La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

I re-took the test.. and my test score increased.. haha.. I'm more weird than ever. Normal ppl probably get around 80 plus for their scores. ppl who are a little weird probably get 90 plus. But my score is so high... and i'm so weird, I kinda like it high.

Dead tired.. reached home at 9pm.. been doing nothing these days except go to school and come home..

Was feeling lethargic and in no mood to talk to anyone today. And when I did talk to someone, I was ignored. It happened 3 times, until I really didn't feel like talking anymore. As usual, I have no friends. Nobody really talked to me except the ppl from SMSS. My class is foreign to me, I see everyone talking to everyone and I feel so out of place. Ah well, I guess I'm used to it. When I first came to Singapore, I didn't have any single friends for half a year, until I found one friend and stuck to her like nuts. In sec one I didn't have any friends either. I just talked formal stuffs with my classmates and went for reccess alone all the time. Now that I'm in JC, I guess I should really get used to it. Well, I'm still lucky though, I still have Vicki, though she's in another class.

Maybe I'm too different from them all. What they like I probably don't like. And it's not my fault I'm a weirdo. It's not my fault I'm nuts over Scotland and learning German. It's not my fault I'm not super cool and like to read about Hitler. Well, that's just me. If people don't like me for me, that's ok, I'm not going to force myself in. Perhaps there's still a little hope that I can make new friends in the next few days. But I saw my classmate pulling the hair of another classmate and I found it cute and smiled, and all he did was stare at me and gave me a weird look, unsmilingly. That says a lot doesn't it? *shrugs* Too bad, somehow I can't really be bothered anymore.

I think it'll be good for me though. I think I might be able to concentrate in my studies once again. ;)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Orientation today. It was ok i guess. Was late in the morning, sheesh, i actually left house earlier than normal, and i was late!! Sheesh.. got caught, but they didn't do anything to us.
Gathered with my CG in the hall. 8 SMSS ppl in my class..haha.. a lot huh? then, we had this introduction session.Our CGL made us introduce ourselves, then play wacko. Kinda fun actually.. not too hard too, bcos a lot of SMSS ppl. then we had to play this game where our CGL made us hold hands and tangle us up like crazy, then he told us to untangle ourselves. But when he's not looking, we cheated. Then we have to do some silly walk to the left, walk to the right.. dunno wad.. it's like everyone's in a circle. Then you do the silly actions with someone, then you turn, and you move to the next person. Kinda cute.. haha
Then we played silly games in the hall. and they taught us this Indian dance. and later they taught us another dance. I became the guy...yup, something I'm verry used to. i miss being the guy.. haha.. lucky they didn't force the girls to dance with guys like they did in MI.
ho hummph.. then we had recess, and then we went to LT to practise cheers and play some games. But halfway, all the Christians were called somewhere, so i didn't noe wad happened with the games. Anyways, I joined SFC already.. haha.. don't even know wad to do and when's the meeting time blabla.. but they have morning service at 7am.. gosh.. i cannot possibly get to school at that time.
then later we had to play games by visiting each station. It was ok.. part of my class dissapear already, so left very little ppl and only 3 boys left. we were playing against the science class, there were so many of them la.. it's like for some of the stations, 14 of us had to play twice because there were so many more ppl in science. we got really dirty, floury, grassy, wet and goodness knows what else. there was one station where you have to play scissors papers stone with someone from the other team (the science class) and if you win, you get to hit the other person with water bomb. har har.. I throw the water bomb at the guy, but it didn't hit and dropped on the floor, but didn't burst. So, he was going off already, and I quickly took it and SLAMMED the thing on him. Har har.. LOVE THAT FEELING!
oh well, so that's how everything went. It wasn't too fun, but it was kinda fun. ;)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Today was... whew.. Super duper more tiring than yesterday.

Went to school as usual. Had some talk on the school value. Was feeling so tired and dead.. people were talking to me but I didn't even feel like talking. So i just response with yah and nods. After that we went to class to do some school values thing. then we went to the hall to eat our recess/lunch/dinner wadever. the BISCUITS again!!! UGH! i ate two packets, then couldn't take in anymore. Those are the type of biscuit where you eat one and you get so sick of it already.

