CCAs 3)NO BASEBALL!
Yep, no baseball! In fact, i think all the schools doesn't offer baseball and I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY! The first time I ever played Baseball was in Primary 3 and I never forgot it because I love that game so much!! But somehow, nobody seems to be playing/teaching baseball. I can't even remember how to play it anymore...WAAH! I want to play baseball!
MI offers speech and drama and I don't know whether I should join or not. You see, it's only three month. So are they going to do anything for the first three months? I don't think they will make you act in a play if you're only going there for 3 months rite? So should I join? Advice anyone? erm...anyway, if i don't join speech and drama, and if they don't have choir or really don't know what to join anymore. Rugby? I do hope they have a girls' team for rugby. I used to injure a LOT of people when playing rugby in primary school (and end up having a lot of enemies...oops)
Hui Bing coming to Jakarta today!!! YAY! I shall kidnap her out of her house and force her to play with me...hehehe...oh wait, She's coming here to snatch Eric from me...have to keep her away...hahaha

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Lalala. My computer is workign so well now I can scarcely believe it.
Anyway, went to a wedding yesterday and pig myself out. and after looking at the bride and bridegroom taking all that photos and hugging. I was thinking, Man, I can't wait till one of my good friends get married. So, OYYY you guys get married quickly ok! SO I can attend YOUR wedding. Erm...must remember to invite me lah! =P
Anyway, if I ever get married....IF IF IF IF IF (actually i don't want to...kinda scary) I don't want to wear that white dress and invite a whole lot of people I don't know. I mean, why invite a whole lot of people you don't know? I rather invite people I'm close to...
My mom say save money, don't have wedding party, just register then go off for honeymoon. save money, use the money to travel. Now, isn't that nice? I'll probably go to Scotland. Heheh...
enough of weddings! I sound like i'm getting married tomorrow! LOL! Anyway....kixie the cow is going to Italy soon...shall be so lonely...WAAHH! if you ever go to Tuscany, BUY WINE!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Here I am again.
Why am I here?
Because I'm talking to myself. No, I'm typing to myself.
There's nobody around.
I'm tired of talking to my rabbits and dogs and teddy bears.
If I talk to myself, I can at least respond back.
There's no point trying to talk to anyone anymore.
Nobody's near.
Everybody's far away.
I'm sick of being cooped at home. I want to take the bus and go anywhere I want. But there's no bus. There's only the car. and I can't drive.
I saw a funny ad on Tv. I wanted to tell you, but your status was set to away.
and when you were finally online, my Msn hang.
and so I shall just sit here and tell the funny ad to myself and laugh to myself.

I wrote a whole chuck of stuffs just now.
and it all dissapeared.
I'm tired of writing again.
I'm tired of everything.
I'm tired of Msn always closing down
Im tired of people disappearing by the time i get my Msn back on.
I'm tired.
I wish I'm dead.
I'm depressed.
and I don't want to bother to say why anymore because I did and the computer deleted everything.
Everytime I type something on Msn it never get sent so I;m too tired to talk on MSN now.
and there's nobody to talk to anymore.
Only myself.
and I'm cooped at home, sitting here in my chair, rocking myself back and forth and rubbing my hair till it's all messy and wishing I'm dead.
Isn't that nice?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Watch the movies, read some books. Look out for the part of friendship. What do you get? Bunch of friends hanging out together, going through thick and thin....bla bla bla. Why doesn't it happen to us? All I can say is, blame it on yourself, your family and your society. We're too timid, our parents too strict, the society too conservative.
Take this for an example. we have two girls, Annie and Betty. They met in school and they really bond because they like the same things and take interest in similar things. They hang out together every weekends and become even closer. And sometimes Betty will come over to stay at Annie's house and vice-versa. Annie's parents know Betty. Betty's parents know Annie. They're as close as can be. if Annie ever have a problem, Betty will go to her house and sort it out with her. During Halloween, they will go trick and treating together. and during Christmas, they visit each other. Look don't you see the perfect movie type of friendship?
Take another case. We have two other girls. Cassie and Dinah. They met in school and they really bond because they like the same things and take interest in similar things. They want to hang out together to watch the movies, but Cassie's mother says no because she wants Cassie to stay at home. Dinah is upset. Then, Cassie wants Dinah to stay over at her house. Dinah says she can't because her mother wouldn't allow her to. Cassie is upset. Cassie's parents can't really be bothered to find out about cassie's friends and Dinah's parents are too busy to look out for such things. If Dinah has a problem, she doesn't dare to call Cassie because Cassie's mother doesn't allow her to talk on the phone for too long. They both don't celebrate Halloween or Christmas. The only time they really see each other is in school and occasionally when they're allowed to meet up. Look, don't you see the typical friendship people have nowadays?
Friendship must be nurtured. To nurture friendship, you need time and opportunities to bond. and honestly, I don't think you can do a lot of bonding just by sitting next to each other in school. Somehow, kids in the western countries seem to be able to bond more easily. I guess their parents are less strict and the society makes them like that, I suppose. Even kids in International schools bond more easily. The other day, I met a whole bunch of international school kids. 8 of them. All were hanging out together. I think getting 8 of your friends to go out with you is an almost impossible task because nobody seems to be free these days, But I look at all 8 of them, hanging out and having lots of fun and doing crazy things... and i wonder how they are able to achieve that.
Oh well, I like my friends. But sometimes I just wish we could do more things together because we never seem to do anything together except to watch the movies. and guess what you do when you watch the movies, you see the screen and there's no interaction with your friends. I wish we can do crazier things. But nowadays, nobody seems to be able to.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