Then, we had to make a vehicle where we can carry someone with using bamboo stick and raffia strings. Took quite a while to do it. haha.. most of the neat work done by ppl who used to be in girl brigades/boys scouts. After that came the activity. OHMYGOSH! the things we had to do.. well, basically, we had to put someone on that vehicle and carry the person while doing the challenge in the stations. And we cannot put the vehicle down at any time and at least 8 ppl have to carry it. First, we had to run two rounds around the track.. we kinda took turns to carry the girl.. (GOSH! it was so tiring to carry and run at the same time!!) though the guys did most of the job, but very little guys in our OG, so have to keep taking turns. and my OG was so competitive they ran like nuts, some OG just walked and don't care. So, we were leading at first. Then, we went to first station. Have to do something like a human minesweeper. We had to do a lot of other things. Like one station where you have to accumulate 1000 push ups. That means one person do about 40. Then another station have to do accumulated crunches, another to do accumulated burpees. Some other stations have to do monkey bar, climb over wall, swing with the rope, pass through spider web.. i dunno wad la.. so many. Then the last station consists of going up and down the steps of the gallery while carrying the vehicle and the girl.. gosh..

When it was over everyone was like half dead. But we cheated quite a bit.. so haha.. we got 2nd place. then we had to wait for the rest of the OGs to finish, such a looong wait. Then, have to take some photo for the Finale. and all we did was sit on the grass and wait and wait and we didn't even know when they took the photo.. so stupid..

we were.. FINALLY.. dismissed at 7.30pm. whew.. wahoo. and our stomach was growling like there's no tomorrow. SO HUNGRY!! all that workout and two packet of couldn't stand it, so went to Harbour Front with Rini and got McDonalds.. ;)

Induction ends today. (YAYZERS!) Orientation starts tomorrow with my class. hope it will be fun. I'm in 05A12 taking Econs Lit Hist and unfortunately.. AO Maths..

Monday, March 28, 2005

(ACK! My blogger is in Chinese.. can you believe it?)

Anyways, school today was... whew.. totally tiring! Went to school, reached just in time as usual (gosh! that's the earliest i can reach school!) Had to photocopy my results slip, by the time I came back I was so confused what was happening already cos I missed a lot of things. We were supposed to put our valuables in this envelope, which the rest of my OG has already done. And at that moment, Rini just arrived. So, we ran after the trash bags where the envelopes were put. This other Catholic High guy also hadn't done so, so we went there. By the time we got back, our whole OG was gone! haha.. they were in the LT. We had like countless and countless of boring talks. Then, skipped one talk and loitered off with Rini and two other girls from the OG.

After that, the talk finished and we went to the hall. And a formal introduction of the OG was finally made. hehe.. my OG people all very nice. There was this super hyper girl next to me, she's Atalia, used to be same class as kiki..haha.. she was telling me a little about the scandal. hmm, yup yup, my OG people all nice and friendly. Then we played a few short games, while eating biscuits. We weren't allowed to eat any food (i really mean any food) except those biscuits they provided. Sheesh.. trying to starve us. I ate one and didn't feel like having anymore.

We went to the track after that. They made us do lots of stupid things, push up positions, jumping jacks, whatever... we were under the hot sun for around 2 hours doing all these silly workouts. Finally, there was the telematch. haha.. i was the first one in my OG to do it.. kinda silly actually. Since I was the first, I did it properly. But the rest started cheating in the funniest way imaginable..haha.. kept laughing at everything. And due to our OGL's help in cheating.. Our OG won the telematch! Yayzers! Go OG1!! After that, we played Captain's ball. Our OG played against OG2. hoo.. pretty good players around. OG 2 had this really tall basketball girl..scary.. and she accidentally poked this guy from our OG in the eye or something, and his eye was like all red..

We were dismissed close to 6pm. It had been pretty ok. and they're starving us tomorrow again!! haha.. not going to eat any of those biscuits.. and must bring plenty of water too..

Saturday, March 26, 2005

"Give me but one hour of Scotland, let me see it ere I die" - William Edmondstoune Aytoun

I'm listening to the melodious sound of the bagpipes now. The clear, resounding sound of the bagpipes, boosting the morales of the Scootish army, as they charge down, kilts flying in the air and the English would look on in fear, their archers quivering in terror as they released the longbows into the air. "Sons of Scotland, will you fight for your freedom?"

I don't know what's with my fascination with Scotland. Why I love their music, their kilts, their history, their culture, their flag.. everything. I think I could even learn to drink as much as the Scotch.. haha.. I could learn to like Scotch whisky even.. Sometimes I wonder.. why the Scotch? why not Irish? I mean, they do have bagpipes, they are Celts too.. *shrugs* I guess it's limited to Scotland.. I do like Irish music, and the country, but can't beat my love for Scotland.

And so, I really hope I could go to Scotland one day. Not to the cities, but the highlands. Just to be on a hill, listening to the playings of a lone bagpiper in the sileny countryside, feeling the cool breeze flow past my being.

O Caledonia! Stern and Wild
Meet nurse for a poetic child!
Land of brown heath and shaggy wood,
Land of the mountains and the flood,
Land of my sires! What mortal hand
can e'er untie the filial band
that knits me to thy rugged strand!
-Sir Walter Scott

I am going to die at 79. When are you? Click here to find out!

har har.. silly..

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

I'm WEIRD! I KNEW IT! I'M WEIRD! I'm weirder than 92% of the people who took the test. Ain't that great? I'm a weirdo.. woo..

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I am 42% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

hahah.. i'm sorta a loser. hehehe.. see, how could anyone be so happy about being a loser. hahah.. I'm such a loser. =P

I am nerdier than 6% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

HOH?! Vhat is this? me hates nerds? that's quirkily odd. I'm supposed to be the oddball..

hahah..silly quizzes.. i took the spoilt brat quiz, and i AM a spoilt brat. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Must call my spoilt little sister to take the quiz too. Right Mindy?

I am 42% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

hahah.. i'm sorta a loser. hehehe.. see, how could anyone be so happy about being a loser. hahah.. I'm such a loser. =P

I am nerdier than 6% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

HOH?! Vhat is this? me hates nerds? that's quirkily odd. I'm supposed to be the oddball..

hahah..silly quizzes.. i took the spoilt brat quiz, and i AM a spoilt brat. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Must call my spoilt little sister to take the quiz too. Right Mindy?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I feel... I don't know... empty, i guess. I'm feeling a little weary of everything, of this.. world.. Everything seems..meaningless. I can't find a reason to laugh or cry or show emotions.

When I probe my inner being and ask myself, how am I feeling? It's just this.. emptiness and hollowness.. I guess I'm just feeling depressed in a subtle way. I've never been the type of person who knew how to display my emotions.

Weariness tug at my heart. I should find some peace and rest and perhaps wake up in a better state.

School tomorrow...

wake up early again.. and no direct bus to SAJC.. sigh..

Kinda dreading it actually, kinda dreading everything. but no, i should be happy. :D must keep a big smile on my face. So..yep..back to the old routine of devotion. Kinda missed it already.. hope they say:" thank you and God bless you" to the teachers, because i kept wanting to add "God bless you" when i went to MI..

no more slacking.. have to study hard. :) hmm..i wonder wad CCA i should join. I know the table tennis in SAJC is not bad. i do miss table tennis, but i've joined that CCA for so long..i want a change! maybe i'll join choir..haha.. throw the whole group into disarray.. must take tips from kixie.. =P

Yep.. i'm feeling more positive about the whole school now.. so.. SAJC.. here I come. Hee hee!

Hmm..I wonder if i can join two CCAs tho.. bcos i want to join the Christian Fellowship or wadever the group is called there.. ah well.. I'll see how things go..


Monday, March 21, 2005

I can't check which school I'm posted to..BLEH! It's the computer, I guess...have to wait till I'm back in Singapore to check it..and honestly the suspence is killing me.
So, if anyone knows where I'm posted, please tell me...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

YAY! Finally got out of house today.

Went to church in the morning, then me, my parents and my grandma went to Plaza Senayan. We ate dim sum for lunch. haha..sounds weird, it's saying we ate breakfast (dian xin) for lunch. haha..after that, we just shopped around. I wanted to get a pair of sneakers but my mom said they all looked so uncomfortable. haha.. we went to a number of shoe places, and my dad ended up trying a lot of shoes instead of me. and he's really picky and all that. And halfway we met one of church pastors browsing for basketball shoes with his son. His son..ok la..tall but ok looking..hehehe..

then we went to other shops like Nike Adidas blabla..finally we came to the Reebok shop. And I was looking at the shoes and..ohmicrod..the guy attending to us is so cute! huehuehue...I like his eyes, there's a friendly twinkle in it that reminds me of...heheheh..never mind. in the end i bought Reebok shoes, not bcos of the nice Reebok guy tho...haha.. or it could be.. =P

Later I went to another shop and saw this pair of sneakers that i really really really love. It's like khaki colour and the top flap is checkered. love it..but sadly no size..waaah.. T_T

erm..yep, so we just walked around. And i finally got a glimpse of some ang-mohs. They are like so rare to be found in my area, but when you go the the city..they start appearing. hehe..saw one cute one that I think Mindy will like..haha..should have kidnapped him and bring back to Mindy.