What always happens whenever I come back to Indo?
I fall love.
ok, joking!
I fall sick. ALWAYS! UGH. I hate it!
It started with Monday night, I finished watching 007 and ugh nasty stomachache. So i went to bed thinking everything will be fine when i wake up the next morning. Apparently not. The whole night, my stupid stomach is being poked with daggers from the inside. Finally, at 4am, couldn't stand it anymore, I went to my mom's room and complain. Puked 3 times throughout the night, BLEH! The next day, I just slept and slept and slept.
Being sick is so boring....
and now my ear is blocked. stupid ear.
Anyway, I want to meet three of my reviewers on Saturday. But I don't know whether I can make it or not...sigh...they all live so far away. Plus I have to go to church with Sofia on Saturday also and I have no idea what time. SIGH. plus my dad has his church programs to plan on Saturday evening, so I don't think he can send me. aiyah, dunno lah. hopefully things will sort itself out.
ugh. I hate opening blogger. took me half an hour just to open this page so I can blog.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

This morning, I was awoken by an urgent hurried knock on my door. It was my brother. I opened the door sleepily. My brother stood at the door, dressed for work. "goodbye!" He said and gave me a hug. He wouldn't be seeing me again after work, so, he's giving me an early goodbye. And he told he especially left the laptop at home so I could use it. wow, I have the best brother in town. I happily went online. What a glorious morning! Chat with some people and played Gunbound with HuiBing. Then, I went to the airport. When I got into the waiting lounge, there were two Latino looking guys there. One really tall, the other one shorter. They looked ok, not too cute, the shorter one looks nicer though. My mom, me n my maid sat behind them. Later, we boarded the plane. Turns out that the latino guys were sitting in front of us. oh well...

As i was sitting and chattering like a monkey, this guy passed by me. I looked up, this rather cute Korean looking guy. He sat behind me. The plane went ok. I was the only smartass who had a headphone with the plug that can be used in the plane, so I was the only one who got to listen to music. And then, came the food. Croissant and potatoes. Yummy. Today was really a fantastic day. Then, I got up and went to the toilet. I came out happily. I walked slowly to my seat, and the shorter Latino guy smiled at me. I smiled back, I think. happily, I went to my seat. I was still happy when my mom said, "sit down, there's something I need to tell you." I didn't like the look on her face. It had to be bad news. I knew it had to be. I sat down slowly.
"I've been keeping it from you for a long time already." I didn't know what to think. But I felt afraid. "Your Dimple is dead."
WHACK! I don't know how to describe my feelings/ but It felt like someone just whacked me across the head with a baseball bat. She continued to tell me about it. SHe didn't want to tell me earlier because I was having my exams and she was afraid I wouldn't be able to concentrate. All along, he had been dead. The tears just flowed and flowed. There was a gap between the seats and I knew the Korean guy behind could see me clearly, but I didn't care, I just cried and cried all the way till the plane touched down. My Dimple is gone. I have rather neglected last time in June. I wanted to make it up to him. I dreamt of feeding Dori and him carrot, taking those cute videos where both of them snatch the carrots. I wanted to take him in my arms and caress his head. My greedy little Dimple. the one who is always eating everything. The one who found a mango in my maids' room and started eating it, skin and all. I remember the first time I saw you in the shop. That little black spot beside your nose. I thought, you are so cute. We didn't but you just yet, but I went home and kept thinking of what name to give you. We settled with Dimple. Dimple, my little rabbit who likes running around and we couldn't catch you back. The one that would fight with Danke, the one that wouldn't allow Dori to eat first. I love you Dimple boy, though I still have no idea what your gender is ....
Dearest DImple, you'll always be in my heart. I'll never forget you. And when I sat on the car on my way home, I was afraid. I was afraid to look at the cage and see only one solitary rabbit. Poor poor Dori. Dimple grew up with her. They played together, slept together, ate together. And now one is gone...We reached the house. and suddenly my maid screamed out, "I see something white. I see something white." My dad said to me previously, " Dimple has turned small again."I finally understood what he meant. My dad bought a new rabbit. He's all white, like Dimple, except for a few black marks on his back. and he has a black mole next to his nose, just like Dimple. He was small and cute. I looked at him, and felt comforted. Then, I saw DOri in her cage, lonely and sad. As I pet her gently, I felt so sad. It felt empty without Dimple. It felt weird. Normally, DImple would peek out of his cage to look out for food. He will sniff around curiously. But he's not in the cage. Dimple's gone...Then, I heard barks. I turned. and saw Danke. and was shocked. he was huge now. The size of an adult dog. and he leapt up and jumped up and dirtied my shirt. oh well, he hasn't changed. Well, I feel better now. But I still miss Dimple. when my brother told me how thin DImple was, I thought, I can't wait to go home and take care of DImple and make him fat again. But I guess I came too late...
I shall take good care of Dori now. I heard she was unwell a few days ago. and I shall take care of the new baby rabbit. They named him Yoga, but I thought, yucks, what a name. SO i shall rename him Dim dim.SIGH what a day.
oh well, at least i feel so much better now. But it was embarassing crying on the plane. Because when the plane touched down, I have stopped crying. and then I stood up. and the Korean guy kept glancing at me curiously. oopps. I think he saw me... oh well, I shall look to Dim dim and Dori.