Ate pisang goreng for dinner, yayzers..this has been a very gawkalot entry, haha..not trying to steal gawkalot's name tho.. i'm still dreamalot! :D

Saturday, March 19, 2005

ARGH! One of my worst nightmare came true today. I was in the bathroom ready to shower when this mounstrously huge cockroach appeared. WAAH! stupid stupid stupid.

Anyway, Hui Bing very kindly sent me an e-mail to tell me the posting results will be out on 22nd. Phew, thank goodness she told me. Ack, that means I have to go back on the 22nd..have to call the ticket person and foward my flight day..but I don't get why they have to call students to report the next day. I mean, that's like..2 days orientation? then there's Good Friday, so we have friday off. So..interrupted. might as well start school the week after next right? Anyways, to those going Poly..have fun and enjoy your slack/work days..

Yesterday my dad continued talking to the guests till past 8. I was so bored..then I went and changed the batteries for my CD player and listen to Clef's CD..hahah..It's really brilliant! Love the moonlight fantasy one and our destiny. But where is the singing? huh huh huh? when the lich queen king say can let me hear must let me hear ok? Was looking at the lyrics and laughing because I keep thinking of Mindy's distortion of the lyrics the other day..hahah..Hey Clef, when your album comes out must tell us ok? we go and buy then you must autograph for us..heheh.. bored here again.. stuck at home everyday of my life. Probably getting fat bcos everyday just sit/sleep/slack on the sofa and gobbling down chocolates. Waah..I miss everyone. Missed the reunion last night..haiz..don't get to see the Nutsies..and by the time I get back to Singapore, everyone will probably be too busy with work/school to meet up.

Anyway, anybody wants presents? Keropok? Kue lapis? Keripik Singkong? guys want anything just tell me ok, I buy for you all. Before I left, that communist so thick skinned ask for present, so maybe I shan't give him any. evil. Hmm..maybe should get some cow candies for kixie again..haha..OH! Give nuts to the Nutsies!! great idea! But I can't lug a huge coconut to Singapore yah..Then, must give Sally a lot of food to make her less skinny. Must give Mindy a lot of food also so she got less time to talk nonsense. Cannot give Clef food..haiyah..never mind, give him all the preserved food so he can start eating them when he gets to Poly. many things to buy and I only have 2000 Rupiah and that's..40 cents..haha..

Friday, March 18, 2005

AHH! Another boring day!!

Was bored and went to listen to Clef's CD, but the CD player ran out of batt after I listened to track one. haiz.. so I went to watch Josh Groban in concert DVD. Absolutely wonderful!! Love it! It was smashing! Especially loved the last song where Josh came out in white shirt and i was like OOooh! and then he sang "let me fall" and at the end of the song, there was this cool falling off movement. EXTRA EXTRA FABULOUS!! Love it! So cool! Yay, Josh's de best! dad said we can go out today. But it's already 8pm now.. and he's still talking to the guest, haven't showered and haven't eaten dinner. Shops close at 9 pm. Looks like I don't need to go out again.. I'm a lonely and caged human...hahaha..

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Haha..saw a huge cockroach today. Quickly ran to higher grounds and got someone to exterminate that nasty bug.

Today my maid found a baby bird near the window. It couldn't really cute. I placed it on my hand and it just clung on to my finger, so I threw it up and it started flying. Then, it will land somewhere and stop there. Have to keep throwing the little bird up to train it to fly. FInally, I located the tree where its nest was and i threw the bird up and it flew to its own nest. hehe...

Today my mom came here. I've been cooped up at home for almost one week already. I want to go out tomorrow!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


That means blackout! Here in Indo, always get blackout. no lights, no fan, no air-con..waah! So hot!

I shall be Verrry bored tmr.. I brought two Chinese story book back, thinking since I read Chinese so slowly,I shouldn't be able to finish these two. heh, turns out i was so bored, i finished the two book already!! Actually it's because one of the books, the guy reminded me soooo much of Eric. In the story book, the guy was this mu tou (blockhead) haha.. so I just kept reading and reading and I finished the book in one day. Heh heh..have to say I fell in love with the character in the book. =P The guy in the story is a cop, kinda similar to Eric when he was in PR rite? heh heh heh..but cop reminds me more of Del. But Del is such a sweet and nice person.. where got like that blockhead Eric.

reading the story has motivated me to go and write my story again.. but something wrong with this com's microsoft word.. in fact, something wrong with the whole com..

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Something wrong with my stupid com again!!
UGH! IT was working well not it's crazy again. I think IE hates Yahoo. They basically hate each other here in my computer. Everytime i want to check my yahoo mail, my IE just goes crazy and starts having stupid error and closing itself. Now I can't even read my yahoo mails. Plus now my IE is crazy again. It continually closes itself without me even having type anything on the URL bar. so, if i stop blogging.... blame it on this stupid Old COM!!!

I have decided to kick Gollum out of the one-of-my-faourite-LOTR-character list.

Gollum: How can Master do this to poor Smeagol?

And I've decided to replace Gollum with the beautiful and brave heroine. Eowyn, daughter of Eomund, Lady of Rohan. *huge grin*

Gollum: Not listening *cover ears*

As you can see, very crazy and bored Belda is starting to ramble off again.. Must have been reading too much of ROTK. I want to watch the extended. I want to see Eowyn and Faramir together!! *whines whines* Thinking back, i remember sitting in the cinema waiting and waiting and ends.. HOH? WHERE IS the EOWYN AND FARAMIR ENDING???!! I GOT CHEATED!! Har har.. must raid kixie's house and watch it!!

Another boring day today. I saw the dish for lunch--- Tofu and fish and backed away immediately and fried meself an egg. I didn't even know where the pan and oil and wadever other utensils are placed in Indo, but after creating a hurricane in the kitchen, I finally fried meself an egg. Been playing the piano like nuts again, and it's not lke I like piano so much. I'm just plain bored. Other than that, i'm still stuck to writing my diary and reading ROTk and my chinese book(which i have already finished reading)

If only I have some games to play on this com..haiz..I won't even mind Bomberman. I can play and practise so next time I can beat Clef..hehe..And have a higher chance of winnign Sally as well.. unfortunately, there is nothing in this com.. haiz..

Took Danke for evening doggie walk today. The moment I stepped out of my house, i saw my STOOPID neighbour telling another person:"That dog so lucky. So ugly still got people take it for a walk." That bloodily uncouth imbecile!! So long already and she's still at it!! She's still calling my dog ugly, mongrel, wadever, and thinking her revolting pedigree dogs are the best. She's the type of gossipy nothing better to do i'm-so-high-class woman that i particularly abhor. I very much pity her husband, her kids and her poor doggies. The next time she insults my darling Danke again, I shall give her a bloody coxcomb. HMPPH!!

Monday, March 14, 2005

I must have been really bored.. bcos i went to play the piano again..

One of my reviewers said *big fan of yours* w00t! *fans self* I have a fan! I don't mean my hand that's fanning myself, I mean..ah..never mind. Anyways, I'm now motivated to continue writing my story.. hehe..

Singing the Mickey Song now.. if i have that song now, i wold have blasted it. I miss Eric, I miss my Mickey..huehuehue..

Oh Mickey... *sings on and on and on and on*

Another boring day as usual. Nothing at all to do, so I decided to play the piano. But silly me forgot to bring my scores back, but I foudn this book of classics for easy piano. Out of boredom, I started to sight read almost the whole book. I started from the first piece and got bored when I almost reached the last page. Wow, that means I played like 38 songs in one day. haha..see what boredom does to you. and I was trying to imitate Clef's brush the piano skill, but failed miserably..huehuehue..

Other than that, I'm just cooped up in my room, writing my diary, reading my Chinese story book and happily flicking the pages of my dusty old ROTK book as I read it.

My grandma is trying to get me to be a tofu eating nun. This whole days there's nothing but tofu for all meals. I got a horrible nasty shock when I went to the table.

Dish 1: tofu with sauce

dish 2: tofu with veggie

Dish 3:fried tofu

Dish 4: Soup with tofu

HAHAHA.. I'm goign to turn into tofu soon. So, I told my maid to go and get soto ayam for me..hehehe..

Haiz.. i need to socialize!! No friends here, nobody to chat to because of stupid MSN (I tried to update it yesterday and some stupid error occured again) I'm the stay home girl now..ehehe..a very bored stay home girl..

Sunday, March 13, 2005

AHH! I'm suffering from the loneliness syndrome. SO lonely friends...waah... I wish I have more Indonesian friends, then I won't be so bored and lonely here.. And I'm starting to miss everyone already..

I miss...

-Sister. my darling sissy who I can crap to about anything to.
-Fellow Nutsies. Especially my crazy revered leader Peanut, and my arch enemy Hazel Nut, and the still bobbing up and down the ocean Coconut. Acorn(ut) is currently very lonely and is unable to swallow down self to symbolise suicide, so I shall now gorge on peanuts and hazelnut chocolates while drinking coconut juice. *Muahaha* (Suddenly finds myself surrounded and about to be placed in gas chamber)
-Wacko Vicko. hehe..haven't written stories for some time..she and her crazy reminders..haha..and always calling me up to ask some questions that make me go..HUH?
-Crazy Sally. No Sally to come my house and play Bomberman and watch Osaka. and her non-stop eyecandy talk.
-Even crazier Mindy. Mindy and all her nonsense talk..haha..making me laugh like a looner.
-Harbinger(scavanger) of the dunno wad dunno wad Clef. he and his "greetings" and "fare-thee-well"..hahaha..
-the two two primary school friends. the super hardworking Xiang ning always busy with everything. and the lalala Huibing..hehe..who's always on about animes and lalala..haha..
-All my SMSS pals.. my wonderful class of 4E5. All our crazy antics. and our lovely teachers. And our generous but probably very broke form teacher Mdm Su. I miss "Hitler" and "Stalin".. wish I could attend history class again..and Stalin always giving me advices..hahaha..Mrs Chuat and her A Maths class which I soon dropped out of..heheh..I miss scribbling gory stories on the board with kixie, love the turkey story. that was so bloodily delicious. Ugh, I just ate, better not talk about it..
-My Millenia pals.. Class 05A3..the class I don't relli noe too well bcos im forever skipping school/class or running off..Our super nice home tutor Mr Tay..the pretty geog teacher, whom Clef insists is not pretty. My OG4 pals..the Indonesian pals I made there, Edith, Sean, Yericca..and crazy Sally included inside and the "shoot me" communist. and not to be forgotten is the super-friendly-and-smily-pre u 2 guy Edmund..huehuehue..

2 people I don't miss are my dad and my Grandma. bcos they're with me! :D

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I watched robots today! :) It was awesome, hilarious and really fun to watch! The robots concept is pretty cool, the storyline is rather cliche, but it's still good! And plus points, you get to drown in Ewan McGregor's rich voice!! YAY!!!
Anyways, I dwnloaded MSN messenger for a whole hour yesterday and it was at the last stages of installation and there was a sudden error.. SHEESH... one hour of internet and time wasted.. haiz..
Shall not get pissed off over that. Shall go to sleep soon... and I hope I can get better dreams than last night. Last night's dream was a TOTAL NIGHTMARE!!!! Don't want to talk about it.. I always dream a lot when I come back, but I really want to get nice dreams..

Friday, March 11, 2005

UGH! The computer screen in Indo is soooo old, it's like super blur. There's like this thick smog covering the screen. SO bad to my eyes, have to keep straining bcos everything so blur..

And I Bloody hate MSN Messenger. I can't sign in because they keep calling me to update to the new version. HELLO?! DO I look like i got that much internet to you? The internet cost here is very expensive. Plus I already have Messenger 6.2 it's good enough, more updates...WTH la... make things difficult for me only. so stupid. And i think something wrong with MSN, when u click update, you will still have the same version. so weird la.. stupid! and to dwnlaod new version takes one hour... sigh... and the internet bills will be damn ex.. HAIZ!!

And today I had to stare at an empty white cage. I found out my baby rabbit Dim Dim died already.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH They always die a few days before I come back.. so sad!!! only Dori is left..

Haiz...i really hate the super blur screen. shall stop typing now..

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Last day in MI today...
got out of the house late, was pissed off, and almost got knocked down by a motorcycle and the guy shouted:"Aiyoh, want to die ah?" I almost wanted to shout back "YES!!!!!!!!" but in the end, I ended up saying "Shut the hell up you freak!" after he was gone...

Reached school and before morning assembly started, that stupid Discipline Master picked me out, saying I wasn't wearing full attire and told me and this other guy to go to the canteen. That stupid guy has nothing better to do than pick people out. After flag-raising was over, he talked to both of us. Ask our name, class, home tutor.. when he asked me which class I'm from, I suddenly i was er er er.. A3! Anyway, he asked us if we had any proper top to change into. And i was like thinking WTH? anyway, he said if we don't have any, we have to go home. We just stared at him like he was a freak. Then he was like, why are u staring at me, didn't you hear me, go home. So, I told him I have to get withdrawal form from my home tutor first. Then, he told me to go to the office instead, and office told me to get it from my home tutor. THANK GOD!! SO, I happily told that Discipline Master I had to get it from Home Tutor, and Mr Tay told me he'll get it for me later. Then, Clef came in. He's late. Then, we were talking halfway, and the Discipline Master burst in and glared at me. HAHHAHAA, I wanted to laugh because the seriousness of his look was almost...hilarious! I just looked back at him and said nothing. Then, he turned to Mr Tay and said, has she gotten the withdrawal form? And Mr Tay very calmly said, "Yah, I'll give it to her later." YAYYY!!! Mr Tay's the best. He's so nice!! hee hee.. so that Discipline Master has no choice but to go off. and I got to stay in the art room with the rest of the class without his hawk's eyes watching me. After a long while, Sally FINALLY came in.

Mr Tay got me my withdrawal form and instead of going home like I was supposed to, I stayed for classes of course! Management was pretty fun...hehe...there was only 5 of us.. then there was GP...we watched this movie..boring.. then there's recess.. then, me, Sally and Clef went home..

Tonight, went for class dinner. Wooh! Mdm Su gave us a treat! She's so nicee!! I bet it cost a bomb..we were pigging ourselves like crazy. SO great to see old friends again/ And we took the official Nutsies picture again, with honorary member Sarah Tham a.k.a wannabeanut. full now... adn still haven't packed yet...flying off tmr..

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I went to the bank with my mom, then went HB's house and borrowed LOTS AND LOTS of Chinese books from her, played a few games, stayed for dinner, and then went to dance practice... nothign interesting..

Tomorrow's my last day in MI... wonder how it will go.. sigh...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

TOday, we wanted to celebrate Sally's early birthday. I was in school and Mindy adn sally promised to come, but both of them didn't turn up. HMMPH! I finally met Sally at break and nearing the end of break, we ran off.
The bus didn't come for half an hour. During that time, Sally just went on adn on and on and on and on about her eyecandy..haiz.. my poor poor ears!! Finally, we had to take another bus because all the other buses weren't coming.
We met Mindy at the Mrt station. Then, they came my house, play superbomberman. Then, Clef called and we went to pick him up at Balmoral. So crazy, on the way there Mindy and Sally was just singing and singing. Then, we ate at Waffletown. Oops, just remembered I owe him and Mindy money.. =P
Anyways, we went back to my house. Played Superbomberman again. AHH! It's impossible to win Clef. UGH, so frustrating. Then we cut Sally's cake and ate...Then, we played Monopoly. It was so damn funny. It's like Clef's turn, then Mindy will touch his dice first, then give them to him. Then, he'll be like OY! Don't pass your bad luck to my dice! Then, next time, it was Mindy's turn, and he rushed forward and touched her dice first, then give them to her. HAHHAA.. and then she landed on his property and had to pay him. HAHHAA Then, later, Clef landed on Chance, where he got to take a card. Mindy rushed forward and took the card for him. Then he was like I want to take on my own! and then when Mindy landed on Chance, Clef rushed forward and took the card for her. HAHAHA! those two so funny..
Then, we played Truth or Dare while drinking our rum refresher. Only Clef didn't drink. Haha...none of us got drunk tho... only 5% alcohol.. Anyways, today has been fun! :)

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Just watched LOTR:ROTK on HBO!! :D it ended at 1.45 am..muahaha.. love it love it love it


Crazy rantings of a very lotr deprived person... huhuhu T_T

Friday, March 04, 2005


I haven't seen my family TOGETHER for ages. And I want to be like other people, I want a WHOLE family, I don't want people all over the places.

And I talked to my 2nd brother today. I just realised I missed him a whole lot. I haven't seen him for so long, he seems like a stranger to me now. A brother in name and yet I know nothing about him. Our conversation has turned so formal and the last time we really talked seemed like a long time ago.

Honestly, I want my family together.